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Perhaps, but there were more napkins than candlesticks by far, and it handled those fine. I'm beginning to suspect it has to do with them being (unmovable) static objects, rather than movable static objects. The napkins were movable, the candlesticks aren't. It doesn't matter what order I change things around with my duplicate mesh (or without), I still end up with crashing. I'll leave them for now, and perhaps someone knows if it has to do with the Nif files or something.

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I'm doing a new race (custom skin texture, meshes, skeleton,etc)

I had to add stuff to "SkinNaked" or i need to create a new one "SkinNakedEXAMPLE"?


I don't want it to conflict with other mods.


If you are using a resource from Skyrim.esm or others, you ALWAYS need to copy and create your own resource for your mod, so yes, use a duplicate. If you overwrite or change base values you can break stuff.

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How to make forged item that not use the material.


I am going to make a new mod that just have the material in the inventory then create it.

Have your item's recipe have a condition that the player have X amount of the material rather than listing the material in the required item list.


Thanks. I like to share my method.


I use "getitemcount" function to check item in inventory. (I use TES5edit. It is a great search for me. :sick:)

Check condition with "greather than or equal to/or" set comparison value to 1.

(With this, you can make item if you accidentally collect more than 1 items. and can use optional item in new condition for creat too.)


A few tips.

Forged item can create from "nothing". (YES! no material, no condition)

Forged item cannot has materials more than 4.

Forged item cannot has conditions more than 2.

(Sadly, can add only 1 for item, 1 for optional. or 1 for item, 1 for other condition.)

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I make a copy of blizzard. I wish to add disintegrate effect for it.


I check Intense flame and deep freeze effect. Both have "...SelfArea" effect.

Should I make a new disintegrate effect? Or, which one from below can add to blizzard spell?


-PerkDisintegrateConcAimed "Disintegrate" [MGEF:000F3F0C]

-PerkDisintegrateConcAimedArea100 "Disintegrate" [MGEF:000F3F10]

-PerkDisintegrateFFAimed "Disintegrate" [MGEF:000F3F0D]

-PerkDisintegrateFFAimedArea "Disintegrate" [MGEF:000F3F0F]

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