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Alright, cool. Also, I forgot to include the icon for the sword. Link - just drop it in the textures folder and it should work.


Very nice work; fits the art style perfectly, and it's showy enough to be interesting and desirable, without being overly ostentatious, which is a hard compromise to make. I'd certainly use it.

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Also, can you guys who play Oblivion here try out my mod? It's that Morrowind sword (Fury) I was showing a while back (image), and I just want some final opinions and critique before I start making a quest and uploading it. I've just put it in the weapons warehouse (accessed from "coc testinghall").


Dropbox Download Link (remember, it's for Oblivion, not Skyrim or Morrowind.)

EDIT: You'll also need the icon: Icon. I forgot to add it in. Just drop it in the textures folder and it'll be fine.


It's only about 3.8MB and I'd really like some feedback before I release it. Thanks! :smile:

Nice looking sword. Not overly long for a two handed sword and looks balanced for length on my character (a nord). The pommel and hilt/grip look good and are detailed, but not overly so. The decoration on the guard/quillon shows up nicely without being excessive in contrast to the rest of the sword, so they look quite good. The blade looked a bit flat to me, but not having a fuller makes it hard to judge. I like the coloring of the sword and blade as it isn't too bright and is a bit dull which I prefer to see on a sword.

The sword sits properly on the back of my character and didn't interfere with the quiver of arrows, which is very nice to see.

The havoc seems to be good as well as placing it on a table by other items, it sat flat and I was able to place it quite close to other items on the table. I placed it in a sword vertical display rack and it sat properly - didn't fall through the rack or have parts into the rack and went fully into the rack and didn't move out to the front of the rack.


I'd say you have a winner technically and visually. Let me know when you have the mod done and uploaded.



Thank you very much. :D


I was a little bit uncertain about uploading it, but now I'm feeling better about it. I'll see what the blade looks like with a fuller, and I'll upload another screenshot (or maybe just the textures).





Alright, cool. Also, I forgot to include the icon for the sword. Link - just drop it in the textures folder and it should work.

Very nice work; fits the art style perfectly, and it's showy enough to be interesting and desirable, without being overly ostentatious, which is a hard compromise to make. I'd certainly use it.



Thank you, that means a lot. :smile:



Also, does the icon look ok? I was trying to mimic the Oblivion icon style and I'm not sure if it's good enough. Honestly, that icon was the hardest bit to get right! :tongue:

Plus, what do you guys reckon about a sheath? I kinda like the way it is now (it looks cool just hanging off the back), but I know some people will ask for one.


Thanks again you two, I have high spirits now. :thumbsup:




EDIT: Alrighty, I've added a fuller to the blade. This is what it looks like...





I'm not really sure. It certainly gives the blade more depth, but it doesn't look very good at the intersection of the hilt (IMO). The chappe wasn't modelled to compensate for the fuller. I do like it, and looking at my previous screenshots it did seem bland before, but yeah I just dunno. You guys tell me what you think. The textures are here...


Also, I now know that I'll have to make an alternate version with much less reflection, because with an ENB you can't see the details when in direct sunlight.

Edited by billyro
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Very nice with the fuller in place - it gives the sword a nice depth and look IMO. The fuller doesn't need to go all the way to the hilt. It can terminate on the shoulder/forte part of the blade or be tapered in depth so it starts as thick as the blade near the hilt and then becomes deeper as it goes towards the point. I would think it would look good (and likely easier to do) if it just ended just short of the guard/hilt.

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I'm going to Wales in a week and I'm quite nervous about it.


Never been on a plane before, and I'm scared of the exams that I'll have to take, but like everything else this too shall pass and I will survive.


And besides I get to spend time with my boyfriend ^^

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Very nice with the fuller in place - it gives the sword a nice depth and look IMO. The fuller doesn't need to go all the way to the hilt. It can terminate on the shoulder/forte part of the blade or be tapered in depth so it starts as thick as the blade near the hilt and then becomes deeper as it goes towards the point. I would think it would look good (and likely easier to do) if it just ended just short of the guard/hilt.


Do you have an example that I can use for reference? I'm not sure I fully understand.


Eh, I'll re-read it again tomorrow. It's nearly 2am (brain not function properly), so I should go to sleep. Goodnight all.

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I'm going to Wales in a week and I'm quite nervous about it.


Never been on a plane before, and I'm scared of the exams that I'll have to take, but like everything else this too shall pass and I will survive.


And besides I get to spend time with my boyfriend ^^


I'm actually part Welsh; roughly one-third, with the other two-thirds being Scottish. My tip for Wales, is to buy a phrase-book the moment you land. English is the official language of Wales, but it's not England. Wales has a proud culture of it's own, including it's own language-most places in Wales are named in Welsh, including a lot of road signs, so a phrase book would be useful. As a bit of trivia, the five longest names for locations in the world are all in Wales.


I know it's a school trip, but I recommend going hiking if you get the chance. Wales is very rural, and there are a lot of unspoiled slices of paradise waiting just outside the various towns. My other advice is watch what you eat if you decide to try Welsh food. Welsh cooking tends to be delicious, but ludicrously unhealthy. They make good booze, too.




Wales in a nutshell; quiet, rural and beautiful. Sheep everywhere.

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Very nice with the fuller in place - it gives the sword a nice depth and look IMO. The fuller doesn't need to go all the way to the hilt. It can terminate on the shoulder/forte part of the blade or be tapered in depth so it starts as thick as the blade near the hilt and then becomes deeper as it goes towards the point. I would think it would look good (and likely easier to do) if it just ended just short of the guard/hilt.


Do you have an example that I can use for reference? I'm not sure I fully understand.


Eh, I'll re-read it again tomorrow. It's nearly 2am (brain not function properly), so I should go to sleep. Goodnight all.



You said, "The chappe wasn't modelled to compensate for the fuller." My suggestion is illustrated below.


The fuller in A is just set into the blade and is a uniform depth, but doesn't necessarily need to extend under the hilt/guard. In B, the fuller doesn't extend into the hilt/guard, the fuller starts as thick as the blade at the hilt end and then becomes deeper as it extends to the point of the blade. I would think A would be the easier of the two to place onto the sword. However, the way it looks in the picture you posted is very good as well. Hope this clarifies what I meant.



Edited by Tidus44
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I'm going to Wales in a week and I'm quite nervous about it.


Never been on a plane before, and I'm scared of the exams that I'll have to take, but like everything else this too shall pass and I will survive.


And besides I get to spend time with my boyfriend ^^


I'm actually part Welsh; roughly one-third, with the other two-thirds being Scottish. My tip for Wales, is to buy a phrase-book the moment you land. English is the official language of Wales, but it's not England. Wales has a proud culture of it's own, including it's own language-most places in Wales are named in Welsh, including a lot of road signs, so a phrase book would be useful. As a bit of trivia, the five longest names for locations in the world are all in Wales.


I know it's a school trip, but I recommend going hiking if you get the chance. Wales is very rural, and there are a lot of unspoiled slices of paradise waiting just outside the various towns. My other advice is watch what you eat if you decide to try Welsh food. Welsh cooking tends to be delicious, but ludicrously unhealthy. They make good booze, too.




Wales in a nutshell; quiet, rural and beautiful. Sheep everywhere.



:P I'll be studying in Wales and I already have offers and everything from my Uni's. If anything I researched a little bit about Wales :D so I know all of the stuff you told me, but thanks anyway!


And it's not a school trip, I organised it by myself. I'm going to take Scholarship exams and I'll attend the Visiting Day of my first choice Uni. I'll stay for a week, I'll have plenty of time to walk around. (I'm going to Aberystwyth btw, the place is beautiful if you want to look it up.)


Sheep ftw!



I always remembered Wales as being described like Morrowind: Everyone will hate you, regardless of where you're actually from.


I met my boyfriend in Wales :teehee: your argument is invalid.


(Well, he was in Wales, I was in Croatia. Still invalid.)

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