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Oh no ya don't!


Been thinking of buying R-Factor 2. It's... really not a game, and that appeals to me. Too many racing games are just that, marketed as games for gamers and as arrogant as it may sound-I just don't enjoy racing against gamers. They rely too much on smashing into you and not enough on actually racing-most of the time unless someone tags me on the first lap, I win every race I enter. R-Factor seems like it could be different, but I am leery still.



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The legendary three-handled trophy: winning it is and was always a dubious honour.


For those who don't get it, it's from a game called Big Rigs, which was released as a pre-alpha with no physics or AI, and you actually had to hack the game to be able to start a race. It was so bad that it became a cult icon, and sold 250,000 copies. It's trump card was that if you were in reverse gear, you could accelerate infinitely and given there were no physics, simply reversing around in a circle at mach 17.8 was quite possible without any centrifugal force. If you did this long enough then straightened out, your truck could reach hypersonic speeds.

Edited by Vindekarr
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Ah, went up to Bloomfield today for fishing. We forgot the bait, so we had to net for live bait, which was frustrating and unsuccessful. We then walked up and down the beach looking for mudcrabs to spear, and didn't find any over the size limit. Meanwhile I stepped on a sharp rock and split my heel, sliced my finger on the barbs of the spear, got covered in salt water from, burnt to an absolute crisp and am now exhausted.


All in all, a good day.

Edited by billyro
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I want this caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar.

I love Corvettes.

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I love Corvettes.


As an engineer I normally find American cars hard to like-I can't not judge a car on it's merits as a machine, and most American cars aren't very well designed. The Corvette however, is a thing of beauty. It actually borders on overdesigned. Yes, it's a big, brutal V-8 powered monster, but it's also got a perfect 50/50 weight balance and aerodynamics to match, and for the price, there's no more than a handful of cars on earth that are either this beautiful, this fast, or have this kind of pedigree. If Chevy exported them to Australia, I really would consider buying one.


So what's the other American car I like? the current Camaro. The Camaro has a little-known foreign parent, the Holden GTS, from which is sources it's chassis, engine, gearbox, ECU, axles and brakes. I've driven a(rented) GTS in anger on a track in real life-and it's a very good car. The Camaro then, should theoretically, be a further improvement on it. If it is, then it really would be something special.


This(yellow car) is the slightly unlovely Holden E3 GTS. Despite it's taxi-like appearance, the GTS

shares almost all significant components with the later Camaro-even parts of the frame.

http://www.gtspirit.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Render-2014-Chevrolet-Corvette-Stingray-on-Vossen-CV5-Wheels.jpg http://images-2.drive.com.au/2010/11/05/2028137/hsv_420.jpg


This is what the front half looks like. As with the previous image, it's the official, finished 2014 car

but with aftermarket rims. For some reason Chevy hasn't showed off the rims yet.

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