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Staff account compromise. What's happened and an apology.


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Leave it to one butt crumpet to spoil the tea party for the rest of us. I was *THIS* close to updating the ApachiiSkyHair via NMM yesterday too around that time. Just so happened I had to head back to the office to fetch my cell phone.


Good catch Nexus admins!

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im not on here much myself since i got bored of skyrims bug causing the dawnguard eclipse to not work more than 2seconds once a day. especialy since its never been or going top be fixed. plus the mods are being abandoned too much unfinished. im still around sometimes checking on a future fix for the bugs and bad mods causing theese issues. but i did see someone over on steam workshop making threats about this a while back becouse he was banned from using the site, if the nexus would quit banning good moders, and just block them from commenting or messeaging on anything. theese attacks would not happen. i checked back on steam a minute ago and see this guys laphing it up on steam saying its just the beggining. and hes threatning to do it again. im afraid to say his name becouse he threatend thathe can hack anyone at anytime he is a knowm member of annomouse too , be carefull. he is at war aginst you according to his post. hes fighting to stop all the mod loss from banning he said. Edited by TheBigToker82
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In response to post #15489750.

Sounds like someone who's butt hurt is taking advantage of the open nature of my reporting to claim it's them, when it's most likely not.

If someone was butt hurt about being banned why would they keep uploading viruses to the site in order to propagate a bot net? They wouldn't. They'd attempt to take the site down and/or deface it to try and embarrass us while bringing attention to their cause. Think about it; if you were butt hurt and gaining access to people's Nexus accounts would you (a) login and upload viruses or (b) login and start spreading anti-Nexus sentiment around the place? So either this person is the "hacker" and he's utterly retarded, or he's just a kiddy trying to claim responsibility for acts he isn't performing. Either way, he's an embarrassment.

This isn't someone with an agenda against the site so much as it is someone trying to exploit the open sharing nature of the sites in an attempt to gain more drones for their botnet.

There'll be plenty of people accepting responsibility for this stuff. The irony is, none of them will actually be the ones responsible.

Edit: Oh, I see your account was just banned as you're a known multiple account abuser. Guess most of this was just a load of made up bullcrap :) Edited by Dark0ne
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Sorry to hear this. My guess someone was banned for being an ass then had a little fit... :D


Hope you find them and go all Dark side on them :) take no prisoners, specially silly people

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In response to post #15486210. #15486755 is also a reply to the same post.

Luckily, it is not uncommon that they can still be traced like certain previously banned members who try to do the same.
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