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As a writer (including fanfic) I sometimes write at least a thousand words a day, often much more, but put aside a good deal of what I write. I am not sure how I do it except that I have been writing a long time. I am still learning.


I love ice coffee.

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I have a hamburger every Saturday (family tradition)


I could seriously pick that tradition up.:D


Random Fact: I purchase games and never play them. Then when their expansion comes out I purchase that too even though I still have not played the original.

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I have 5 cats, this is one of them




Cats are great


I like cats but I rent and I can not keep pets.

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Yey for cat lovers! I have 3, all of whom I adore more than life itself.


Random fact: my living room is all done out in ancient Egyptian style. Hand painted by me over a period of 18 months.

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