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Its very annoying trying to get into game design because you do have to learn programming skills. While I'm ok at writing code, I hate it and never want to do it.


Seriously, why can't university courses be split up into segments so that each person can do what they want to do? I want to design models, animation, textures... but no, I have to learn all this other s*** which is why I failed my first semester.


*Sigh*, oh well. Looks like it just has to be done.

Because the available courses are just too broad - I wanted to some day become a comic book artist because I was good at this type of thing, but got that thrown that far afield through college and uni that I just gave up through apathy and the realisation that I would likely never get work in this field. That's the problem with educational courses, they don't cater to your own desire, it's just another avenue to push you into a paying job for the corporations regardless if it's your passion or not :facepalm:

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I've looked at courses for stuff like that as well, and most of what I've seen is a really, really general study of everything. I've seen some that get a little more focused if you attend longer, but I don't think I've found any that focus specifically on ONE section. I would love to get into doing something like that as well Billyro, and I completely agree. I hate coding. :laugh:
Also school costs a lot of money that neither I nor my family has. It also costs particularly more than the crappy community college my parents forced me to attend for half a year to get to a college somewhat close to me that would offer anything like that.

I just played and beat Shadow of the Colossus for the first time this weekend. It was fun (and free, yay PlayStation Plus), the camera/controls frustrated me often but it was an enjoyable experience. KoA: Reckoning is also free on there, so I've been playing that again.


I was going to talk trash about a friend of mine but I won't. I italicize friend because quite honestly, this person annoys me to the point that I wonder how the hell I ever became friends with them, and that makes me question my sanity and decision making skills. :wallbash:
Are you ever NOT on Facebook?


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Its very annoying trying to get into game design because you do have to learn programming skills. While I'm ok at writing code, I hate it and never want to do it.


Seriously, why can't university courses be split up into segments so that each person can do what they want to do? I want to design models, animation, textures... but no, I have to learn all this other s*** which is why I failed my first semester.


*Sigh*, oh well. Looks like it just has to be done.

Because the available courses are just too broad - I wanted to some day become a comic book artist because I was good at this type of thing, but got that thrown that far afield through college and uni that I just gave up through apathy and the realisation that I would likely never get work in this field. That's the problem with educational courses, they don't cater to your own desire, it's just another avenue to push you into a paying job for the corporations regardless if it's your passion or not :facepalm:



I believe after the first year you can begin to specialise, but I don't understand why you can't just specialise from the very beginning. :confused:



Anyway... I am bored. Anyone want to play a game sometime? I have Guild Wars 2 but that's pretty much it for MMOs.

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Yeah, I've been out of the PC loop for a while myself-certainly haven't been playing anything popular. Terraria's one game I've been playing a lot of lately, it looks like an innocent little mobile game until you play it... ...it's not. Really, it's not. it's evil, but the best $10 I ever spent.

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Yeah I saw that deal-I bet a LOT of people took it. It's a fantastic little game, it's basically Dark Souls in 32-bit sidescroller form, with Minecraft's building system. Oh, and really, do not think for a second Terraria is your friend. Little bastard is VICIOUS-no handholding, no support, not even a manual! It's just "here ya go, you're in the game, here's a stick" "oh, and ya better make a house before nightfall or you're f***ed 'cause them zombies will 2-shot ya, and there's a whole lotta 'em"

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:laugh: I'll wait fro Minecraft to come to the psvita, or something?? i have it, i might one day play it. Its there and waiting and lurking.

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:laugh: I'll wait fro Minecraft to come to the psvita, or something?? i have it, i might one day play it. Its there and waiting and lurking.


You haven't played Minecraft before? That's pretty crazy.


I don't really like Minecraft but still, its a game you should have at least tried by now. :P

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