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The last poster wins


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war is rarely never for good reason

There, fixed it for you. :wink:


As for mental problems, welcome aboard, everyone here is nuts in some way. I got PTSD (meaning that losing control is nothing new to me, also have trouble sleeping at night) and suffer from paranoia. That's why I take a handful of pills every morning, so I don't snap and kill everyone. :smile:

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I deserved the chatban, truly.


Very good. Instead of getting all mad at getting a chat-ban you accept it and are even able to owe up to your mistake.


That's more then can be said of most....


I'd suggest patiently waiting for a couple of weeks, then kindly ask Dr. Grimm via PM to have the chatban lifted. If you use the same wording as you did here, you might just get lucky.



Oh, and I win of course.

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EDIT: I hope this doesn't sound too arrogant, that's not my intention.


It didn't sound arrogant at all. I can understand your frustration, but you weren't saying stuff like "I am just too good and they all sucked" so yeah. :P

Were you the only one who took it seriously? If the event was intended for racers like yourself, surely there would have been others?





Whoa. Just whoa. Your fluidity in those paragraphs astonishes my non-intellectual brain. You wouldn't happen to be an author?


Why are you getting new hardware every other week?


I want to be rich too.


I think Thor gets really excited about buying something and then discovers something else, and in the end, never buys anything. :P

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EDIT: I hope this doesn't sound too arrogant, that's not my intention.


It didn't sound arrogant at all. I can understand your frustration, but you weren't saying stuff like "I am just too good and they all sucked" so yeah. :tongue:

Were you the only one who took it seriously? If the event was intended for racers like yourself, surely there would have been others?





Whoa. Just whoa. Your fluidity in those paragraphs astonishes my non-intellectual brain. You wouldn't happen to be an author?


Why are you getting new hardware every other week?


I want to be rich too.


I think Thor gets really excited about buying something and then discovers something else, and in the end, never buys anything. :tongue:


i'm not rich, just good with money, it takes me nearly a year or Christmas bonus to get what i want :D I have been in the market for a video card for a long time, mainly a good quarter of the year. I heard of the possibility of the new next gen video cards coming soon, so i decided to wait it out.

Edited by Thor.
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One reason why i stay away from chat... Its just bad news.. Personal opinion.

I tried it a couple of times and it just wound me up for some reason, i'm not chatty though so that's probably it



The chat seems like a scary place... noobs all around, asking for advice and then getting banned for piracy soon after...


Yep, very dangerous.

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