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The last poster wins


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Thats messed up, i can't refuse the evidence :blink: I wonder what Peter Mckay would have to say about that???, he's the defence minister :teehee:


this is just creepy?????

Edited by Thor.
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I remember watching History channel documentary, found it on youtube



Oops double post

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Hang on...the History Channel has broadcast something that doesn't obsess about WWII?! Now that is the real phenomena ;D


Anyway deep sea exploration is still just as alien as space really, we have only just begun to scratch the surface but with atmospheric pressure being what it is makes things difficult to get right in there.

Edited by Ironman5000
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Hey i bought Grid 2 and i can max it out completely smooth as silk fps, its a great racer. Still not as good as gt5, i managed to get used to the controls less than 2 minutes.

Found a longer version


We should make a thread in the lounge about this????

Edited by Thor.
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