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NMM 0.50.0 and NMM Legacy releases


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In response to post #15450665. #15451400 is also a reply to the same post.

same happened to me. But the mods (plugins tab shows all the esms and esp's) are there but the mod tab is empty. followed the instructions an selected no for configuration as told to. Glad I have a separate SKSE shortcut

edit: found the problem. prev versions used c:/games/skyrim/mods. This version defaulted to (created?) c:/games/nexus mod manager/skyrim/mods. so under NMM settings, skyrim I chg'd the location back to games, skyrim, mods. All is well now. Edited by ravernware
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In response to post #15418455. #15430295 is also a reply to the same post.

So I was able to get my installed mods to SHOW as installed in 50.2 by making a new folder for the install info and I took my config files which looked like this:


I put those in the new folder and I set the new folder in the NMM as the info folder. Now all the mods I had installed previously are again shown as installed, if that makes any sense.

Oh, and the old overwrites folder into the same new folder. Edited by Jabaduhut
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In response to post #15450665. #15451400, #15472820 are all replies on the same post.

It physically uninstalled them. It didn't delete the zip files, but it uninstalled every mod. Every esp file along with the texture and mesh files are gone so it certainly uninstalled them.

At first, it showed as @ravernware. When I tried to use a backup install log it said the mods were removed but the files were left behind, so it deleted them.

My fault for not researching the upgrade first.

Oh well, gives me a chance to make sure all my mods are up to date and start over I guess.
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I am getting this message when I try to activate FO3 Wanderers Edition 6.03 - HOTFIX.


" A problem occurred during install: BOSS_API_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS: Master Files must load before other plugins. The mod was not installed."


I am able the add FWE 1 and 2 and activate them through NMM 0.50.0. What gives?


Thanks for any guidance on this matter.

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In response to post #15450665. #15451400, #15472820, #15488980, #15499685 are all replies on the same post.

well my mods are there, but NMM under the mod tab shows them as all uninstalled. But the plugins tab shows all the esms and esps activated (checked) and they show up in game.

So this new version just cleaned (deleted) all the install info. Nice job. btw, I followed the instuctions to the letter. No mention that this could happen. So how do I get this dumb ass version of NMM to show under the mods tab the installed mods? I am not going to reinstall every mod when they are already installed and working fine. Where is the backup InstallLog.xml and how do you restore it?
I also tried pointing NMM to the proper install info folder and no change (c:/games/skyrim/installinfo/overwrites/data) Edited by ravernware
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In response to post #15418455. #15430295, #15482880 are all replies on the same post.

really nice how there was no mention of this from the install prompts... and the moderator has the nerve to tell us to pay more attention to the mod and install info folders. Well I have NMM configured to the proper folders and now have to use a third party workaround :(
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One tiny issue i like to point out ever since i updated to NMM 0.50.2 is that no matter what i cannot login :(, i keeps sain my login information is invalid, and i follow the installation instruction to the letter... someone around here has this issue or is just me alone?
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