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I wish they would make a full body map to cover that seam glitch in Oblivion. There is a lot of them in Skyrim.


I mean i see no reason why not.


Because it is almost impossible to fix the neck seam in Oblivion. The way the face and body textures match is completely different to Skyrim, where you just have to get matching textures and it works. Even if the texture was completely seamless in NifSkope, in-game they wouldn't match. It is very hard to make them match because of normal maps, .EGTs in the face, texture overlays like the painted on beards and stuff... It's just too hard.


In theory, it sounds simple enough: make the diffuse and normal maps match, apply the same colour variables to the head and bodies in NifSkope, then voila, done. But nope, sadly it just doesn't work.


This is probably as close as it'll get, short of rebuilding the whole thing.


Problem is in the way the body is made, the cut where the head and body are separated lies on an area where the angle of the triangles is different. If you ever looked the body+head in Blender, you'd notice the discoloration as well, because a different triangle angle results in different shading on the head and body, effectively making them two different colors.


In Skyrim, the problem is solved by using a higher-poly model which has a more even shading, and by modifying the normal + diffuse maps to compensate for the shading difference. The results turned out much better than in Oblivion and FO series, but the cut is still visible under certain angles or if using mis-matched normal maps.


There's no way around it other than to use very high-poly head+body meshes with matching normal/environment maps, cut low-poly meshes always have shading differences on the line of the cut.

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I bet its difficult, in other news i have removed all jagging in skyrim 100% with enb aa, it is by far more superior aa then anything Skyrim itself uses, its a breath of fresh air playing skyrim without jagging, enb doesn't like aa on in the catalyst, but it doesn't mind edge aa though.


the game a new and I am actually playing through in its entirety because of it. no distant jagging or messed up textures, except z-fighting. There is a temporary fix but its to taxing on my 7950's and crawls to a halt when use it.


That will change soon when i get the gtx780 ti,

Edited by Thor.
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Had a fun evening, been playing the early Beta of Planetary Annihilation. I think it might just be the first game I know of that could give Thor's epic uber PC a run for it's money. I'm about equal to him for CPU power, and I've got more RAM-and I'm only barely able to run the darn thing, on minimum settings! This is by far the most PC-killing game I've ever seen. Trying to render a whole friggin' solar system complete with gravitational simulation, and graphics of this level, is apparently not something computers excell at. It's even worse because the planets are destructible. I'm yet to do it myself, but if you're desperate/insane/drunk you can build giant engines on Asteroids, and smash them into planets. You can even fly an entire planet if you've got enough Haleys. I've once said I'd race anything with an engine and so far that's included cars, motorbikes, jet-skis, snowmobiles, quadbikes, and now apparently, pixelated asteroids as well.


Tommorow I've got Batman: Arkham Origins to look forward to. I've already played a bit of it at a friends-brilliant game, very much the game this franchise deserves if you get my pun. Seriously though, it's one of the best prequels since the Horus Heresy novels: exceptional voice-acting, brilliantly crafted characters, great graphics, and good combat to top it all off. Its also quite long, which is rare for a game these days.


As a final note, I give you this. Given it's an Australian news site, I don't know if you'll be able to view it, I hope you can. A news story so absurd I can't not share it around. I can't really make a big enough or obvious enough WTF to really do this story's wierdness justice. You've been warned.




I mean, there's giving up, then there's this, right? Talk about a bad freakin' day...

Edited by Vindekarr
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I thought of getting that game :laugh: also random bad off topic subject thats disturbing. :pinch:


also you would never see skyrim look that good with default aa, txaa and temperal aa,,


the rock detail is what you notice the most. Note the in game aa is turned off.



Edited by Thor.
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:laugh: you know how sometimes you get shimmering on Dwemer furniture that it get soo bad that it jags out, i don't get any of that anymore.


Especially fences.

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As a final note, I give you this. Given it's an Australian news site, I don't know if you'll be able to view it, I hope you can. A news story so absurd I can't not share it around. I can't really make a big enough or obvious enough WTF to really do this story's wierdness justice. You've been warned.




I mean, there's giving up, then there's this, right? Talk about a bad freakin' day...


That is hilarious. The things that go through people's heads... :P





I'm surprised the corgi got that far off the ground.

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