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The last poster wins


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It's so boring to win, after gaming all day long, only to have to take the bottle caps home to the little vendor and put it all in the vendors bottle cap receiver, then watch as it is transformed into products that can be sipped, guzzled, drank like a fish, along with a cornucopia of foods in various states of solidity.


Since I've reprogrammed Mr. Handy the robots switched my diet to 200 year old Pork & Beans from unopened cans I found in the DC Wastelands of Fallout 3. My daily life has become gaseously more fun.


:laugh: I WIN AGAIN!

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HAHA. Coming from Ironman, makes sense.

http://yoursmiles.org/msmile/fun/m0163.gif http://yoursmiles.org/msmile/fun/m0152.gif http://yoursmiles.org/msmile/fun/m0106.gif http://yoursmiles.org/msmile/fun/m0112.gif

M48A5 trying to start a Carnival. :D My fav emote from above is the last one. ( http://yoursmiles.org/msmile/fun/m0112.gif )


EDITed to fix the emote.

Edited by MotoSxorpio
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I beat Metal Gear Solid V. The ending was good, but it was melancholic.


But it was still awesome.


And yet I am sad.



I wish there was more, though. The second half of the game felt unfinished - re-used levels, minimal cutscenes, etc - and then it just ends. It doesn't make you want to keep playing.


I sincerely hope there is DLC that fleshes out the ending, and perhaps even letting you...


(End-game spoilers - beware!)


... Reunite with Quiet, then possibly curing her. Come to think about it, the main thing that was sad about the ending was Quiet leaving. I liked her character, and she wasn't deserving of the ending she received.


Edited by billyro
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I think Windows Defender is causing Fallout New Vegas to freeze up. Twice now I've frozen (yeah I know, not a large number, but I really only started playing it today) forcing me to close the game, and looking at task manager Windows Defender is working crazy hard when those freezes happen (the CPU % that was listed was at nearly 25% this last time). It looks like I can't ditch Defender either (wasn't it optional on Windows 7?). No way to uninstall and disabling it only does it temporarily (when I tried, it was literally off for about a second before turning back on).

Edited by K00L
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