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Ok, so I'm a reasonably intelligent fellow-genius IQ and all that boring stuff. I found a game today that constantly makes me feel very, very stupid and whenever I cease to feel stupid for more than thirty concurrent seconds, it starts bashing me over the head with a proverbial baseball bat. I'm talking about X-3, I've been playing it because I thought X-Rebirth looked fun, and in my clearly limited intellectual capacity, playing an older X game seemed like a good way to warm up for the new title. But I was sooo wrong. This game is complex beyond complex. The instruction manual is over a hundred pages long, every single key on the keyboard is bound in some way, and that's still not enough because there's another 40 shift-press commands as well. It even took me five whole minutes just to work out how to scroll the bloody map.


I remember trying a game like that once. Some kind of weird sci-fi flying game centered on in the skies of some big-ass planet. (according to the manual it would take one hours to circle the planet)

No idea about the name anymore but it was a really old game which also had a ridiculously loooong manual. I remember getting the original "Red Faction" game in it's place though, so it should have been made around the same time.

One also needed a joystick and just about every single bloody button on the keyboard apparently did something. I remember trying the game out for about an hour or so, then decided to return it.

Well, actually I decided to return it while playing it, but it took forever just trying to figure out which button or combination of buttons brought up some kind of menu in order to exit the game. :facepalm: :psyduck: :wallbash:

Eventually just used Control-alt-delete.


Normally I don't like it when a game gets dumbed down, but that one needed some serious... eh... "dumbing down"?

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That was my initial opinion of X3: far too complicated to ever be worth playing. Now I'm starting to get used to it though, I'm becoming increasingly impressed by how intuitive everything is. The controls are bewildering at first, but they're all clumped together based on function, and you're only ever using 5-6 keys at any given time. The flight controls are particularly elegant: ship movement and the engineering functions are all on the numberpad, and even though all of the numberpad keys gets used, it's intuitive enough and ergonomic enough that it doesn't bother you at all. It's a marvel of engineering, X, and I'm absolutely floored by how Deep Silver have managed to make a game with 88 control bindings, ergonomic and intuitive. I have a feeling that my relationship with X will be like my relationship with Terraria: the first few hours cursing at it, followed by the next few dozen hours spent in unhealthy obsession.


I also feel compelled to mention X3's graphics. Sure, they don't mean much overall-but this game looks AMAZING, especially given it's age(2005). It still looks throughly of the current gen, and while characters are starting to show their age, it's still one of the pettiest space games I've ever played-almost photoreal in places when running maxed-out. It's not lacking on the toys front either-this was never intended for consoles so it shipped with very high system Reqs. The result is you get some nice graphical toys that would normally have to be modded in, like 16+X AA, ambient occlusion, god rays, and GPU-frying draw-distances(hundreds of kilometres)

Edited by Vindekarr
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followed by the next few dozen hours spent in unhealthy obsession.


Should be: Healthy obsession :tongue:


I just looked up screenshots of the game and it indeed looks fairly impressive for a game of it's age.


The interface and hud elements kinda remind me of another space-sim I once played for hours upon hours: Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance. Wouldn't recommend it anymore though. Waaaay too ancient now. And it won't even work on X64 systems without some serious messing around.

Edited by BlackRampage
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