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I'm feeling really stupid here but... How do you remove an additional face part? I have a scar I want to remove through the Character Gen tab and I can't remove it. I can see it under Additional Face Parts, but I can't DO anything to it.

Have you tried clicking on it and pressing the Del key? That works for me.

:facepalm: The simplest things escape me. Danke schön. (Thank you very much.)

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Can someone help me with a problem I'm having with the creation kit? I'm trying to figure out how to make it so that My character cant even see a certain weapon I made in the forge unless he has another weapon that I also made. Sadly under the match conditions I cant figure out what I'm supposed to do to make that happen. Any help would be nice :D

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Can someone help me with a problem I'm having with the creation kit? I'm trying to figure out how to make it so that My character cant even see a certain weapon I made in the forge unless he has another weapon that I also made. Sadly under the match conditions I cant figure out what I'm supposed to do to make that happen. Any help would be nice :D





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Thanks. I also have one more question... The weapon I created is pretty good but for some reason when I was testing it, it would lose its charge after about 10 strikes. So I increased the enchantment to about 15000 and it does not run out of a charge as fast but its still pretty fast... The weapon lost all of its charge after I went thru bleak falls barrow on master. After its out of a charge it takes about 4-5 black soul gems to refill it. Is there anything I can do to make it more stable??

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I have a question about a script I'm trying to make for a mod my roommate asked me to make. The problem I'm having is that when I go to save the script, the compilation fails for the following reason:

D:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\ConversionChestScript.psc(6,0): missing EOF at 'EndProperty'


The script I'm making is:



ScriptName ConversionChestScript extends ObjectReference
Int Property myGoldValue = 0 Auto
Int Function getValue()
Return myGoldValue
Int Property itemValue Auto
Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, Int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer)
If akSourceContainer == Game.GetPlayer()
itemValue = akBaseItem.GetGoldValue()
itemValue = (itemValue * aiItemCount)
myGoldValue += itemValue
Event OnItemRemoved(Form akBaseItem, Int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akDestContainer)
If akDestContainer == Game.GetPlayer()
itemValue = akBaseItem.GetGoldValue()
itemValue = (itemValue * aiItemCount)
myGoldValue -= itemValue
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There is no such thing as EndProperty in Papyrus. Remove that line.


Also why create the getValue() function? It is not being used anywhere in the script code displayed.

Okay... so remove EndProperty. Regarding the getValue() function, I have that function because it's going to be used in another script. This script, as the name implies, is getting put on a chest, the script that will be using the getValue() function is on a button.

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Why would you call the getvalue function rather than simply checking the value of the property itself?

Not sure... the mod I'm working on is the first mod I've ever actually made, thus I'm still learning how to script. I have some experience with object oriented programming languages, so I guess I'm just used to calling a function to access variables of an object. How would the script segment look to check the value of the property?

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Why would you call the getvalue function rather than simply checking the value of the property itself?

Not sure... the mod I'm working on is the first mod I've ever actually made, thus I'm still learning how to script. I have some experience with object oriented programming languages, so I guess I'm just used to calling a function to access variables of an object. How would the script segment look to check the value of the property?


This is how functions work in Papyrus.


Read this before you do anything else. And then these.

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