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The followers I want the put the face and hair of this one >>>>> Ulrica http://www.nexusmods...im/mods/59114/? To this one >>>>>> Vilja http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/26393/?

You are in luck, go down to the bottom section on Vilja's download page. In the Misc. category there are instructions for how to change her face and hair. If you get stuck, just post in her thread. Emma's used to people wanting to change Vilja's appearance and some of the Vilja team are experienced as making those sorts of changes.
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Having trouble filling a quest alias after it has been cleared using the following script. When I try to test this, the alias gets cleared (if it wasn't left empty) but the alias never gets refilled. Does anyone know what could cause this or have any experience with something like this?

Scriptname Mod1QPart1LetterScript extends ObjectReference

Event OnContainerChanged(ObjectReference akNewContainer, ObjectReference akOldContainer)
	if (akNewContainer == Game.GetPlayer())
		debug.notification("Secret_Invitation Alias cleared")
		debug.notification("Secret_Invitation Alias refilled")

Event OnRead()

Quest Property MOD1QPart1  Auto  
Int Property stagetoset  = 70 Auto 
ReferenceAlias Property Secret_Invitation Auto 


Items in an inventory do not exist as object references, so they cannot fill aliases. You'll have to create the item as an object and put it in the alias before it is added to the player's inventory. The best way to do that depends on how the player initially receives the book.



You might need to have the book drop itself out of the player inventory, capture the reference in the alias, then put the book back. (Of course that means you're check will have to detect if the book is already the one in the alias and do nothing if it is.)


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The followers I want the put the face and hair of this one >>>>> Ulrica http://www.nexusmods...im/mods/59114/? To this one >>>>>> Vilja http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/26393/?

You are in luck, go down to the bottom section on Vilja's download page. In the Misc. category there are instructions for how to change her face and hair. If you get stuck, just post in her thread. Emma's used to people wanting to change Vilja's appearance and some of the Vilja team are experienced as making those sorts of changes.


I feel so dumb that I missed that tyvm gonna check it out :pinch:

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Having trouble filling a quest alias after it has been cleared using the following script. When I try to test this, the alias gets cleared (if it wasn't left empty) but the alias never gets refilled. Does anyone know what could cause this or have any experience with something like this?

Scriptname Mod1QPart1LetterScript extends ObjectReference

Event OnContainerChanged(ObjectReference akNewContainer, ObjectReference akOldContainer)
	if (akNewContainer == Game.GetPlayer())
		debug.notification("Secret_Invitation Alias cleared")
		debug.notification("Secret_Invitation Alias refilled")

Event OnRead()

Quest Property MOD1QPart1  Auto  
Int Property stagetoset  = 70 Auto 
ReferenceAlias Property Secret_Invitation Auto 
Some Additional Background On What I'm Trying To Do

I have 7 different versions of a single item to give to the player -- which version they recieve is dependent on the player's race. This item (or rather whichever version of it the player recieves) is supposed to be a quest item and therefore I have created a quest reference alias to hold the object reference of the item the player recieves.

To handle this situation I initially fill the alias some arbitrary object reference or with nothing at all (have tried doing both); then when the player recieves the correct version of the item (an invitation BOOK item) a script -- which is on the base invitation BOOK objects -- is supposed to set the created quest alias empty and force fill it with the reference of the object that the player acquired.

Can I see a picture of the way the alias is set up? If you th this with a test alias set to an actor, not object, does it work or not?


I've had it setup where it takes NONE (actor) as an initial fill target and I've used the placeholder approach shown below (alias is prefilled, later removed then refilled)


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Having trouble filling a quest alias after it has been cleared using the following script. When I try to test this, the alias gets cleared (if it wasn't left empty) but the alias never gets refilled. Does anyone know what could cause this or have any experience with something like this?

Scriptname Mod1QPart1LetterScript extends ObjectReference

Event OnContainerChanged(ObjectReference akNewContainer, ObjectReference akOldContainer)
	if (akNewContainer == Game.GetPlayer())
		debug.notification("Secret_Invitation Alias cleared")
		debug.notification("Secret_Invitation Alias refilled")

Event OnRead()

Quest Property MOD1QPart1  Auto  
Int Property stagetoset  = 70 Auto 
ReferenceAlias Property Secret_Invitation Auto 


Items in an inventory do not exist as object references, so they cannot fill aliases. You'll have to create the item as an object and put it in the alias before it is added to the player's inventory. The best way to do that depends on how the player initially receives the book.



You might need to have the book drop itself out of the player inventory, capture the reference in the alias, then put the book back. (Of course that means you're check will have to detect if the book is already the one in the alias and do nothing if it is.)




So this seems like it may be the problem. One more question then: when you create an alias and tell it to create a refence to an object in an inventory does this mean the game creates the reference first, assign it to the alias and then place the reference in an actors inventory? I'll have time to work more on my mod later and I'll try to come up with a solution that takes this into consideration and repost after that.

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Anyone know a way to fill an alias with an item in the players inventory? Or is there any way to change what an alias gets filled with at quest start based on certain conditions (such as player race)?

ForceRefTo as the item is added to the player's inventory (OnItemAdded) or you can drop the item, ForceRefTo and then readd it and requip it if needed.

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I just downloaded the moonlight tales mod, and i can't get the setting / custom stuff menu to come up. everything else works but i can't find the menu.


i downloaded Skyui and SKSE but the Mod menu isn't there. help plz


EDIT: fixed

Edited by tiktik833
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Re-asking question slightly in different form:

I'm thinking about making realistic material properties mod, and currently only issue I'm having is that I can't decide how I give hidden perks to NPC's.
Also, aiming for maximal compatibility.
Currently I am using hidden perks similar to Dawnguard armor properties, but the perk is applied when you wear the helmet.
(When wearing helmet perk checks if you are wearing enough pieces of the set for the bonus, and then it's applied)

Options would be:

1. Script that gives the perk to every playable race. (Not sure if possible) That way it'd be compatible with custom armors that use vanilla keywords as well.

2. Putting the perk on chest piece of armors. This way I would only tamper with chest pieces of each set. That way it would still work with gauntlets/boots/helmets from other sets, but you'd need to wear chestpiece to make it work.
(Why not helmet like Dawnguard armor? I'm using mod that makes all helmets show your face, one of my favorite mods so I definitely don't want to break that)

Soo.. Any insight is welcome.

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