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If I hear the word f@&#!t one more time I'll pull that one person's teeth and nails out one by one and slam them up his urethra.


I realize this was a few pages back, but this has got to be the most excessively violent reaction to something so insignificant I've ever seen.

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And note to self:

If I hear the word f@&#!t one more time I'll pull that one person's teeth and nails out one by one and slam them up his urethra. I can't believe how retarded people are, I just can't. Is that even possible? You need to be on the IQ level of corn to be this ignorant.



Don't. People like that aren't worth the effort. Anyone who's that disgustingly ignorant or right-wing isn't even worth noticing. Nothing you do will change them, educate them or make them better people, they're lost causes, so just walk away. They don't want to be proven wrong about gay people, they don't want to see that there's more to life than god and hatred, and trying to change that in any way is just a waste of time. So ignore them and focus on the(many) people who aren't like that. And I know-as an Aspie I spent my entire childhood under the stigma of being a "retard" despite having an IQ over a third again higher than any of my oppressors.


The other thing I'd say, and this a bit more subjective, is that these people are prisoners of their own convictions. If you're willing to change your views, explore the world, and enjoy life, then you're going to have an immeasurably better life than they will. These people will spend their lives trudging along wearing shackles of their own ignorance. They'll never have many friends because they're so full of hatred. They'll never do interesting things because they're so conservative. They'll never see how broad the world really is because they can't see past their own two feet. Don't let them turn you into one of them. Aspire to be more.


And Billy-I agree about Melbourne, I've been to a few different places, this is my favourite. Best time to visit would be around March when Formula One is in town. Even if you're not into racing, the show itself is like nothing you've ever seen. In total they blow about $150,000,000,00 in three days-it's just mad in the best way possible. Tickets aren't cheap, but the show is just off the charts. Plus, Formula One is just... ridiculous as a sport-especially from next to the track. The cars are so fast they're barely visible, and so loud(around 100 DB at full RPM) they're audible from several kilometres away. It's... really an amazing spectacle.

Edited by Vindekarr
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And Billy-I agree about Melbourne, I've been to a few different places, this is my favourite. Best time to visit would be around March when Formula One is in town. Even if you're not into racing, the show itself is like nothing you've ever seen. In total they blow about $150,000,000,00 in three days-it's just mad in the best way possible. Tickets aren't cheap, but the show is just off the charts. Plus, Formula One is just... ridiculous as a sport-especially from next to the track. The cars are so fast they're barely visible, and so loud(around 100 DB at full RPM) they're audible from several kilometres away. It's... really an amazing spectacle.


Yeah, some of my family has been to one and they said it was awesome. I'd like to go to it one day.

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I can't really give an unbiased opinion about Formula One, but I've been watching races for a number of years and it is an unforgettable experience. I can't properly describe just how fast, loud or violent it is. You never get used to having 22 brightly painted missiles come flying past you, each contributing to a 100+ decibel hurricane on noise, and each displacing a huge bow-wave of blisteringly hot air. The closest experience I can think of is watching a Formula One vid on youtube, with the speakers turned up as high as the possible go, while standing behind a jet engine. It's about that loud, hot, and windy.

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Hah, yeah, someone I know said that you almost turn deaf after going to one. :)



Also, I have figured out why the armour looks particularly bad in Fallout New Vegas...




The normal maps! My edit is on the right - what do you guys think? Improvement?

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Yeah, bring earmuffs for your own safety. Although, the cars I'm talking about are this year's model-they have a V-8 engine. Next year's cars are a lot more high tech, they've got a more powerful turbo V-6 and will be a lot quieter(but still deafening)


If you do decide to see one live, I recommend the Melbourne GP next year(March 16th). I've followed F1 for a long time, and Melbourne's usually one of the most fun races, since it's always the first race of the sport's season. Every team designs a new car at the beginning of each year and they've got almost no time in which to test them before they're thrown onto the grid at Melbourne. As a result the Melbourne race is always a major wildcard-these cars are a bit unpredictable at the best of times, and unpredictable plus untested usually results in total anarchy. It'll be even more dramatic next year because of the vastly different ruleset and car designs. The new cars are a lot more powerful than this years, but consequently put a lot of stress on the pilot. 2014's race is going to be huge for the sport-it'll prove whether or not the(somewhat controversial) new rules actually work, and who's got the best package going into the new era.


Secondly, your edit does work. Especially the stitching.

Edited by Vindekarr
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Good morning-night everyone.. ZZZ back to sleep. There has been one nasty virus roaming the internet, caution to you guys if you do encounter it. Its a nasty one.



i'll give you more details tomorrow, tired zzz Microsoft needs to up there patches, there is one major exploit in windows right now. Again caution to you, stay safe everyone.

Edited by Thor.
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