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Someone called me a condom so I asked if I was flavored. They stopped talking.

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Hahaha, nice. :D





Also, I released my sword.


... Um, well that sounded dirty, but you know what I mean. :P


I didn't make the first image a crazy one, sad to say, but they're still in there.

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@KOOL :laugh:


Also, I released my sword.


... Um, well that sounded dirty, but you know what I mean. :tongue:

Oh, I think I know what you mean... :tongue:



By the way guys, here are two Skyrim screenshots:

Screenshot #1



Screenshot #2


Now here's a question for you, and it's a fairly easy one - Which one of those two screeshots uses post-processing image enhancements?


Correct answer:

The first screenshot, which looks like ass, uses end-of-frame imagespace enhancements that come with the stock game. Post-processing is disabled in the second one using the TEOFIS (ToggleEOFImageSpace) console command since you can't disable it otherwise.




EDIT: Can't wait for Unreal Tournament 4.




EDIT 2: I tried playing UT4 pre-alpha and, well, I sucked even against bots. I've gone so soft playing Skyrim I can't even aim right. :sad:

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Heh heh, I know that feel. In a few days you should be good again. :)




Also, ESO drops its subscription in under a fortnight, plus they released an update to the game that adds crime and punishment, so hopefully that fleshes out the game a little bit. ESO wasn't bad, it was just shallow. Nevertheless, I'll be getting it on the 17th because I reckon the game will be worth it now that we don't have to continuously pay to play.


My only concern is micro-transactions. :ermm:

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Heh heh, I know that feel. In a few days you should be good again. :smile:




Also, ESO drops its subscription in under a fortnight, plus they released an update to the game that adds crime and punishment, so hopefully that fleshes out the game a little bit. ESO wasn't bad, it was just shallow. Nevertheless, I'll be getting it on the 17th because I reckon the game will be worth it now that we don't have to continuously pay to play.


My only concern is micro-transactions. :ermm:

I'm still good, just not as good as I was, last time I played a game this fast-paced was over 5 years ago. I love it though, the game looks gorgeous and it's the same old arena shooter I'm used to. :smile:


As for ESO, as long as I have to pay €55 for the game and €25 extra to play as one of the main races (which should've been a part of the game to begin with), I'm not getting it.

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I can't remember the last fast-paced shooter I played... man, it's been so long. But I'm not really competitive so that's probably why.



That Imperial Edition is the dumbest thing ever. And from my experience in the beta test before it was launched, the Imperials aren't even that different from Nords (I was allowed to make an Imperial guy because of testing reasons) so it's kind of ridiculous.


But for the base game, I don't think the price is too steep. It's about $70 AU for me to buy, but most games are that price anyway.

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I gotta agree. The game is nothing great, but it was still pretty enjoyable from what little I played and with how big MMOs usually are the one time $60 seems decent (I know I enjoyed GW2 quite a bit). I wasn't considering it at all when it had the subscription fee.

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