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Elder Scrolls Online Nexus and NMM updates


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There is no "automatic" search for updates. That was one of the features in previous versions of NMM that was causing enormous strain on the servers.


You click the "Clockwise-pointing Green Arrow" icon on the left-hand side to have NMM look for new versions of the mods you've installed. :thumbsup:

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There is no "automatic" search for updates. That was one of the features in previous versions of NMM that was causing enormous strain on the servers.


You click the "Clockwise-pointing Green Arrow" icon on the left-hand side to have NMM look for new versions of the mods you've installed. :thumbsup:

Yeah, I tried that to for the addons that I downloaded from esoui and it didn't find anything even though I knew there was an updated one on the site. Is there anyway to configure the non-nexus addons to point to another site for updates?

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TESO is just another MMO like there are dozen more in the world except they stamped the TES label on a game that aswell could have been named dark age of camelot II


they had the chance to create something radical new in the world of mmo s or go for the thru sandbox MMO that allowed the players almost as much freedom as the single player game

It might have taken longer to develop a gzme system from scratch but who cares tes fans are used to wait 4 to 6 years for their next shot of addictive game play

that the ESO was announced so quickly after the initial succes of TES V and that they basicly bought the license of just about every game mechanic i ve seen in the beta makes me believe that this whole ESO is indeed a attempt to beat as much money out of the fans as possible , they smart enough however to let a different studio zenimax to produce the game so not to burn bethesda ( who is basicly the goose with the golden eggs) if ESO fails

like i said they had a golden opportunity to bring something new into what is otherwise a pretty boring MMO world

with a few exceptions every MMO basicly is the same with the same predetermined classes ( the tank , the mage, the healer and the rogue) with very predictable playstyles

during my few beta weekends ESO is no different except that if you talk to a npc insead of telling you to go and kill 10 goblins or so he tells you to clear that or that cave/ruin

sugarcoated themepark MMOs most of them where the risk of the character is minimal and any rpg element or immersion is death


if they had made a multi player version of tamriel with either the oblivion or skyrim engine where you could enjoy adventuring with a few selected friends and sold that for 200 euro a piece they would still sell more copies of that than they will from ESO

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I really, really wanted to love ESO.

I also had low expectations going into the beta tests, because I am not a fan of mmo's.


They did not disappoint...my understanding that I would be disappointed.


It is just another mmo. outside of tamriel lore, there is no big draw. As a nexus addict, the thing in my opinion that pushes Bethesda/Zenimax games far above any other title out there is not just the scope of their open world and the freedom it allows, but its moddability.


Those three things have been ultimately removed from the game (and bad graphics added in for good measure to solidify its fail).


Its not impossible to make a good mmo, or multiplayer anyhow while keeping the traditional love of a ES title, they simply did it wrong, followed every other format out there.


I would pay...a lot of money, for ESO to be abandoned as a mmo and instead being altered into a single player highly optimized skyrim type experience but for all of tamriel. would even pay a little bit a month if I could go to a tavern and invite a few friends into -my- worldspace for my quests (of course the community here would have to set up mod syncing so everyone connecting to me would have the exact order of mods that were important so as not to crash out).


I think that this worldspace they have created, even if it fails, is not a complete failure. We may be seeing the framework for TES6 actually. If that's the case, then I applaud the epic huge distraction of this project over their brilliant single player games, and maybe they will also allow for TES6 to have some multiplayer functionality.


This game: recommended if you love the lore of Tamriel..otherwise...there are plenty of better mmo's out there in all honesty. this isn't bad, but for the value for dollar...and the fact that they took my favorite title and stamped it on a average to moderately decent mmo...blah.

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Why so much hatred...


It is a MMO and if you dont like MMO then dont try it through thinking "well i'll go through it like skyrim just with some friends..." (false expectation!! ).


The first M of MMO is for Massive --> so the game is not optimized for playing in small groups. So is the graphic (which i think is not much worse then Skyrim (Vanilla)) so is the lore and the whole Merchant system.


So i see 95% of the complaints issuing from false expectations. Most of the things u cant expect from an MMo and the developers never said that it would feel like single player game! They pointed out that it will be "elder scrollsy".


IN my opinion, they achieved more than enough:

just the story would be enough for me, but they even put the whole Fight/craftsystem in!!


So its ok for me if u dont want to pay for the game. Same thing i would never pay for Titanfall (Shooter, Release 15.3.). But i never played the Titanfall- beta and complained afterwards. I knew from the very start that shooter isnt mine. And u as players of RPG (TES4,TES5), cant complain about MMO if u abandoned the thought of playing MMO its completely different genre!


So tried many MMOs and the best ones amongst them is ESO even in beta state!

Edited by Swooss
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In response to post #12616442.

Well I guess the reply is most obvious, during development the ESO team kept saying this was NOT going to be just another mmo, and WAS going to have a lot of RPG elements and was going to be a amazing game even for RPG fans,

a statement they never lived up to as its just another mmo after all, following the same rules every mmo does instead of being creative for ones and saying "forget what the last mmo did, lets try something Entirely new (for those who don't get this, "entirely" means 100%, not 40% new)

They should have just been fair during development and should have said "TES fan's don't get your hopes up, this is going to become a normal mmo in a long line of look alike mmo's that just use different characters and plots.

At least then they would have been honest about what ESO was going, and has become.
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In response to post #12616442. #12620582 is also a reply to the same post.

the complains are not because the fans had False expectations the complains are because zenimax created those false expectations

Massive multiplayer online well i know only one game that is really that and i ve played many MMOs and that one is 10 year old and still going well it is a true sandbox that is almost completely player driven , it also has a subscription fee
That game might not be for rvery one but is for me one of the best MMO s still out there and a example that it can be done different
ESO will just be another MMO that will go F2P within a year because it lacks those 2 basic things my favorite mmo has
intelligenct gameplay and creativity

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Nexus Mods have extended the life of every game they support, which is why I'm excited about the possibility of ESO support. :) Maybe they can eventually tweak the parts of ESO that left me feeling ...bleh. I kept hoping it would get better as I leveled, even switched classes and alliances multiple times ...but it still felt like a lot of "go fetch" quests strung together. Some "worlds" were better developed than others, but overall ...it felt constrained and repetitive. Reminded me of the time my D&D group decided to let everyone "take a turn" at being DM ...some rose to the challenge with epic results ...others dragged us through a monotonous tomb of gloom.


For the record, I can easily play 20+ hours in a weekend of Skyrim, Oblivion, or Fallout ...but with ESO - I was bored and quit around the 6 hour mark. Hubby (also an avid gamer) asked if we were "keeping the pre-order on this one" ...and I told him, "not without some SERIOUS mod support". So if we subscribe and stick with ESO - Bethesda will have Nexus to thank. :)

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last beta I was in I did try out some impressive ui mods, I dl it from another site but I rather use Nexus.

thx Dark0ne


I'll send ya an friends invite next time im in game

Edited by Bloodinfested
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All the new trending mods like Player Voicesets, is safe right? I downloaded it when it was new. I am usually very cautious online and check upload dates when downloading mods. But had to re install Skyrim so I just went in and re-downloaded a lot of my old mods(all are in the most endorsed list), but this time around I did not check the author or upload dates. Are they making exact copy appearance of well-known mods?
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