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Drunken gnomes


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Ah, didn't understand the situation correctly. Most likely a mod conflict then.


We REALLY need to see your sorted "load order" as produced by LOOT. With modded games, its the sequence, not merely the list of mods, which is the cause of many problems. LOOT's sort gives a good first approximation, correcting the most obvious issues and is sufficient for most players. Instructions are in the "How to ask for help" article, and "Checklist Item #11' entry in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide.



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Okay, it's not a mod conflict, and my load order isn't the issue. I have 2 saved games, and he isn't showing up on either one of them. So, I created a new game `tmm 1 and quick traveled there. A `killall to rid myself of the vipers, and there was the gnome. I grabbed his ID, logged to my save games and tried `additem... but it's not working. I verified the load order in NMM to be sure, but both of the old save games are past wiping out the vipers, and now the cazadors have set up camp, so I think it has to do with the cell modification that occurs between the vipers and cazadors.

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I don't know how you define it, but when one mod covers up something added by another, I call it a "mod conflict" which is usually resolved by changing their position in the load order. But it can also be caused by the "Rule of One" if you don't use a "bashed/merge patch" file. Please see the 'Vanilla "Load Order"', 'Towards Game Stability', 'Third Rule: The Rule of One', 'Smaller Plugin Cap', and 'Merge Patch file' sections of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article.

If "additem" failed, it usually means you either select the wrong object or got the "mod index" wrong. Please see the discussion about this in 'Issue: Find the source mod-index of an object in-game' entry in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide.



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This is my first time needing help, so I'm giving this a go. I have a level 1 character who is in Bonny Springs and you can see Lone Ranger present, along with his PRID, and the load order of "0e". Then I have a picture of my level 50 character in the same spot, with no Lone Ranger. The third picture is of me attempting to add Lone Ranger to my inventory, along with the error showing. @dubiousintent, I hope this is what you're looking for.


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The assumption here is that the load order for your level 1 character is exactly the same as for your level 50. In both cases mod index "0e" should be one of the "NVInteriors_<x>.esm" files.


I'm using the "NVInteriors_ComboEdition.esm" myself, and the "Lone Ranger" gnome is PRID/FormID 'xx006D9E' (EditorID 'FNVIntDRGNGardenGnome21'). You can use FNVEdit to check the "EditorID" in your ESM file and get the FormID to verify for yourself that 'xx06643F' is correct in that file. Note that the "mod index" in FNVEdit will not match that in your "load order", and FNVEdit will only load the "NVInteriors" file and any required "masters". In my case that was:

* [00] "FalloutNV.ESM"

* [00] "FalloutNV.EXE"

* [01] "NVInteriors_Core.esm"

* [02] "NVInteriors_ComboEdition.esm".



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So, I've downloaded FNVE and extracted the .esm data. The FormID under Misc. Items is 0e006d9e (matching the FormID you mentioned), however, the 0d mod index in NVSE does match that of my load order... I don't know if that is an issue. However, the FormID listed for Lone Range in the world space is 0e06643f. This is a learning experience, and out of my depth. I've never had any mod issues before, and I'm using 30ish for this game alone. So, my thoughts are to use the quest ID to progress it via Command, unless there's a different method of procuring the item, as I am a completionist and would love to have the set on display somewhere.

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As this is a learning experience, let me clarify a couple of things.


* NVSE is not involved in this (identifying the FormID of the gnome) in any way. I believe you meant to say "FNVEdit".


* If you were to use LOOT to export/post your "load order" here, it will list both the decimal and hexadecimal (hex) "mod index" for your plugins. The game engine used the "hex" version. How to get the LOOT list into a post is described in the "How to ask for help" article. (It's pretty straightforward.)


* FNVEdit only loads the files directly related to the target plugin you want to examine if that is the only file you select. If you want it to reflect the mod index of your load order, then you have to manually select all the intervening files, and even then FNVEdit may show them in a different order. It's loading algorithm is sorted by extension: so ESM extension files always precede ESP extensions that are internally flagged as "ESM".


* The game engine load order (like LOOT) sorts without regard for extension, based upon the internal "ESM" flag. This may account for the difference in the "mod index" you are seeing.


* The FormID "xx06643F" is the "placed object" (RefID) for "xx006d9e" in the "World Space". You can't "additem" a "placed object" (RefID). But that did serve to identify the source mod, and from there we identified the base record FormID ("xx006d9e") and EditorID ("FNVIntDRGNGardenGnome21"). (These various "ID" terms are indeed confusing and take some getting used to. See the 'GECK Form-ID, Base-ID, Ref-ID, and Editor-ID' section in the wiki "Getting started creating mods using GECK" article for an explanation of them.)

The last two "bullet points" above are the only logical reason why your "additem" statement failed with that error.


Your "additem" attempt should work IF (and only IF) you have the correct "mod index" of the FormID at the time. However, much depends upon which mod manager you are using, as NMM and MO work from an "empty DATA folder" concept when not actually starting the game. When you start a game with either of those managers, they load "links" to the mods in your "profile" into the DATA folder. If any mod plugin is not present in the selected manager "profile" at the time you are in game, then the mod index of the load order will be different. FNVEdit will only see the plugins (links) that are present (and "active") in the DATA folder at the time it is launched.


This boils down to "you can't rely upon the mod index from FNVEdit; only the remainder of the FormID". You have to identify the plugin containing the object you want, and then adjust the "additem" mod index to that actually present in the load order when you attempt to use the console. Then try "additem" using that mod index and the remainder of the BaseID you found in FNVEdit (i.e. "xx006d9e").



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I did, indeed, mean FNVEdit. I'm retired Army, I'm also tired of acronyms. I read the "How To", and aside from spoilering it, that was simple. Okay, LOOT load order listed. Now, I use that in game, and it gives me the gnome. When you first gave me the FormID the other day, I used it in conjunction with my load order mod index, but got nothing. Could it have something to do with running LOOT and any changes it made? The 0e006d9e is the same code I used two days ago. I have my den now, so there's that. Now to go looking at the links you've given me.



0 0 FalloutNV.esm
1 1 DeadMoney.esm
2 2 HonestHearts.esm
3 3 OldWorldBlues.esm
4 4 LonesomeRoad.esm
5 5 GunRunnersArsenal.esm
6 6 ClassicPack.esm
7 7 MercenaryPack.esm
8 8 TribalPack.esm
9 9 CaravanPack.esm
10 a YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm
11 b SomeguySeries.esm
12 c NVInteriors_Core.esm
13 d NVInteriors_ComboEdition.esm
14 e NVInteriors_WastelandEditon.esm
15 f NVWillow.esp
16 10 NevadaSkies.esm
17 11 The New Bison Steve Hotel.esm
18 12 FCOMaster.esm
19 13 YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).esp
20 14 Cane Gun v2.0.esp
21 15 Conelrad 640-1240.esp
22 16 Saucy Sink.esp
23 17 FCO - NPC Changes.esp
24 18 FCO - GlowingOne.esp
25 19 FCO - Roberts Patch.esp
FCO - Afterschool Special.esp
FCO - Beyond Boulder Dome.esp
FCO - Saxons Quest Collection.esp
26 1a FCO - The New Bison Steve.esp
FCO - Delilah.esp
FCO - Niner.esp
27 1b FCO - OHSB NPC Edits.esp
FCO - Willow (Cazy).esp
28 1c FCO - Willow.esp
29 1d CNR_Beta.esp
30 1e NewVegasBounties.esp
31 1f NewVegasBountiesII.esp
32 20 TheInheritance.esp
33 21 Russell.esp
34 22 PerkEveryLevel.esp
35 23 KingOfTheRing.esp
36 24 NewVegasKiller.esp
37 25 Badmothaf*#@a.esp
38 26 NewVegasBountiesIII.esp
39 27 TreasureHuntv1.3.esp
40 28 TheBetterAngels.esp
41 29 Follower Home Marker.esp
42 2a CAGE
43 2b CheckpointGary.esp
44 2c UHNV.esp
45 2d UHNV-Honest Hearts.esp
46 2e UHNV-More Mannequins.esp
47 2f UHNV-Dead Money.esp
48 30 UHNV-OWB.esp
49 31 UHNV-Brighter Lighting.esp
50 32 UHNV-Lonesome Road.esp
51 33 hideout1.1.esp
52 34 FCO - Russell.esp
NevadaSkies - TTW Edition.esp
53 35 NevadaSkies - Ultimate DLC Edition.esp
NevadaSkies - Basic Edition.esp

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"Retired Army". Same here, so I understand perfectly.


You will find that with any problem we almost always end up needing to see a sorted load order. From the one you just posted, I can tell that you have the following issues. (These are boilerplate responses so everything may not apply to you.)


Move any "inactive" plugins out of the game "Data" folder. They count against the "plugin cap" because they get loaded by the game engine if found, and can cause "Missing Master" problems. If you can't get down to roughly 130 by moving inactives out, try to prioritize and uninstall (on a temporary "test" basis) the less important plugins until you do so. If that does resolve your problems, then see the wiki "Merged Plugin Guidelines for Personal Use" article on how to merge plugins (which is not the same as a "merge patch" file) to get your active count down while still keeping the mods.

Don't install compatibility patches for mods you do not have installed/active (e.g. get rid of any "TTW" patches if you aren't running TTW).

Don't install every optional file for a mod. Read the install instructions carefully. Optional files need to be selected on a "case by case" basis. For example: with any mod you usually only need one ESP (and possibly one ESM) "base" file depending upon whether you have all the DLCs active or not. Only if you don't have them all active do you need to install any specific DLC versions if there is an "Ultimate Edition/All/Merged DLC" version.


In your particular case, "NVInteriors_ComboEdition" already contains everything in "NVInteriors_WastelandEdition", so the latter is redundant. Your original FormID (based upon that load order) came from "WastelandEdition" (mod index: 0e). But it didn't work correctly in the "additem" command because it was a RefID instead of a FormID. Not actually a problem related to the "mod index".


Edit: Please see the 'Vanilla "Load Order"', 'Towards Game Stability', 'Third Rule: The Rule of One', 'Smaller Plugin Cap', and 'Merge Patch file' sections of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article. "The Rule of One" is why the FormID for your level 1 character came back as being from "Wasteland Edition".


Edited by dubiousintent
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  • 9 months later...

Using Freeside Open PBR is unreachable as he's in an unused worldspace.


EDIT: If you use the fast travel marker for Cerulean Robotics it will take you to the cell you need. Step out to the road and walk directly NE to the other end. You will find a gambler standing there under the Freeside sign where there should be a gate. Turn right and walk between the outer wall and the building. There you will find PBR. Then just fast travel out. If for some reason your Cerulean Robotics fast travel marker works correctly then use the console, "coc freesidenorthgate"


I could not find this info anywhere so I looked in the GECK. FINALLY finished this quest.

Edited by FunkyGerbil22
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