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Ivooo-people like that exist everywhere, and there's no way to filter them out or be totally free of them. What you can do is be glad you're not one of them, and that people like that are the minority. Yes, there are people who seemingly only live to make other people's lives worse, but there are also inspirational, wonderful people as well, and if you look at history, while it is the bad ones that stand out, it's full of good people, not all of them were recognised, but they were there; there are always good people.


Case in point; there's a woman in my street called Beryl. She lives in a battered old brick house at the far end of the street. It's got bars on the windows, a two-metre tall fence, an alarm that goes off constantly, She doesn't go to work, or even leave the house much except to collect groceries when they're delivered. On the rare times she does make public appearances, she shambles down the street, looking hatefully at everyone she sees. Woe betide anyone who ever tries to help or speak to her; my girl friend once tried to help her carrying her groceries inside, Beryl's response was to shriek "filthy kraut go back to your own country"


The sad irony is, when she's shambling down the street, she looks terrified. She honestly thinks she's living in some bad neighbourhood and that "lebbos" (Lebanese people) and "gays" are waiting behind every shrub and garden gnome, waiting to grab her. The reality is it's a very nice neighbourhood, and while she spends her every waking hour terrified of the evil people and threats everywhere, everyone else just goes about their business. Some people in the street do resent her, I know that much-they have every reason to. But for me, she suffers enough just being that narrow minded. People who are that driven by hatred, don't get to enjoy even a fraction of what life offers-the more open your world view, the more you realise how much there is out there to see.

Edited by Vindekarr
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Wow that's really ugly Vin.


I guess it's true, there's always people like that. I just dont get why they have to try make me look like the bad guy.


And I noticed you reply to my posts often, thank you for that. I appreciate it a lot that you notice and give a few tips and share experiences :)

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Your family should contact the local health department and the zoning office. Your neighbors have probably violated dozens of regulations. I don't know about your part of the country, but in a town near where I live, they are looking to change the zoning laws so that you can keep a chicken on less than half an acre. There was an elderly lady that had to give up her chicken (a hen) because her house was on a quarter acre.

The worse thing you could do would get into a physical confrontation with them. That would place them in the right and you in the wrong. Just call the police when there is a problem. If the locals won't help, take it to the county level.

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Werne, you usually have good advice for destroying your neighbors, care to share any today? :laugh:

Off the top of my head:


1. Put some castor oil in the animal food, wait till they're fed and call inspection.

2. Put castor oil in your neighbor's food and call nobody, just laugh

3. Pour some salt acid on their lawn, it's good for the grass

4. Buy a paintball gun and shoot them in the forehead, followed by a loud "BOOM HEADSHOT!!!"

5. Throw firecrackers at night, the animals will love it

6. I got plenty more but I'm too lazy to write right now


By the way, why did you even tolerate them? Should have smacked the f*** out of them right away, then you'd avoid these problems. :wink:



Hehehe... Thanks. :devil:

They all made me laugh, and wish that I could actually do something and not get in trouble for it. I think they would probably immediately know that if something went horribly wrong, we did something. Even if we didn't. Because we are the ONLY people they can't get along with. That surprises me with how they act.

My dad said to plant a nice little field of marijuana in this cleared out area behind the pens... I imagine someone who was already in trouble for that would have some explaining to do. Lol (We wouldn't actually do that. But it made me laugh)

I don't know. We just kind of ignored them once they started going crazy. We'll probably keep ignoring them unless they decide to try and start crap again, in which case the police will most likely be contacted.



Your family should contact the local health department and the zoning office. Your neighbors have probably violated dozens of regulations. I don't know about your part of the country, but in a town near where I live, they are looking to change the zoning laws so that you can keep a chicken on less than half an acre. There was an elderly lady that had to give up her chicken (a hen) because her house was on a quarter acre.

The worse thing you could do would get into a physical confrontation with them. That would place them in the right and you in the wrong. Just call the police when there is a problem. If the locals won't help, take it to the county level.

We thought about it, but because he's a "breeder" none of the regulations apply to him in my county. Go over a little ways to the next county and they have stricter regulations about exotic animals. It sucks, but there really isn't anything we can do. We've read over huge things of laws that pertain to animals in our area, but it seemed like everything he would have violated is not simply for the fact that he breeds some of the animals. The only thing he could possibly get into trouble for is when they come to do inspections, but he gets warnings all the time and somehow passes each year.


Iv000 I hope your people troubles clear up quickly and that you start feeling better. People can be butt nuggets sometimes... :tongue:


Edit: So my mom has been online looking at the inspections and stuff. They had over 42 animals... Not 20-30 like I thought. Right now they are down to 36 plus the three goats that are new. Two out of the three inspections he got warned about shelter for the animals, but always put up tarps so he passed. The animals aren't actually in his name either, which I totally forgot about. They are in his wife's name, but she's not the one who takes care of them or does stuff with them. 90% of the time she's of at work while he's at home. He legally CAN'T have the animals in his name if he had any felonies within some certain time period.

Werne, my grandma thinks like you. She suggested using fireworks and shooting guns and etc. :laugh:

I think we've decided that we will wave to them now. Just because that was such a big deal. Most likely it will piss them off, and they will look stupid for being upset that we wave to them.

Edited by K00L
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I think mellow faces sound like a good idea.
:mellow: :mellow: :mellow: :mellow: :mellow: :mellow:

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"lebbos" (Lebanese people) and "gays" are waiting behind every shrub and garden gnome, waiting to grab her.

And then they shall run out from their hiding spots with foam-stick weapons and massacre us all. :ohdear:

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