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Your Most Frustrating Oblivion Moments


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Will-o-the-Wisps, there is no denying.

But I hate books even more, I spend about 15 whole minutes placing books in a shelf, I place the last one BOOOM they all explode and fly across the room.

Arborwatch's bookshelf really suck.

Oblivion Caves as well, in one gate, you pass through one, then walk a bit, another one, walk a bit and another one! Aaargh

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Ah yes ... and so you like your bookshelves nice and full too. :tongue: Sometime I can get them just right, then next time I drop around for a visit ... like you said ... BOOOM. That wonderful Havok physics. Similar thing happens to my 'gem collections'. You get a half dozen or more nicely displayed on a silver plate, next time you check there's one or two missing. Surprising how far those pearls can roll (and the stuff they can hide under).
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That's another thing I hate, I stash some books in the shelf, and one falls behind it AFTER my quicksave, oh god, oh god. Of course it had to be the prize of my collection, aaargh.

Speaking of things falling, I did an Oblivion Gate the other day, top level of the tower, not the Sigillum, some Dremora Valkynaz disarms my Daedra Ravager. I watch it fly over the edge and it falls al the way to the bottom.

I swear, I have punched him to death, healed him up and hit it to death again, just to exact my revenge. Luckily the axe didn't fell in the lava pool, then I'd be really pissed.

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At least you could find it. I've lost staffs the same way. They drop through the floor (some weird collision glitch) and I've console 'tcl'ed through the murk looking for them. Disappeared into 'Oblivion'.
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Striker, is there a way you can just de-Havok those items? I've seen mods that help you organize books but I have wondered if there is some way to de-Havok tableware, for instance. Some of my house items roll around when I am not looking, and it looks like a raccoon was in there while I was gone. I'm not sure how that happens. Opening the door? Sometimes I enter a building I have never been in before and there are things on the floor. That happened before I even installed any mods.
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I'm headed outside what I know here Telyn, into the area of speculation ... just a warning.


On this page of Script Functions which is a list of functions and console commands extracted from Oblivion.exe I see this function which is identified as a console command:


ToggleCellNode (tcn) - Toggle 3D for a Cell child node: 0-Actor 1-Marker 2-Land 3-Water 4-Static 5-Active


Similarly to tcl (ToggleCollision) the short name tcn can be used or the long name. Statics in the game world don't interact with the physics as far as I know (you've probably noticed that some clutter items can't be picked up or manipulated for example). My guess is you'd place the item where you wanted it, open the console and click it to get the refID at the top of the screen. Enter the command "tcn 4" (without the quotes). The item's properties should now be changed to static. The possible fly in this ointment is that the CS has a separate category for static objects rather than offer a selection option to toggle an item as a static or not. This may have been done so that fewer mistakes were made when placing non-static objects (an inadvertent tick changing an item to a static for example) or there may be further reasons beyond my ken.


Turning tableware static would be a plus if you have companions or NPCs you've added to your abodes. In my guys world, Mazoga just loves wiping the table clean with her sword in White Stallion Lodge. Gives me something to do, picking up after her though ... which makes her kind of lovable, in an oversized grandchild kind of way.

Edited by Striker879
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Here's my most annoying moment during the knights of nine quest. To start off the map bugs and I never get one, being my second play through I locate them by memory and when I finally get to the last one (at the bottom most city on the left side of the map) it appears to have been destroyed by a oblivion gate which spawned on it I then laughed insanely for a few moments and gave up on the quest.


And my other most annoying quest. During the quest with the stolen painting in the castle (cant remember its name) I spent three hours leaving no stone unturned just to finally have to give up finding no way to finish. I came back the next day wasting two more hours all in all, I end up spending about 7 hours on the quest needless to say I never did that quest again.

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My most frustrating moment must have been after playing vanilla Oblivion + a load of mods for over 400h. I bought all the DLC's since i figured ''Hey, if Oblivion was this good these dlc's must kick ass!''


The only one that was even the slightest bit intresting was Frostcrag spire. I mean, the others looked like they didnt even try to make them intresting. They were just dull dungeons, and the horse armor was quite pointless imo.


Also one of the most frustrating moments for me was when i had a useless graphics card and got 6 fps in Oblivion :P


By the dlc's i don't mean knights of the nine or SE though. Those were epic!

Edited by Xenoshock
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