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I read a Jack Reacher novel (Make Me) and a Brad Thor novel (Act of War) in eight hours this weekend (less than 800 pages). It took me 3 weeks to read The Wheel of Time series (over 16000 pages, I think). But I've never read a pick a plot book that lasted anywhere near that long. Video games are not like books.

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My stomach hurt so good after laughing at some of the stunts from Terminator Genisys I could not keep my mind focused on any other topic. I can bring up the image in my mind to see the Terminators stunt where his face it sticking through the window of the cop car and he says, "GET OUT!" :laugh: Car windows don't break like they used to, anymore.



Though I am sure you deem your reading of books a variant specially different from watching and playing video games, MotoSxorpio, are they not stories from books that then became a video game?​

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Meh lets not do the books vs media snobbish debate, in reality it's all culture one way or the other it just depends on the subject matter - for instance Jordan the titty waggler bimbo biatch made many pointless books whilst the Snowpiercer movie was a brilliant movie with clever social and political commentary. The point extends among all forms of art.

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Fallout 4

I got my PipBoy at 11:36 AM MST Nov 10th 2015. I felt like a ten year old with about two hundred years missing from my life and a son who may be dead. He was taken some time before my cryogenic pod opened. It thawed me out for a few moments at the moment some people took my son. It may of refroze me after I awakened, just...just long enough to see the people who took him. *sob* I was frozen again for...for...who knows how long after the baby was taken from my wife's arms. They...*sob*... My wife! Maybe...*sob* Maybe this is all just a bad dream? The horror of some part of my life may have knocked me off my rocker? Maybe it was just that? Maybe it was while I was a soldier? Maybe I was injured during my tour of duty and this is just a dream that my mind has conjured up so I can live with the fact I got hurt really bad and I'll never be able to be the man I always thought I would be? Dreaming about being married, having a lovely wife, and a new baby...maybe it's just a nightmare within another nightmare giving me a little hope just to dash it away again? Maybe this is another version of Jacobs Ladder in which I will finally realize I died with the rest of the platoon that day when the experimental drug they gave us all sent us on a wild time in the jungle?

(Tarzan calls out to the Apes)

Well...that's enough... text readers ...out there!

I just got back from the Common Wealth in Massachusetts. I finally found some Tato seeds to plant to get enough food planted to feed 5 people in Sanctuary. That one was a tough one to find in my case. It cost me 245 rounds from my mini-gun ammo.

. Don't read this if you haven't played the game.


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