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Fallout new vegas


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Here are my ideas about things that should be fixed for New Vegas


There are things in Fallout3 that make the game not live up to the quality of the previous titles. I'd like to list these so that the same mistakes shouldn't be done.


1- Fix the unkillable characters bug. Make other ways to finish the game after quest givers are killed. If you should add unkillable characters to the game for other reasons, make it easy for modders to fix it.


2- Fix the engine. In Fallout3 characters movement looks like the game was made in the nineties. They show walking forward animation yet walk backwards, float over the landscape while moving, climbing stairs, etc... It's first person now, so pay attention to the detail. Make animations. Better yet add a proper physics engine like euphoria.

And please after years, fix the character so that they don't have hands, feet, neck like aliens. Remove the black line between the head and neck.


3- Make body parts movable like in Vampire the Masquerade - Bloodlines. Make clothes, hair respond to head movement, gravity and make it natural. Clipping is the worst thing that can happen to a game. Make the characters a bit less lifeless. Make their eyes move, head move, etc.


4- Look at Fallout1 and Fallout2. There used to be tens of junkies dosing in the streets, prostitutes selling themselves, children running around committing crimes. Make Fallout unforgiving.


5- You could become a pornstar with the kama sutra perk in Fallout2. Reintroduce this to the game.


6- And add more conditional perks which effect how some characters and the world respond to you. Your perks could make different characters behave differently to you in the old games. Reintroduce this.


7- High or low luck caused random encounters. Reintroduce them.


8- Intelligence caused your characters speaking to change and the reaction he got. also you could have world changing solutions like advice irrigation to a farmer or find a more rewarding solution to a problem if you had high enough intelligence. Reintroduce this to the game. Perception caused your character to sense whether a person was not telling you the truth or depending on the surroundings and gave you other choices in the dialogue.


9- Fallout1 and 2 dialogues had character unlike Fallout3. Reintroduce this to the game. Not talking about spoken dialogue. Don't really care. I mean the written script.


10- Implement a decent AI to the game and make different creatures or characters behave differently. Make them take cover, escape when appropriate.


11- don't make the game black&white. Make it like Fallout1 and 2 where you had many choices and many of them had further effects. For example if you solve a problem by sleeping with someone low, make our character also gain a sexual disease.


12- Make the ingame music sound more like Fallout1 and 2.


13- Marginally improve the FPS combat. Be perfect in at least one aspect.


14- Make it worth it having a 10 charisma, or 10 perception or 10 agility


15- Make the game bug free. Don't forget things. Never assume the player won't do something. Let me give an example.


In Fallout3 there is a quest where you help a doctor cleanse the caves of fireants. You have a choice to kill or not kill the queen ant. If you don't kill the queen and return to doctor, He thanks and goes into the cave. After that he becomes a mindless junk. Because of a shortcoming of the game engine or something which was overlooked, he starts running madly in the cave because there is a fireant queen in the vicinity and he is fleeing from it. These are very unprofessional things which kill the immersion.


Check these - these - these - these - these - and these bugs and never ever overlook these kinds of things. I still couldn't finish Fallout3 due to bugs I encountered. This is serious.



Here are some other ideas: http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/genmessage.php?board=959559&topic=50292467

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Sounds like you need to make your own game, no one is going to make a game just for you which is what you appear to want. For one thing you really ought to look into the game engine they using and what limitations that brings, it eliminates a bit of your list right of the top.
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Sounds like you need to make your own game, no one is going to make a game just for you which is what you appear to want. For one thing you really ought to look into the game engine they using and what limitations that brings, it eliminates a bit of your list right of the top.


Which of my wishes can not be done on the engine? I can't see what can't be done apart from proper physics which can be added by some effort.


I'm not asking for something which wasn't done before. I just want a title like Fallout to at least reach the standards of older titles. Fallout3 have weaknesses that need ironing out.

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Sounds like you need to make your own game, no one is going to make a game just for you which is what you appear to want. For one thing you really ought to look into the game engine they using and what limitations that brings, it eliminates a bit of your list right of the top.


Which of my wishes can not be done on the engine? I can't see what can't be done apart from proper physics which can be added by some effort.



Anything can be done on any engine with the right programmers


A lot of people around here throw arond the phrase "game engine limitations" too much, at least when it comes to Bethesda and Obsidian. There are a lot of game engine limitations to modders and they are a huge deal, but for Bethesda and Obsidian if they want something bad enough they will get it to work regardless.


But most people don't truly understand what exactly a game engine really is, so I can see where they get mixed up.


For example, fixing the engine has nothing to do with animations, though the problem with animations would be a mostly a programmer issue not an animator issue, since there needs to be triggers to do backwards animation and 3/4 walking. Something that would be the engine would be the lack of shadows and that the draw order on the head and body creates a seam.



But anyways, without getting technical and nitpicking the subject, you could do pretty much all of that stuff in any hame engine if you had enough programmers to do the job.



A lot of stuff that people think is the engine really isn't the engine at all, and just things that are hardcoded, have no access to the code, or just isn't available with in the GECK. Stuff that would be immposible for a modder to change but requires no modification to the engine itself.

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@ancalimonungol: The one thing that i agree the most with on your list is the lack of world-changing choices. I dont think i can remember ANYTHING in FO3 where any choice you make have a long-term effect on the game-world off the top of my head(apart from blowing up megaton).
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Getting back to talking about New Vegas...


Sure, they're recycling F3's assets, but I think that will allow them to emphasize the new story. ObEnt's no stranger to a good tale and Iooking at the various articles, it's going to beat the hell out of Fallout 3's MQ. Mariposa muties, that NCR trenchcoat, and the return of the reputation system? The real drawcard is not hearing "How do you like that Pipboy, son? Fit all right and everything?"

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Sounds like you need to make your own game, no one is going to make a game just for you which is what you appear to want. For one thing you really ought to look into the game engine they using and what limitations that brings, it eliminates a bit of your list right of the top.


Which of my wishes can not be done on the engine? I can't see what can't be done apart from proper physics which can be added by some effort.


I'm not asking for something which wasn't done before. I just want a title like Fallout to at least reach the standards of older titles. Fallout3 have weaknesses that need ironing out.


With the Gamebryo engine, eliminating the neck seam is impossible. It exists because head and body are lit separately. It is possible to diminish it, or try to hide it, but it'll still be there. New Vegas will be using Gamebryo again IIRC, so look forward to more neck seams.

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Personally, I don't see "Neck seams" as a fault of the engine but as a consequence of making the heads as malleable as they are. though devs could make the neck as part of the body & just have the seam at the bottom of the head/top of the neck, might be less noticeable there.


Neck seams don't bother me, I remember pre-better bodies Morrowind

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