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I installed a mod that retextures the vanilla female armor. I don't want it to retexture the nightingale armor, since i like that the way it is by default. Is there a way to do that without turning off the other retextures?






Go to "textures\armor\nightingale\f\" in Data folder and remove the textures. This removes Female retexture only, delete the "\m" folder in "nightingale" as well if you wish to remove the textures for both genders in game. You may need to remove the Meshes equivalent path, "meshes\armor\nightingale..." if you get purple/pink armor.




That wasn't helpful. I now know what Auto is for. That leaves 99% of my post unexplained.


Sorry, I don't have time to hold your hand personally through remedial Papyrus scripting. Given you have shown yourself to be incapable of locating any of the hundreds of tutorials online, and in fact have apparently never even bothered to click the "Properties" button in the UI - something a person trying to investigate properties generally should do - it appears that trying to explain anything to with a level of detail that you actually require is probably a full time job.


The information you request is readily available. There are video tutorials, text tutorials, audio tutorials, and god knows what else out there that answer all of your questions. Some of them are linked to on that very page I sent you to earlier! Try typing "Creation Kit property" into any search engine. Or just click around on that website I sent you to for a half an hour or so. Hell, just click around in the CK for about ten minutes.


If you want me to be your personal tutor my rates start at $25/hour.


Excuse you, I did not ask for anyone to "hold my hand". I provided an entire script in the event it was needed for context because I believe in being thorough. I then singled out and asked for clarification on a single line of code. And for your information, I did go over the Creation Kit site and Google looking for references and answers to my questions but found nothing to clear up my confusion. Your pathetic excuse for "help" amounted to nothing more than telling me to "go look it up" something I had been doing and continued to do even after making my post. Ultimately I did find what I was looking for but in no way thanks to you and your lofty opinion of yourself. If explaining a single line of code is so far beneath you then why the f*** did you feel the need to even respond to me.



This thread is for Quick Answers to Quick Questions. Perhaps a new thread dedicated to this issue is in order? cdcooley answered this question about Auto filling properties in an earlier post



That wasn't helpful. I now know what Auto is for. That leaves 99% of my post unexplained.

Understanding the linkage between scripts and objects in the game is important so you may want to look through the Papyrus tutorials to see some of the different ways they are used. Just treating Papyrus as a programming language will definitely leave you confused about how it all works.


Papyrus scripts are the equivalent of class definitions on other languages. Scripts must be associated with some object in the game and then every instance of that game object has a matching run-time instance of the script (or scripts) attached to it. The system is entirely event-driven with the game acting as the event manager. And unlike most other programming languages multi-threading and parallelism are the norm so object locking plays an important role in object and script interactions.


Auto properties are filled in the CK, so to find the specific value filling that property you have to find which object in the CK has that script attached then look at the property assignments given to the script by that object. In some cases scripts are used by multiple objects and the properties are filled with different values for each object.




Edited by MotoSxorpio
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I installed a mod that retextures the vanilla female armor. I don't want it to retexture the nightingale armor, since i like that the way it is by default. Is there a way to do that without turning off the other retextures?





Go to "textures\armor\nightingale\f\" in Data folder and remove the textures. This removes Female retexture only, delete the "\m" folder in "nightingale" as well if you wish to remove the textures for both genders in game. You may need to remove the Meshes equivalent path, "meshes\armor\nightingale..." if you get purple/pink armor.





That wasn't helpful. I now know what Auto is for. That leaves 99% of my post unexplained.

Sorry, I don't have time to hold your hand personally through remedial Papyrus scripting. Given you have shown yourself to be incapable of locating any of the hundreds of tutorials online, and in fact have apparently never even bothered to click the "Properties" button in the UI - something a person trying to investigate properties generally should do - it appears that trying to explain anything to with a level of detail that you actually require is probably a full time job.


The information you request is readily available. There are video tutorials, text tutorials, audio tutorials, and god knows what else out there that answer all of your questions. Some of them are linked to on that very page I sent you to earlier! Try typing "Creation Kit property" into any search engine. Or just click around on that website I sent you to for a half an hour or so. Hell, just click around in the CK for about ten minutes.


If you want me to be your personal tutor my rates start at $25/hour.

Excuse you, I did not ask for anyone to "hold my hand". I provided an entire script in the event it was needed for context because I believe in being thorough. I then singled out and asked for clarification on a single line of code. And for your information, I did go over the Creation Kit site and Google looking for references and answers to my questions but found nothing to clear up my confusion. Your pathetic excuse for "help" amounted to nothing more than telling me to "go look it up" something I had been doing and continued to do even after making my post. Ultimately I did find what I was looking for but in no way thanks to you and your lofty opinion of yourself. If explaining a single line of code is so far beneath you then why the f*** did you feel the need to even respond to me.

This thread is for Quick Answers to Quick Questions. Perhaps a new thread dedicated to this issue is in order? cdcooley answered this question about Auto filling properties in an earlier post



That wasn't helpful. I now know what Auto is for. That leaves 99% of my post unexplained.

Understanding the linkage between scripts and objects in the game is important so you may want to look through the Papyrus tutorials to see some of the different ways they are used. Just treating Papyrus as a programming language will definitely leave you confused about how it all works.


Papyrus scripts are the equivalent of class definitions on other languages. Scripts must be associated with some object in the game and then every instance of that game object has a matching run-time instance of the script (or scripts) attached to it. The system is entirely event-driven with the game acting as the event manager. And unlike most other programming languages multi-threading and parallelism are the norm so object locking plays an important role in object and script interactions.


Auto properties are filled in the CK, so to find the specific value filling that property you have to find which object in the CK has that script attached then look at the property assignments given to the script by that object. In some cases scripts are used by multiple objects and the properties are filled with different values for each object.

P.s. lofgren is certainly not lofty. lofgren is actually one of the most helpful modders here (there are many others).. as you delve through Google for tutorials, you will start to see familiar names pop up and lofgren will be one of them.


P.s.25 an hour.. that's too low ;)

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P.s. lofgren is certainly not lofty. lofgren is actually one of the most helpful modders here (there are many others).. as you delve through Google for tutorials, you will start to see familiar names pop up and lofgren will be one of them.


P.s.25 an hour.. that's too low :wink:


This, as well as - @Bio, there are an awful lot of people around here who hardly look at anything, some people who don't even respond or thank you when you give answers. It's sort of an assumption that that is the case, and while maybe that wasn't the case for you, it can come across like that.


And when it seems like someone is giving absolutely no effort towards something, it can be irritating.


If we could put behind us for now though, as your question has been answered. We've got a nice 150 pages of 99% just questions and answers, let's keep it that way. ;)

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Does anyone know a good pex compiler, not an official one(creationkit)? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/articles/50370/

No, but it's hardly giving away anything important to show the Windows user and computer names. Windows itself broadcasts the computer name regularly (unless you turn off windows file sharing services). Windows considers those values public (not private) information so every application you run has access to them. And many of those applications call home and report them these days (and they aren't even classified as "personally identifying information" by the data gatherers). If you decompile my scripts you'll find my computer's name is -- and my username is -. I agree it would be nice if that data wasn't included but if you object to releasing what you consider private data then don't share it with Microsoft in the first place.


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I asked this in my own thread, but didn't get an answer. Hopefully this is quick enough.


I'm trying to strip down vanilla armor sets to just certain pieces so I can mix them into new sets. I started off with the Nightingale cloak, and removed the unwanted vertices until it was almost just the cape. This (predictably) made the texture not wrap properly, so is there a way to otherwise deal with the unwanted parts of the armor?

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Does anyone know a good pex compiler, not an official one(creationkit)? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/articles/50370/

Sublime (text editor): http://www.creationkit.com/Sublime_Text_Setup

Sublime for Papyrus: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/60810/?




If you want a PEX reader/disassembler... http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35307/?

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Does anyone know a good pex compiler, not an official one(creationkit)? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/articles/50370/

Sublime (text editor): http://www.creationkit.com/Sublime_Text_Setup

Sublime for Papyrus: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/60810/?




If you want a PEX reader/disassembler... http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35307/?

Sublime is a text editor, not a compiler.

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