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The last poster wins


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Its getting colder and colder every day, at he lowest its going be 6c on this following sunday, high chance of frost.


SOOO freaking excited fro this monitor upgrade




http://www.anandtech.com/show/7436/nvidias-gsync-attempting-to-revolutionize-gaming-via-smoothness HE HE HE HE g sync for the asus and a radeon r290x HE HE HE HE HE :devil:


Edited by Thor.
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I have to admit I feel kind of let-down right now. I tried joining a pro-gaming league for Formula One 2013 tonight, it... didn't go so well.


The problem was, the lobby wasn't full of pros. I'd showed up expecting to get my ass handed to me by the best Australia had to offer. I was disappointed. See, I thought I'd try this because after quite a few years of playing driving games, and a couple of national records, I might drop in and see if I can pick up some tips from the real masters. The other guys, who's ages ranged from 11 to 19, showed up because they wanted to brag about being pro gamers. Even the hosts looked disgusted, which wasn't surprising. If anything I feel sorry for them-they wanted the same thing I did, to find some hardcore racers. We'd both have been better off just staying home-the real pros all have leagues already, and all we got was a bunch of teens who wanted to be famous, and had only been playing the game a couple of hours.


As you'd expect the races were a farce. We did three, all at Autodromo Di Monza near Milan. The key to winning at Monza is having a car with a really high top speed, lots of power, and hitting the brakes at the very last second possible. They let us bring whatever car we wanted. As a veteran Formula One fan, I just brought my personal favourite-the '86 Lotus T98-which also happens to be a perfect choice for Monza, given it's got a huge power advantage over any other car in the game. In the first race everyone else was in 2013 cars, which wasn't very smart. As I said, Monza, is about power-my Lotus had one-thousand three-hundred-and-sixity-six horsepower, their cars had seven-hundred. It wasn't a fair fight, I won by 22 seconds.


The second and third races were just horrible-I think I was pretty near tears by the end of the third. In the third, a bunch of them all showed up in identical T98s, and watching them write them all off within two laps wasn't easy. The problem is, the T98 seems to choose it's own driver. If your driving style suits it, you'll click and it'll be the best car you've ever driven. if not, it will literally try and kill you at the first convenient moment. And it didn't like any of these other guys. Again, won the race, by a mile. I don't feel very proud.


I don't know if anyone else here has tried league gaming, I'm curious to hear your experiences if you have, and if they match mine. I wish I'd just gone into the Classics lobby. The guys there do at least know how to drive a turbo-era car.


EDIT: I hope this doesn't sound too arrogant, that's not my intention. My original intent was actually just to drop in, watch some real pros drive, maybe talk to a few of them, and hopefully improve my own game. I doubt I'll ever go pro myself-I've got the experience and the knowledge to cane punks like these, but being a pro requires real talent. Something I'm not sure I have,

Edited by Vindekarr
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@KakeiTheWolf Yeah, saw that one last week, something about politics and not heeding warnings, wasn't interesting so I kinda flew through it.


So, how did you manage to piss Grimm off?

Edited by Werne
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Apparently, Grimm was a soldier at some point.


I, not exactly the fondest of the immense suffering caused by war in comparison to the fact that war is rarely for good reason, said some things that were quite foolish.


I deserved the chatban, truly. As much as I proselytize the concept of control, I showed fairly little restraint there. Thoughts should have stayed thoughts, but they did not because of my foolishness. I paid a price I deserved to pay, because I ignored my continence.


I perhaps am more angry at myself than he ever could be at me. For me, living without continence of mind and heart for even a moment is as if I take a knife to my wrist and slash across it. Because control is a choice, and all things of volition are a matter of choice, I committed a reprehensible crime: I had chosen, against better judgment, to do what was wrong.


Now all I am left to do is reflect on my terrible mistake, and hate myself for succumbing to such a vile urge. The way of the slippery slope is unfortunately an inevitable actuality. It starts with a lie, then an insult, and soon, you find yourself a broken and destroyed man.


I have paid very heavy prices in the past for incontinence. Because of a single incontinent moment, I have MPD and a few other aspects of mental illness. Now, any time I am incontinent, I hate myself for it, because it reminds me of the man I used to be, the man I do not want to be. I have come so far, and a single moment without control can cause it all to come crashing down.


And now I look to that moment of incontinence, and I weep. Because that lack of control destroyed part of me, rended body and flesh apart. A single moment of incontience would do more damage to me than any punishment I could ever endure here. And the truly saddening part is that I can't make up for it. I cannot go back and apologize, I cannot turn the clock back and erase my mistake. That scar of incontinence will be on me forever, a revenant of a moment of weakness, where I chose the wrong path. I would do anything to fix that mistake, to make it better, but I sadly never can, because I do not deserve forgiveness. For my incontinent behaviour, I forfeited my chance at forgiveness. And because of that, I can only feel an overwhelming sadness darken me.

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