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And now I'm going to see him live next week! :dance:

Sweet! Is it a like a solo show or is he playing with Porcupine Tree? I gotta admit I'm a bit envious, I don't think he's gonna be around Sweden for some time. I'll have to settle with Youtube clips. Not to say that's bad though. :turned:




Been listening a lot to Funkadelic lately. I can't get enough of dat funky thang.

I love the spoken words in this song :wub:



You can find the answer

The solution lies within the problem

The answer is in every question

Dig it?

An attitude is all you need to rise and walk away

Inspire yourself

Your life is yours

It fits you like your skin


The oak sleeps in the acorn

The giant sequoia tree sleeps in its tiny seed

The bird waits in the egg

God waits for his unfoldment in man

Fly on, children

Play on


You gravitate to that which you secretly love most

You meet in life the exact reproduction of your own thoughts

There is no chance, coincidence or accident

In a world ruled by law and divine order

You rise as high as your dominant aspiration

You descend to the level of your lowest concept of your self

Free your mind and your ass will follow


The infinite intelligence within you knows the answers

Its nature is to respond to your thoughts

Be careful of the thought-seeds you plant in the garden of your mind

For seeds grow after their kind


Play on, children


Every thought felt as true

Or allowed to be accepted as true by your conscious mind

Take roots in your subconscious

Blossoms sooner or later into an act

And bears its own fruit

Good thoughts bring forth good fruit

bulls*** thoughts rot your meat

Think right, and you can fly

The kingdom of heaven is within

Free your mind, and your ass will follow


Play on, children

Sing on, lady



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been listening to Miss May I a lot lately, and Avril Lavigne's newest album as well. and breaking ben too.


lol i listen to my Zune at work and so lately ive just been picking band albums and listening to them. hence the multiple bands ive been listening to recently

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