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Will TES6 ever be made?


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Fallout 4: I don't know where they can go with that line of lore unless it is moved to location where things aren't as settled as NV was. NV reminded me of a Western but with mutants and machine guns. It didn't feel very Mad Max/Post Apocalyptic to me. I bought it on sale and played one go through on Xbox and it went on the shelf.

TES 6: I don't know what to think about that either. I played Skyrim first and then went back and played Oblivion. I don't know anything about Morrowind or the games before that aside from what I've read on wikis. Those games were before my time. I think Skyrim is a decent game, but I agree with some here about the loose ends from all of the quests. Who won the Civil War? What about all the dragons and vampires running around? I don't know and I don't think anyone here knows either. I know it's not worth arguing about though.


From what I gather from reading on line, Bethesda changes the 'lore' on a whim so there is no counting on that or what they will do in the next game. It might not make sense in game terms, like not being able to kill Ulfric before the Civil War quest ends. As a test, I stocked up on potions and other gear and walked into the Palace of Kings. I was able to 'kill' him (he didn't shout me apart) and his guards and then escape the city. If he hadn't been checked as essential I would have solved half of Skyrim's problems then and there. It didn't make any sense that I couldn't do it. Kill Ulfric, his rebellion starts to fall apart and before long the people who follow him go back to their normals lives or they become bandits or something, unless one of his generals steps up; and then you just kill him too. It just doesn't make any sense; like Dawnguard and vampires blocking the sun. Block the sun, everyone freezes to death and the vampires have no one to eat. That is a bad plan and it doesn't make any sense.


If there are obvious nonsensical things like that in Skyrim, we can count on them being in TES6.

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From what I gather from reading on line, Bethesda changes the 'lore' on a whim so there is no counting on that or what they will do in the next game.

Absolutely incorrect. TES has only ever undergone one major re-write, and everything since has only served to expand on things established before. Even Oblivion's sickeningly boring and generic Cyrodiil was nicely fit into the lore using mechanisms established in Morrowind.

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I typed 'from what I've seen on line'. I didn't type that I agreed with it or that it was true.


The ONE instance I know of first hand where Bethesda ignores their own lore concerns Redguards. In Skyrim, Redguards make good Battlemages and there are NPC sorcerers and conjurers. In Oblivion there were two. Looking at the skill sets, Oblivion Redguards suck at magic and Skyrim Redguards get bonuses. Reading a few wikis, Oblvion had it right and Skyrim got it wrong. Redguards HATE magic and magic users. According to the lore wikis (Pre-Skyrim) a group of sorcerers were responsible for destroying Yokuda (the Redguard's homeland) and after that the Redguards shunned/hated spell casters. There is a Redguard in the Oblivion Mages Guild who talks about it. In Skyrim, there is no mention and the lore is ignored. Looking at the lore wikis (Post-Skyrim), this has been rewritten in the NEW 'Pocket Guide to the Empire.'


If there is an 'official source' of lore I would love a link, since wikis are written by people like us with nothing but game fragments and opinions.


And none of this really matters anyway. I'll buy the next release or I won't. The only reason I've bought any Bethesda game is because it's on sale, not because it's good.

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Got a point on the Redguards it wasn’t just oblivion every game before that more or less had negative towards creating a caster Redguard... thats what you call an poor development path and I guess ignoring long history of race lore.

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I don't understand the purpose of the devs destroying Red Mountain either. What purpose did it serve? The huge influx of Dunmer refugees in to Skyrim, like all 30 of them? I think there were more Dunmer in Oblivion than there are in Skyrim. It reminded me of all of the NCR squatters in Freeside New Vegas. Mr Vegas talks about it on the radio and the Kings talk about it, but when you look for these 'squatters' you might find 6. Not exactly an invasion, like 'all the Dunmer' who fled to Skyrim after Red Mountain. Okay, where are they?


But I'm acting like a Bethesda game is actually finished on release and they didn't cut half of the content. We can expect the same for FO4 and TES6.


I'm glad I have ME3 and GOW. :yes:

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The Racials have always been,,, weird. Imperials/Cyrods have always favoured heavy armour in the lore, but in Morrowind and Oblivion had bonuses to Light Armour, for instance. Racial bonuses really don't make any sense, and seem to be picked based on an attempt to fit each race into a particular 'favourite role' rather than actually following any sort of lore...


For their part, the Redguard have never been overly fond of magic. Not entirely sure why, since there isn't a period in their history when Mages really ran amuck... Yokuda was sunk by the Ansei, or Sword Singers, who were more like magical swordsmen than mages.


I don't understand the purpose of the devs destroying Red Mountain either. What purpose did it serve?


Well... to be honest, Kirkbride specifically asked them to nuke Morrowind. He felt that people were too fixated on what was, rather than what could be, and wanted to push people out of their TES;III comfort zone...


And really, Skyrim has about the same number of Dunmer NPCs, but considerably higher Dunmer density, with almost those NPCs in the same general area. Considering the scaling, it makes them SEEM like they are more plentiful so long as you don't count them.

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I have played TES games since they first came out. Arena, Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim. Even though ESO is made by a different company it's still good. However I prefer the single player immersive approach of the base games. TES: VI is a definite thing. We all know it's going to happen regardless of ESO's failure or success. The simple reason is because the TES series success as a whole is not tied to ESO because technically speaking they were not made by the same people. The team that has been making TES since the very beginning, has a long line of success and is a proven product. ESO is simply an 8 year MMO experiment by any definition. As far as when TES: VI will happen. I would be VERY surprised if it happened before 2018. As it has been stated before they are on a 3 year approx release schedule and Fallout releases have to fit into that schedule plain and simple. Also to be more accurate, the distance between Oblivion and Skyrim was closer to 5.5 years in actual fact. Not to mention a game like TES is just getting more and more complex each release.


That being said expect new releases to take more time in addition to the fact that their last game Skyrim was basically a game release that was only 60% finished. Let's face facts Skyrim was NOT a finished product and they even admitted it. Hell the game in my opinion isn't even close to complete until you slap about 200+ immersion friendly spell, environment, item, weapon, armor, npc overhaul, and AI, etc mods onto it PLUS a good ENB. I mean GOD the base lighting of the game is just atrociously done compared to other games of the same era... I mean the quality is reasonable, it's just the end result is highly unpolished and not precise. True Story. I love TES games. Not complaining too much but they are trying to do the impossible with every release.


What needs to happen is they need to STOP building game engines and start leasing them. Focusing 100% on gameplay, immersion and making sure releases are closer to 99% instead of this 60/40 that's been happening since Morrowind.


Not to mention a good step for bethesda would be to setup another team of gifted people to digitally remaster old games. OMG they would make a killing if they leased a game engine like the latest Crytek engine or the Unreal 4++ engine and just built one EPIC game and had the other team releasing digitally remastered versions of arena, daggerfall and morrowind on the leased engine ..I'd say oblivion but if you heavily mod the crap out of it with a really good ENB is looks pretty damned impressive... so meh.


I only say this is because bethesda engines are horribly optimized. They make amazing games but they run like s*** on systems that shouldn't even be breaking a sweat to perform the kind of graphical quality you'd expect. I mean my machine was built 3 years after Skyrims release and is pretty beastly and running 200+ mods and good ENB my machine has an aneurysm trying to maintain 50-60fps....that should not be happening lol.

Edited by carlgc
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And really, Skyrim has about the same number of Dunmer NPCs, but considerably higher Dunmer density, with almost those NPCs in the same general area. Considering the scaling, it makes them SEEM like they are more plentiful so long as you don't count them.

Dunmer are something else the Skyrim devs broke lore on. Dunmer are ancestor worshipers and they hate necromancy. They think it is disrespectful. Skyrim is full of Dunmer Necromancers.

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And really, Skyrim has about the same number of Dunmer NPCs, but considerably higher Dunmer density, with almost those NPCs in the same general area. Considering the scaling, it makes them SEEM like they are more plentiful so long as you don't count them.

Dunmer are something else the Skyrim devs broke lore on. Dunmer are ancestor worshipers and they hate necromancy. They think it is disrespectful. Skyrim is full of Dunmer Necromancers.



Dunmeri Ancestor Worship has alwas bordered on necromancy though. It was common practice for Bonewalkers and Bonelords to be built of the remains of ancestors to protect tombs, they regularly summoned the souls of the departed to commune with the living, and they were not particularly stingy about respecting the dead of OTHER races. Hell, the first Bonemould army was made by grinding up Nords...


The Dunmer have always skirted the borders of necromancy, even while being vocally against it. Things like Bonelords, Ancestor Guardians and Ghost Fences would constitute Necromancy in other provinces, but in Morrowind they were common place.

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I need to bite the bullet and play Morrowind. Basically everything TES I know is from Skyrim. Funny thing though, if I was playing Skyrim on Xbox I would have ground it into dust like everything else I play and then forgotten about it. The PC version is what's keeping my interest. If Bethesda does make another TES I won't be buying console. They ruined me, but then again on console almost every game slaughters Skyrim for graphics and game play. If it wasn't for mods, Skyrim would be on the shelf.

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