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Well i am currently playing ratchet and clank going cammando,"Possible Spoiler", i think it is one of the best ones out of the ps2 series, also i hint a paradox in the new ratchet and clank game, since there is a female Lombax in this game.


E3 explains ratchet and clank?



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I'm currently playing Red Faction: Guerilla and Batllefield Heroes

when I'm done with that I'll probably play Oblivion, Morrowind or Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (about just as old as Morrowind, and just as addictive)

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Well right now I'm playing the awesome combination: Mount&Blade and Fallout 3 :D



Cheers :thumbsup:



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Well, in addition to the Tsukihime VN, I've started the Fate/Stay Night VN after installing it right. I've been playing to 360 Fallout 3 to beat Point Lookout (had to make 5 roundtrips just to bring the stuff back) and started up World At War, after leaving it untouched for months.
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Yay i am officially on my way on getting a platinum in Dead space on Chapter 3 and still climbing.


Only really need 3 more trophies witch are easy ones, just that i was lazy and didn't play it for almost a month ;D


Edit chapter 10 in impossible :biggrin:


Edit yea woooot, finally beat dead space on impossible. WOOT WOOT :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: for me thats a big achievement.


my friend is clapping in the distants, he siad it couldn't be done, i won the bet. :biggrin: :biggrin: .

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