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The last poster wins


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Yammering about who you think might be using an alternate account isn't the best way to handle things...as well as re-post reasons why you think that. There's a report button somewhere on this page...


...back to the thread.


Wow, what a fantastic day! Dew point under 50F and finally my pool isn't blooming like a frog pond.

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Yammering about who you think might be using an alternate account isn't the best way to handle things...as well as re-post reasons why you think that. There's a report button somewhere on this page...


...back to the thread.


Wow, what a fantastic day! Dew point under 50F and finally my pool isn't blooming like a frog pond.


I agree! Hic hic burp! I ban frogs from your pool. I Win!

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It's the Birthday Boy, IV000. Happy Birthday. And; Only if it's got a red comb, a beak, feathers, and crows loudly at dawn. :laugh:


@MotoSxorpio it would be nice to get some Javascript software to measure how many clicked on and how quickly someone clicks off a YouTube because its going to use up the last of their, Paid for ISP, allowance of GIBABYTES. And! A Javascript that has a pop that says, "Hey! If you don't stop using your paid for allowance of Gigabytes you're going to have to pay big money for the next little bitty bit of a Gigabyte even if you only use a little itty bit of it. So use the whole Gigabyte or pay dearly".



I'm going to have some FUN!


The pitcher looks at the catcher, read the catches hand signs, sets up for the pitch. Three men on base and all the catcher needs is one more out and his team wins the game. The pitcher and the catcher agree on a curve ball. The catcher toes some dirt on the pitchers mound. He sets up and throws the ball.


The Crowd goes silent.


The batter stares, blinks, and He Swings the bat. In the deafening quiet a tapping sound is barely audible. The BALL SOARS into the air, all eyes follow as it rises and draws a line as it reaches its highest point, the path of the ball arches, and it descends.


It sails over the wall and disappears. The announcers shout's, "IT'S A HOME RUN, ALL THREE ON BASE ARE WALKING IN. THEY WIN BY 2 POINTS and THE GAME IS OVER!"


This writing was written to see if you would read all the way through it; just because it is so EXCITING. No baseball games were reviewed or being watched at the time of this writing. No baseball players names were used to protect their innocents from any misstatements about the events of their own plays. :tongue:

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