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Just to explain my postcount...


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Just incase people were wondering why my post count was so high and deciding to PM me with messages of admins being corrupt, the forums being a disaster since Daerk was made admin and contracting forum neurosis from our first carrier, Thomas, then I'll explain myself here ;)


Here's the link to my old post count - http://dynamic5.gamespy.com/~chronicles/ya...sername=Dark0ne


My post count before this was 169, so I think - think (I'm no maths major ;)) 3046 + 169 = 3115 doesn't it? Yeah, think so.


Ok...so don't go falling over yourselves about it :D

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Anyone that has a Problem with Daerk, has a problem with me. And if I see his name slandered, or any other mods for that matter, I'll personally deal out punishment to those that dare defy me. As for the post count, someone must have alot of free time when they start complaining about people's post counts.



-The Raven- buncha stupids if you ask me.....

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I'm not personally bitching about my post count but certainly I can see peoples' points of view when complaining about a new group of people coming out of nowhere and having their post counts counted here too. (sticks his neck out) I must say I have to side with the complainers on this subject, not that I'm saying my own count matters, it doesn't I only post when i have something to say that i want other people to read, but being a young forum it now seems exremely polarized for some reason with peep having more than 1000 posts in the short time this forum has been around.
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To explain yet again:


These forums are the NEXT GENERATION of an ALREADY EXISTING forum.


The original forum is closing and it's posts as well as members are transferring to the new generation of the forums.


These members are the original forum regulars, everyone in the Morrowind Source forums are the noobs compared to these guys. Why should we suddenly lose the postcounts and all the content of the threads/posts we've worked over a year to make... just to allow the new forum's regulars to look at us as if *WE'RE* the noobs? That's like asking Star Trek TNG crewmembers to look at the Original Enterprise crew as "noobs" when the old crew moves to the new ship.


-- Daerk

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