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being straight is boring so I'm gay again.


Any chance this could change your mind? (hopes an image this huge doesn't get broken)










I like big hairy intelligent gamer men and it will always stay that way.


I have one of those all for myself as well :D being gay is nice ^^ I don't do gay pride and all that silly stuff, but I'm happy that I'm the way I am, I'd never change that even if I could. :happy:

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Good, good. That just means less competition for me to deal with. :tongue:


Big hairy intelligent gamer men eh? You'd better never bump into Werne in real life then. He both fits all criteria and you actually have a fairly good chance of actually meeting him. Or maybe, just maybe, you have already and you just didn't realize it! :tongue:

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lol, I'll be your wingman if you want :teehee:


And I've got the best one already :tongue:


We're finally gonna live in the same town in September after 12 months of long distance across the whole continent :D that sounds so silly when you think about it but for us it's a huuuuuge thing. We're very excited about it :happy:


I doubt I bumped into Werne :tongue: he's on the coast and I'm in the north, and I've never been to Zadar actually which I should do. Huh, now that I think about it, I haven't really been to any of the bigger cities in Croatia besides Zagreb and Varaždin. I should probably explore my own country more.

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We're finally gonna live in the same town in September after 12 months of long distance across the whole continent :D that sounds so silly when you think about it but for us it's a huuuuuge thing. We're very excited about it :happy:


Just the same town or are you actually going to live together in 1 house? Sure as hell isn't silly regardless. Before she moved in with me, my girlfriend lived all way at the other side of the country too. And despite her having moved in with me over 2 years ago, I sometimes still can't get used to sharing my house, my bed, my basically everything with another person.

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We're finally gonna live in the same town in September after 12 months of long distance across the whole continent :D that sounds so silly when you think about it but for us it's a huuuuuge thing. We're very excited about it :happy:


Just the same town or are you actually going to live together in 1 house? Sure as hell isn't silly regardless. Before she moved in with me, my girlfriend lived all way at the other side of the country too. And despite her having moved in with me over 2 years ago, I sometimes still can't get used to sharing my house, my bed, my basically everything with another person.



The same town, since he'll be 3rd year in Uni and I'll be 1st (yes we'll be going to the same Uni, which is actually a coincidence and we in fact met because of that Uni through a friend :D long story) we can't live together, the accommodations don't allow us to choose who to live with in a house, I can only choose which accommodation complex I can live in but not much else :P either way Aberystwyth is a small nice town, we'll be just a few minutes away from each other ^^


And yeah, when I first met him and we rented an apartment for 2 weeks together I had to get used to so much. He was the first human I kissed, properly hugged, cuddled with and all that :happy: so I literally had to get used to his presence in general, and then sharing stuff with someone else, and making sure that we both have our personal space and you already know how all that is. I'm sure I'll have to get used to all that too, but we did quite fine so I'm not worried.


Man this past year has been such an epic adventure, I just relived it in the past few minutes. Thanks for reminding me BlackRampage :)

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Starbound characters need the ability to dance. Just sayin'.

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I used some new toothpaste last night and my tongue swelled up and started peeling. :dry:



Also, can anyone think of anything to improve upon with my assignment? I'm supposed to create an image collage about weather patterns (I chose this one instead of social patterns) and I scavenged some high-res images from Google (images which I am allowed to use according to the copyright) and spliced them together to create this:






As you can probably tell, I don't use Photoshop very often and I was wondering if there are any glaring issues you guys can see.


I know that the tree appears to be glowing, but I'm going to fix little details like that at the end once I've got all the major things out of the way.

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