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Your Most Frustrating Oblivion Moments


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This one includes user made mods, but I figure it's worth mentioning. I was playing a certain mod which will remain nameless that took several hours to complete, and although there were several points in the mod that were just plain "broken" and would have made the mod unwinnable without cheats, I perservered until the end. Well, the end featured a battle with a final villain, followed by me being locked in a cinematic scene while a mod related NPC was supposed to "finish off" the final boss. Instead, the NPC ran aimlessly into the wall for several minutes while I remained immobile and eventually grew tired of waiting. I reloaded, fought the final battle again, and same result. I tried changing my positioning and strategy a little bit, and the last time, the scripted "good" NPC totally ran out of the area, nowhere to be seen, while again I was locked in place. Totally ruined all my hard work. Note to modders, if you're going to freeze the player in place and have the end of an entire questline rely on the actions of a PC controlled character, PLEASE make sure their scripting has been tested thoroughly... :confused: Edited by majikmonkee
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My frustrating Oblivion moments are not due to any fault of Oblivion, but of my own. It is a very common occurrence for me to have my mind set to one task that a game gives me, but I will often wander off the beaten path and begin thinking about something else that is completely unrelated. I'll end up going to the wrong place, talking to the wrong person, whatever. Either that or I will jump ahead to the next step in a quest (assuming I've done it at some point in the past) only to remember that I need to do something else first. Gah!
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  • 2 weeks later...

My frustrating Oblivion moments are not due to any fault of Oblivion, but of my own. It is a very common occurrence for me to have my mind set to one task that a game gives me, but I will often wander off the beaten path and begin thinking about something else that is completely unrelated. I'll end up going to the wrong place, talking to the wrong person, whatever. Either that or I will jump ahead to the next step in a quest (assuming I've done it at some point in the past) only to remember that I need to do something else first. Gah!


I 100% agree with you. Having completed almost all quests in the game I plan ahead for quests, journeys etc. and either forget something or think ahead too far. :wallbash:

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3 Things, all Gaurds related:

I hate it when i murder someone, in an dark alley in the IC Market and a guard comes running screaming MURDERER!!! wth did he come from??

Also when i move an boject around that is not mine and the NPC rages, you worthless thief!

And in a melee rush when i acidentaly kill one of my Body Guards and they are all like MURDERER!!!!

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It is a very common occurrence for me to have my mind set to one task that a game gives me, but I will often wander off the beaten path and begin thinking about something else that is completely unrelated. I'll end up going to the wrong place, talking to the wrong person, whatever.

Or you're super focused on getting that bauble that Martin needs so desperately but the game has decided to clear out it's outstanding inventory of ogres, and figured that the roads between you and that bauble would be the perfect spot to put 'em. Grrr ... good thing I brought along my chameleon gear.

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That would be this Oblivion tower I just did.

Floor one:



I am up to my eyeballs in flame atronachs augh what is this

Lots of dispel spamming eventually defeats them all and I move up to floor two:


So at this point I go "bugger this" and decide to just run up to the top.

Floor three:


What the dick how many of these assholes are there in this thing

Did I crash some kind of dremora wine tasting party or something

Top floor:


*eye twitch* e_@

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Most Frustrating moments? Stealing from citizens (Yes right in front of them) and not getting arrested. But whenever i steal from a guard, i get arrested. I make it a challenge to steal right in front of guards, then get away before they can arrest me. The longer i run and avoid arrest, the better. It's most frustrating inside though, they usually catch me that way.
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  • 2 weeks later...

well i'm early in Oblivion so here some i found out(for now)


1. The Annoying Fan i got tired of his butt early and decided to make him stay in a Inn in the IC i have yet to return to check on him but if he get truly annoying i see if i can punch him off a tall cliff or try to blow him up....oh wait I'm confusing Oblvion to Fallout 3 at least you can blow s---- up in that game


2. Glarthir in Skingrad i had a strange feeling that he was gonna bother me one way or another i would kill his paranoid a.. but it would be considered "MURDER"


3. i got this mod that allows you to summon a horse called Dusk (If you know what mod i'm talking about either look it up or you know how i feel) and apparently everytime i leave to take on another quest here comes dusk trying to kill the town guard or kill a bunch of horses i have to either input the "kill" command to drop his butt no problem right because you can summon him again right? WRONG!!!! the mod makes Dusk "essential" meaning he don't die and just get knocked out and what does dusk do when he comes to? the same darn thing.


4. how comes Xivilai are able to carry two handed weapons in one handed and yet my PC isnt? my main has a strength of 102 (thanks due to the quest for Agronak finding his roots) i should be able to carry swing a Claymore like a friggin longsword.


5. guess being sidetracked a lot this game can really knock you off topic and on to another thing


more on the way

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I just have to post more.



10. I'm walking along one of the roads near Leyawiin, just out looking for plants and animals to hunt. Suddenly, the combat music starts. I nock an arrow and draw it back and start looking around. I stand there for a good five minutes waiting for a land dreugh or something to come out from behind a tree, and then I see something in the grass. As I look downward, it emerges -- a frickin' MUDCRAB.




11. Most of the time, your companions and followers have mediocre equipment and spells.




12. Not only do the Marauder battlemages and Bandit hedge wizards have insanely high amounts of magicka, they are also extremely fast.




13. Surprisingly enough, the AI is intelligent enough to actually run in zig-zag patters when you're trying to aim at them with a bow and arrow.




14. At low levels, the mountain lions will tear you up. Even at higher levels, they're still annoying and dangerous to the careless.




15. I absolutely hate the Gloom Wraiths. The world's toughest bedsheets slinging frost balls at you from afar and slapping or slicing you up close.




16. I hate the Desolate Mine quest for the Fighters' Guild. All three of them must be premium members of the Rush Headlong into Battle with no Plan or Regard for Personal Safety Club. It usually takes me two to five tries to successfully complete the quest and have all three of them still alive.




17. I'm fighting a Spriggan, its summoned bear, and another bear, and all of a sudden, another monster runs up and joins the fray. Like I don't already have enough on my plate!




18. Searching for Cairn Bolete and Wisp Stalk plants that will actually give you the ingredient.




19. Killing a group of bandits or marauders and having next to no health left and a low supply of healing potions, and then getting rushed by another group of them.




20. My followers getting in the way of my arrows during combat.

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