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Navmesh is actually quite relaxing once you get going.


Note: regarding the outside of your home, whatever you do, don't delete any vanilla navmesh.

Not even navmesh UNDER platforms?



so, I am now running into the issue where some parts will not allow me to place a point (the cursor will jump to the side, and I cannot move anything into there), OR, I get three points selected, press a to fill in, and they all turn yellow, and I cannot seem to put anything there (I am trying to put some on stairs from one platform to another)


No not even under platforms. Your best bet is to select all the vanilla navmeshes in the cell and lower them to a level where nothing can possibly use them. Then you have to redo the navmesh in the cell to fit around your new objects. After you are done you then have to finalize the cell so the navmesh can be used.


The other issue may be the fact that the vertices that you are trying to place are in another cell. That is why you cannot fill them when you hit "a" or place them where you want. And that is why they turn yellow.


While you are in the render window toggle borders on with the "b" key. You will see a broken green line or yellow line depending whether the cell has been finalized or not. If your objects overlap into an adjacent cell you will have to replace that cells navmesh or if it is a small area you may be able just to relocate the verts so they go around your object. Just remember to finalize that cell also. When navmeshing an exterior area the vertices of the surrounding cells must line up with the verts in adjacent cells. When you then finalize your cell if everything lines up correctly the boarder around the cell will turn from yellow to green and NPCs will be able to cross from one cell to the next.


Here is an example http://s87.photobucket.com/user/johng58/media/ExteriorNavmeshex_zpsc110f759.png.html

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Navmesh is actually quite relaxing once you get going.


Note: regarding the outside of your home, whatever you do, don't delete any vanilla navmesh.

Not even navmesh UNDER platforms?



so, I am now running into the issue where some parts will not allow me to place a point (the cursor will jump to the side, and I cannot move anything into there), OR, I get three points selected, press a to fill in, and they all turn yellow, and I cannot seem to put anything there (I am trying to put some on stairs from one platform to another)


No not even under platforms. Your best bet is to select all the vanilla navmeshes in the cell and lower them to a level where nothing can possibly use them. Then you have to redo the navmesh in the cell to fit around your new objects. After you are done you then have to finalize the cell so the navmesh can be used.


The other issue may be the fact that the vertices that you are trying to place are in another cell. That is why you cannot fill them when you hit "a" or place them where you want. And that is why they turn yellow.


While you are in the render window toggle borders on with the "b" key. You will see a broken green line or yellow line depending whether the cell has been finalized or not. If your objects overlap into an adjacent cell you will have to replace that cells navmesh or if it is a small area you may be able just to relocate the verts so they go around your object. Just remember to finalize that cell also. When navmeshing an exterior area the vertices of the surrounding cells must line up with the verts in adjacent cells. When you then finalize your cell if everything lines up correctly the boarder around the cell will turn from yellow to green and NPCs will be able to cross from one cell to the next.


Here is an example http://s87.photobucket.com/user/johng58/media/ExteriorNavmeshex_zpsc110f759.png.html



wow, I did not know that. Good to know, I thank you! There is so much more to it than I had realized... I am learning, though! Thank you so much for the help =)

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Navmesh is actually quite relaxing once you get going.


Note: regarding the outside of your home, whatever you do, don't delete any vanilla navmesh.


Not even navmesh UNDER platforms?



so, I am now running into the issue where some parts will not allow me to place a point (the cursor will jump to the side, and I cannot move anything into there), OR, I get three points selected, press a to fill in, and they all turn yellow, and I cannot seem to put anything there (I am trying to put some on stairs from one platform to another)


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Is there a way to dynamically display magnitude and other data n the spell description, as opposed the effect description?

You could try setting the magnitude of a spell (SKSE) to a global which you then display with text replacement.


Not another way I know of.

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Is there a way to dynamically display magnitude and other data n the spell description, as opposed the effect description?

The game itself usually approaches the problem by using one magic effect that has the text that needs to be displayed (and frequently that effect doesn't actually do anything) and then other magic effects that don't have a description. The spell then inherits that first effect's description.
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Dunno if this is the right place to ask about this, but I'm having this issue across multiple computers and multiple browsers. Some (but not all) of my uploaded files are impossible to download with the Manager (retry three times and fail), and when I try to download them manually, I get a smaller file than the one uploaded, which is impossible to open in either Windows Explorer or 7zip.


Picture of the bad file when downloading manually:




Note that the file is actually 127kb, whereas the one I'm getting from the download server is 101kb, and has a Firefox icon instead of a .zip icon.


Anyone know what this is and whether I can fix it?




Edit: Never mind. Found the proper forum and saw that it's definitely not just me.

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Hello, is it possible to convert an NPC into something that will fill a location reference alias? The reason I ask is a quest fills a particular reference alias which are all markers outside, and the type is location ref. But in one particular location I'd like it to be an NPC instead. I've tried making a static marker the ref and linking it to the NPC but it doesn't work... any help would be much appreciated.


Bascially what happens is the alias is a patrol marker and an AI package tells an NPC to goto the (alias ref) marker and start a patrol. Which works fine but in one location I'd like an AI package to tell the NPC to follow an alias ref which happens to be another NPC instead


(n.b. I can obviously fill a second reference alias with a specific reference, NPC instead, but the AI stack doesn't seem to update quickly enough for it to be usable by the NPC i.e. it sends them to the wrong, old location.)


@Matthiaswagg: thanks I sort of worked it out... I think

Edited by soupdragon1234
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Hello, is it possible to convert an NPC into something that will fill a location reference alias? The reason I ask is a quest fills a particular reference alias which are all markers outside, and the type is location ref. But in one particular location I'd like it to be an NPC instead. I've tried making a static marker the ref and linking it to the NPC but it doesn't work... any help would be much appreciated.


Bascially what happens is the alias is a patrol marker and an AI package tells an NPC to goto the (alias ref) marker and start a patrol. Which works fine but in one location I'd like an AI package to tell the NPC to follow an alias ref which happens to be another NPC instead


(n.b. I can obviously fill a second reference alias with a specific reference, NPC instead, but the AI stack doesn't seem to update quickly enough for it to be usable by the NPC i.e. it sends them to the wrong, old location.)

You could make the loc alias optional, and then have a reference alias that 'Matches Conditions' where if the other alias == NONE, then fill that ref alias on a GetIsID thing. This is off the top of my head though - lofgren gave me the initial explanation.

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