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I've got a setup like that with plugs so I can power up all my old HD's with pins, the ones with one pin missing, and the ones with the little plugs. I can run 3 different model hard drives all from the one connecter at the same time.


I'm waiting to find out if anyone likes the idea of creating the Seder Hotel. It will be a major mod with lots of spacious apartments. Shops, work stations, a restaurant, and bar on the lower two floors, A private club on the 40th floor for those who can solve the puzzles to open the apartments on the 39th, all the way up to the Penthouse.


Somethings outside!


A herd of brown tail is in the yard and in the streets. The snow is thick piles of fluff. Deer bed down out there occasionally. It looks like they're grazing.


Great! I see two bucks. That means it's a lot of does and fawns.


There's was a large herd, too large, on the edge of the city the other day. It's hunting season. I hope none of the neighbors aren't thinking of trying to take one while the deer are in the area.


If they do and the lead buck gets in close they could end up with the six point bucks horns poking holes in their body. I only get worried like this when there is one newb dumb enough to try and act like a king. Then convince one of the smarter guys to take one of those does with a knife so no one hears anything.


Hunger is what is causing me to think. And it's not a good sign, because I already ate dinner and it's not me that is hungry.


Being around wildlife as long as I have I know it's some other critter that's hungry. A human with little brains might be the cause of my sense's peaking too. I sure hope a pack of wolves aren't following the herd in this close to the city. It's the right kind of scene for wolves since we got all that snow.


I heard stories and this isn't a good sign. The herds must be overpopulating their winter grazing land. Sh*t I just heard two pops. Somebodies got silencers on their rifles.


At least the rest of the deer won't stampede. There they go!


Someone nearby just spooked them.


Sh*t! Someone fired off another round. Sheriff Deputies may be getting called, but they won't get there in time to do anyone any good because of the snow. I just hope those hungry folks are quick and clean, or wolves will smell the blood and come looking to find the kill.


Sh*t there's another herd. That makes three. There goes the neighborhood.

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Don't take anything you read here personally. No-one is intentionally being rude to you. It is just very hard to convey sarcasm or humor on the interwebs.

I mean, the same can be compared to when he told me to fxck off. Shrug.


If you find someone being really obnoxious, you can always block them and their posts will not be displayed.


Thanks for the tip.

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Nine notifications? That was fast.

But why is that our fault you are following the most posted on thread ?


Just Cuz I have the most posts in the last 30min doesn't mean anything , does it ?


Ah shishkabob , where the heck is Pagafyr ?

I was just complimenting you guys on your activity levels. Why do you keep acting so rude to me?



I wasn't intending to be rude . Just typeing from the hip , or posting off the cuff I suppose ?

Plus it wasn't clear you meant that as a compliment , but I wasn't offended taking it as a light hearted jab , which I then tried to join you in making fun of my posting plethora of dribble.

And ending up hoping Pagafyr would show up and dilute my input to the post forum stew.


Kinda like I put to much pepper in it huh ? Sorry for that orginal post of "FOOK YOU" That has put you on edge towards me. Which I seem to remember had something to do with an easy button , then tainted with my general disdain for easy buttons in general.

But I am sure makes no sense on your end of it . And wouldn't blame you if you decided to employ software in ignoring me ...

Cuz then you would have the last post between us ... for the win !!!

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I like the idea.


Sh*t! Let's hope these deer-hunters won't be forced to play russian roulette by some Akaviri guys.



:laugh: Did you know real strongly heterosexual men laugh about what makes women cry mostly. The same goes for real strongly heterosexual women they laugh at what makes men cry. Some scientist did a study on it watching people while the people were in theaters watching movies.


In this case I'm laughing a little about what you posted. Not that I think Akaviri exist, but you mentioned a creature resembles them that does. :laugh:



I found out from the neighbors the wolves around the state have all but been wiped out. Yellowstone park has some but they're being kept under watch so they only hunt the buffalo, elk, white tail and brown tail deer in that area.


Must have been some really hungry people hanging around nearby last night. Or we have a new predator lurking in near the city. I sure hope it isn't like the last two sighting 5 miles southwest of here. Mountain lions. One was spotted just before dark in a tree in a families back yard. Their 3 year old daughter was playing on the back porch. She pointed at it and her Mom picked her up and took her into the house. Then called the animal shelter.


The other one was sighted on a little island where some sheep had been deserted long time ago. Still a Shepherds wagon parked there. It's right across the way from a small park on one side with houses all around on three sides and the other side with more houses of actors and business owners neighbors surrounding their golf course. Not far from where the first one was sighted. I'm glad I don't live over there anymore.


There's no place for one of them to lurk around and hunt here. Too many buildings in the way for them to get a run going. They would have to be able to leap from a tree. A huge oak tree.


Akiviri Khajiiti Land of Dragons

Oh! And the lack of wolves and not enough hunters to keep the brown tail deers population small is why they say the herds are moving in close to town were. They are getting too many for their grazing lands.

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I spent a lot of time making plans and giving the Seder Hotel Mysteries enough some storylines. One it would have; the player seeking out Agatha's sisters Stradivarius would get a bonus Level because of the two combined if they are staying at the Hotel's, Custodial Engineer Station when they find it.


That would advance them to getting the main power turned on. Two switches. One in each chamber where you can see the underground river. Releasing the brakes on the socket for the Paddle Wheel so it could be lowered into the drive gear box for the main power would make an elevator in the main hall at the end that would take the player to the hotels main floor in the staffs work area. The player could gain access to the lobby from there and the real fun begins getting an apartment.

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Another piece of power lighting mounted to the wall with a super stick stuff came loose from the wall and scared me right out of my nap.


I guess they didn't factor in the heat and cold so the strips contracted causing them to get tiny air pockets in them and come loose. I am sure glad this wasn't another shelf with heavy items on it. I am going to be busy taking them down to keep me from becoming shocked by a sudden change to their adhesive strips. Time to get out the hammer and nails. Oh! The ruin! For shame the nails and hammering may loosen up some sheet rock and the road to perdition may be right behind that wall.


Another part of the mod I am working on was on my mind, now I'll have to go back to the land of nod and recall where I left off.



easy as pizza (pie)

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I was going crazy with that tooth's minor pain. I didn't realize how much that little crack in the filling I had for ten years affected me until now. :sad:


Hm? :mellow:


Glad to read you survived the Outage. Was there a lot of heavy snow that started out when it was warmer outside so it was wet and heavy enough to break big trees branches?

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