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  karkarinus said:
2) Shadow of the Colossus - Too crap to be bothered with. Quit after 4 Colossi

I played that game, too. I managed to beat it...However, it's not all that good. The ending made no sense.

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  ninja_lord666 said:
  karkarinus said:
2) Shadow of the Colossus - Too crap to be bothered with. Quit after 4 Colossi

I played that game, too. I managed to beat it...However, it's not all that good. The ending made no sense.

If you think that one is bad, try playing ICO (the prequel, kinda). That one's gameplay QA department consisted of a gimp and a mental patient. Atmospheric it may be, fun it is not.

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  Switch said:
If you think that one is bad, try playing ICO (the prequel, kinda). That one's gameplay QA department consisted of a gimp and a mental patient. Atmospheric it may be, fun it is not.


I beg to differ, good sir! I had plenty of fun playing ICO (albeit short-lived) and hence part of my disappointment when I discovered that SOTC was such pants. o_O

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Huh, well, to each their own I guess. ^^ I found the puzzle solving/platforming combined with having to constantly stop those annoying demon things from carrying off that weak girl you're forced to babysit a cocktail for extreme frustration personally. XD


Anyway, this thread isn't about Ico specifically, so let's let this get back on-topic...

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  • 1 month later...




I'm Always either playing Morrowind or Oblivion. Morrowind keeps my Interest, and so does Oblivion, but my graphics card is not good enough to allow me Passage to anything except Bruma, Chorrol, and Skingrad.


Horrid really. But either way I Love them both Dearly. Not to mention such modifications galore to Enjoy and Explore....:huh: wait... did I just rhyme...? o_O


...Anywho, anyone with a good graphics card should get good Service.




Does he look familiar? (hint: look at my Avatar)

Preeeettty crappy ScreenShot by normal Oblivion Standards.... oh well :happy:.

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I'm currently playing: Dawn of Magic - a spell based Hack'nSlash.


you have the choice between 4 different caracters (for example: old, fat monk) and 3 convitions: good, neutral, evil... :D


the player has the ability to learn many skills like crafting, enchanting items...


it's great fun and has a good story, but sometimes quite difficult... ;)

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  • 1 month later...

Recently played: Galactic Civilizations 2: Gold Edition.

Life-destroyingly addictive is a good way to sum it up. A fifty odd dollar price makes it brilliant value for money (~£25). It's effectively Civilization 4...in SPACE!


Also played: Just Cause

Fun for a good while, but late into the game it becomes very samey and difficult. Still, parachuting across an archipelago isn't something you get to do every day, is it?


Still playing: UT2K4 Ballistic Weapons mod. So fun, so bloody gory and so loud! The railgun is a particular fave of mine.

"Paul stumped Kragoth's already stumpy head" Hahaha! Or mabye for the .50 cal machinegun: "Paul put a .50 through Kragoth's idiotic face".

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  • 4 weeks later...

Like Tears of Dawn above I have been playing Dawn of Magic, there are some good ideas in the game i.e. the way that you can mix and match the 96 available spells into different combinations, but I was a bit disappointed with the later levels, nothing really changes except the baddies are stronger, OK so are you and your character can create better enchantments, but the stuff that you find is all exactly the same as in the previous levels.


I just installed Dark Messiah today and will be having a crack at that later on.

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