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The last poster wins


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Some dick just posted a nasty comment on a Youtube video about my armour. Youtube isn't a friendly place at all. :tongue:


EDIT: Far out, he is one pushy troll. I'm not going to respond to him any more - that'll likely piss him off more than engaging in an flame war anyway.


EDIT 2: I was thinking of naming my next mod after him. I'll make it really crappy! :laugh:

Edited by billyro
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What strange friends you have made!


Turning to more the folds of our own purpose, to survive the wastelands, I gather the meager, yet comforting sense of the purpose of this thread.




Now if I were a sword maker I would be saddened a little by the failing of so many attempts, while one grand success, were it to happen, might really be a little spark, and yet so many people think it to be a Grand thing. Blink in. Blink out, blink in, blink out, blinking, glitter and glow, now you have all the world at your fingertips and a do si do.



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Still kinda think it would have been best to just ignore the scum in the first place. Does the giant pay attention to the ants he steps on?


Reinstate obligatory military service just for those kinds of keyboard warriors, trolls and other unwanted types on the interwebs. 1 nasty comment equals 1 year of obligatory military service. Their parents (and society as whole) will be grateful for it.


That said, I do sometimes wonder about the kinds of "people" hiding behind those kinds of comments. Are they truly as pathetic in real life as the stereotype about keyboard warriors goes?

Makes me remember a case when some waste of oxygen told me that he'd kick my ass in real life (I was totally owning the n00b in UT3). Almost made me wish I could somehow instantly teleport to his location and see if he could live up to his pathetic little threat or just s*** his pants instead.

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It was too tempting to resist. Then TVD gave me an idea about enchantments and it all started from there. Besides, Stian and I are buddies, now (I even changed my user title to reflect this).


With that obligatory military service, I wouldn't see ol' pal Stian for about 5 years. Fine by me!


Yeah, keyboard warriors must be compensating for their physical real-life counterparts. I can't see a black-belt martial artist or UFC fighter spamming crap like that. I would say that I wish I could also teleport to these people's houses, but on the off chance that they were such a fighter, I think I'll be right. :P

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I am so terribly cruel. I made a mod about that guy and uploaded it here. :tongue:


I actually started laughing while I was on the phone with my brother (who also found it all to be hilarious) because of all this. I had to download it to give it an endorsement. And the description... oh my god I was almost in tears. :laugh:
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I am so terribly cruel. I made a mod about that guy and uploaded it here. :tongue:

Right on. I like how everyone in the thread for the file segue off in different directions. lol


EDIT-BTW, dat sword sucks, I won't be downloading it. HAHAHAHA

Edited by MotoSxorpio
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Crap...I meant to post something as the last poster post:


So, I installed Defraggler. Played with all the buttons. So, Benchmark button tells me my RAID5 has 2.6MB/sec random access and, get this, my USB attached 4200 rpm "used to be an xbox hdd" Fujistu crap hdd is 35.2MB/sec random access. WUT? Burst speed on the RAid5 is 2800+MB (standard 3gb SATA HDDs) but Random access is only 2.6mb/sec?

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