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Elder Scrolls Online Nexus and NMM updates


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Searching for mods within your mod manager will be awesome. I am currently playing Skyrim on PC precisely because of beta-testing Elder Scrolls Online last weekend. So I am grateful I'll be able to use the mod manager for E.S.O. too.


Is it known if there will be a way for console users to download mods for E.S.O.? I know its denied for Skyrim but I am hoping Sony lets E.S.O. be different.

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got me thinking modding a MMO ? i do not get it ,

in a MMO everybody is presumed to start on equal

even the idea that you if you pay extra you get a advantage

Some how this is all completely wrong


yes ESO graphic wise is looking good for a mmo , on a high end machine

and for those that never played a MMO before go ahead and try it we will see you back in a few weeks after you got bored to death grinding the same dungons over and over again just so you can play with the big boys

Every MMO that uses predetermined classes and levels tend to end up in a grind fest and become candy coated themeparks where the developers need to add constant content in order to keep theirt player base, it is one of the main reasons many MMO s fail after a few years

the players getting bored and the developers unable to add enough new content

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In response to post #12536470.

They're just talking about modding the UI, which has been around in MMO's since WoW and probably before that. It can't really be classified as cheating. Edited by rcd1976
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I was a beta tester this past weekend. I was disappointed in ESO. Besides the crashes during my main questing and vendor activities, it reminds me of WoW, plain and simple. Really kind of sad. I felt ESO has taken a few steps backwards in time. With the ability to create mods and intricate mods it gives us ESO old-timers and faithful-users some hope.
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Thrilled to see that the Nexus added ESO mod support to NMM. I will definitely make use of this feature.


Oh, I've been modding TES games since Morrowind came out and consider myself a hardcore fan. For the record, I have played several Betas of ESO now, and enjoy it very much. It's not a TES game and it's not a generic MMO --- anyone who can take off their blinders and evaluate the game based on it's own merits alone is much more likely to enjoy it. It's aimed at the explorers, the story driven players and the role players, as well as the DAoC PvP type crowd. If you're one of those types you should be able to get your money's worth and then some. If you're an instant gratification type don't bother buying it.

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In response to post #12506850. #12507470, #12517230, #12521820 are all replies on the same post.

If you kill some one it gone for you not other players.
Race gives you your "look" and a bonus skill tree
picking a class is picking a set of 3 skill trees THAT'S ALL they colud be called bundle 1,2,3,4 but there not they have names it's not a restriction is a starting point
the rest of the skill are available to all players just like any TES game unlike many MMO's

Each TES game has always made made changes from game to game some applauded some hated by player
ESO has made the changes needed to take it from single player to multiplayer

You don't need to wast you time/energy hating it if it's not your cup of tea just move on wait for TES VI or try something else

Being able to use mods is just the icing on the cake for me
Edited by FVK
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I've seen a lot of people saying bad things about this game, and after 30 hours I've put into the beta, I can see why. Good thing I got beta access. Saved me from wasting 60 dollars on a generic MMO with an Elder Scroll paint job. :D



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In response to post #12567105.

Indeed. I got into the Beta and I gave it a fair chance.

It just lacks the charm of a TES game for me. What got me into TES at the start was not the lore or the art style. It was the fact that it was a pretty in depth open world RPG in first person, that actually encouraged you to stick to role playing your class while allowing you the freedom to branch out your skills if you desired (Morrowind was my first)

Just having TES background, races and 'lore' is not enough for me. It needs that gameplay and freedom. I was pretty annoyed to realise that Night Blades are fairly limited in the magic department.
It is also weird making Sorcerers the main 'magic' class seeing as the Sorcerer was always a Magic-Combat hybrid in past TES games.
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In response to post #12506850. #12507470, #12517230, #12521820, #12566545 are all replies on the same post.

well thats the problem I never wanted to even give it a change, but the Zenimax development team gave constant feedback on "don't give up hoping" and "don't worry, we will put a lot of effort into the rpg element so that any longstanding single player fan can enjoy it to"
naturally over time I started hoping it would actually be something I would like to,
just to see this turning out as just another mmo with imaginary freedom feels like a stab in the back, I was seriously hoping they would live up to there word, its only natural to hate the game now to see they did nothing of the sort but just sticked to the "mmo base rules" that ruin every mmo and every player keeps mentioning but no mmo development team EVER removes or at least even alters, a rpg is all about freedom, sure now its a mmo based on a rpg, but would it kill anybody to take a bold move and say "hey lets make a full out rpg and make people play that online in a group"? Heck I bet it would even draw more players then ESO is going to do right now if they made it in such a way that it had more RPG elements, aside of that they just ruined a lot of the lore, I can overlook a few things but they even messed up the basics that I knew even the first time I played a elder scrolls game. Thats why Im giving it so much hate, I was made to believe this was going to be different as well as hoping somebody would actually try something new, especially considering they were basing it on a long time RPG that has mass of lore and history, to see how it turned out its not bad for a mmo, but its horrible for a TES game.

I won't deny however that IF this game would ever go free to play, I would give it a try, if not only to pass the time untill TES6 to go on a search in Zenimax-land to see if I can find something that is still following the lore Bethesda spend so much time on making instead of adding there own, make no sense, parts. I mean its dual edged, as a TES game I can only say I really hate to see what this has become right now and I see no way how they can still fix it in a short time, on the other hand, if I would ignore everything it has to do with TES (game-blasphemy) and Just focus on the mmo aspect It might prove a good mmo, if not just yet another mmo that will suffer under "too weak in pve and too strong in pvp" course people keep crying "give us ballance) while you should just split up pvp and pve combat all together so you can blast yourself a path solo in pve and need people to help you in pvp, but thats also a problem no mmo company will ever solve, anyways, as a mmo, this might score perhaps a 7/10 (form footage seen as of yet)
as a TES game only 3/10

asside of that "using mods" you realize this will most likely only mean interface and textures right? there is no way you will be able to put a new weapon or spell in game. and as of yet I can't say I think there is anything wrong with the Interface of ESO that would need a mod, unless of course somebody wants to make HD graphics, but thats never been my thing really, I never notice the difference between vanilla and HD textures anyways, only one that notices is my pc as it slows down 3 times as much for a change I don't even notice (referring to the HD texture pack skyrim DLC right now, never noticed a difference, my pc however...)

Even so I think its a good thing that the Nexus is going to get involved in ESO anyways, I love this site and its amazing to see how it keeps growing and expanding to more games, all I can do is keep rooting and hope it keeps getting bigger, only means I can mod more games and see more of other people's amazing work. Edited by jefthereaper
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