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Is anyone else experiencing connectivity issues with Steam? I keep getting disconnected for some reason.




Everybody :tongue: Mine is down too


Oh cool it made our signatures broken...they fixed themselves again, shame

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I'm online after two boots, steam connection issues and US government shut down, seems fishy lol.

Also psn is also officially renamed back to psn, sen whatever was called was boycotted heavily by gamers and developers.


I have officially managed to get online in gta v online, reports say the 360 version has serious popin issues. Me no pop ins at all, psn digital copy is the way to go.


No popins at all.

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Well I thought I would try playing skyrim again until I get my ps3 with gtaV, so decided to try some mods I hadn't touched before including SkyRe, OBIS, SiC, random encounters, immersive patrols, plus the usual IA and IW, all merged using reproccer and a bashed patch so that they share features of each other. I also decided to pick a new alternate start, which plonked me on a sunken boat out to sea.


Now I am level 2 wandering the wilds getting my arse handed to me from every corner, dying after a few hits with only the most basic equipment to defend myself :laugh:

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I don't think they'r going to let me host Terraria servers anymore. Thus far everyone who visited my current one has died due to an unforseen issue with the floor being made of molten hellstone-how the bloody hell was I supposed to know only I'm immune to hellstone? it's not my fault they aren't immortal demon lords like me! But apparently several total losers have complained about me to STEAM, the FBI, the Mafia and god about it, and I won't be able to host games until the hellstone is replaced. The joke's on them though, I still have their gear, which I was planning to return to them, but now won't. Including several Legendaries...

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I hate to say it but wait until it comes out on ps4 or pc, its better to have the graphic quality and wait out the buggy parts f the online.

The ps3 version is allot better then the 360 version, many had complaints of severe texture pop ins.

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I'm tired. Good night everyone!

Also, hello Iv000!
Sorry I didn't say it back sooner. I've been busy with life. :sad: It's eating my internet time.

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