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Dúlamán - Clannad.

@Karna5 - I'm impressed at your listening. I can't have people read to me at all because they don't re-read bits or turn back to a few pages before... 🤣 I also like the sound of the words in my head. I'll read aloud if I need to hear it aloud but I don't need that much these days.

I also like your interpretation of 'listening to'... You're right, it should encompass more than music.

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  On 7/14/2024 at 11:31 AM, zixi said:

I'll read aloud if I need to hear it aloud but I don't need that much these days.


There is indeed a special kind of magic to reading something aloud. It may sound beautiful or expressive in your head, but when you speak it aloud it talks directly to your heart.

There's a song called "You and Me and Rainbows" by the Teargarden. Back around 1988 through 1990ish DJ Charles English at a punk night club called Todds in Detroit used to play it every Thursday. The dance floor would be full of people before and after that song, but the discordant, haunting tones and lyrics of that song cleared it every time, and then I and one other person would step on to the dance floor and close our eyes and dance to it for its nearly seventeen minutes. This song wormed its way into me thoroughly, and Edward Ka-Spel, the songwriter and singer, is by far my favorite artist even to this day.

The lyrics to the song are beautifully bleak. They spoke to me.

A few years ago I was having a conversation with my girlfriend about it, and I agreed to read the lyrics to her so she could hear them. Half way through reading them aloud I broke into uncontrollable crying. Then I'd pause and try again, and cry and cry and cry.

I to this day cannot read those lyrics out loud. In my head I have no problem. In my head they're detached and beautiful and sad. But out loud, it's like there's no compartmentalization, no barrier between my heart and its story.

In short, I admire and appreciate that sometimes you read things aloud to yourself. It's got its own magic silence lacks.

Here's a link to the song for the curious, but keep in mind it's not the same experience on YouTube compared to a nightclub dance floor played so loud your bones shake with the rhythm and discordance.


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