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Hi there,

I've a question and I hope someone could answer,please

I've installed a mod to add a new race,Ayleid(male)

Well,I 've played without problems with variuos mods and finished Dawnguard as a vampire lord

Yesterday,my bad using showracemenu,I've changed sex of my character and came to the volkihar castle where also if I have all my vampiric powers they speak to me as a mortal and ask to me that Serana can fix my condition to return a vampire

sadly there's no dialogue with her about this.

changing sex another time doesn't fix this issue

thanks in avance!



Found solution by myself,I went in Morvarth's lair contracted sanguinare vampiris,waited 3 days in game and I became vampire lord without loosing perks,skill, powers or whatever

Edited by darklord1964
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My question is probably the lowest intelligence one of the month/week/year (Thank goodness 2017 is still young):
Once SKSE for SE is released, will one be able to install older mods that one loves in Vanilla?
Or will they require someone to create compatibility mods for them.
My example (a well loved one) is Jaysus Swords. - It already requires Sharlikan's compatibility mod in order to run properly in Vanilla Legendary.
I cannot picture a Tamriel without Jaysus fine sword collection...

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My question is probably the lowest intelligence one of the month/week/year (Thank goodness 2017 is still young):

Once SKSE for SE is released, will one be able to install older mods that one loves in Vanilla?

Or will they require someone to create compatibility mods for them.

My example (a well loved one) is Jaysus Swords. - It already requires Sharlikan's compatibility mod in order to run properly in Vanilla Legendary.

I cannot picture a Tamriel without Jaysus fine sword collection...

Virtually every mod needs some conversion to work with Special Edition. For many that's as simple as loading the original in the new Creation Kit and then saving it. For others there are other things that need to be done. My guess is that any problems with Jaysus Swords would be with the new meshes required for SE and not anything to do with SKSE.

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Is there a way to force an item (a misc item actually) to be favoritized?


There is something for FO4 http://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=MarkItemAsFavorite_-_Actor but not for Skyrim.


Any clues?


Thanks in advance :smile:

SKSE has a way to check if an object is on the favorites list but none to make one a favorite as far as I can tell.

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Is there a way to force an item (a misc item actually) to be favoritized?


There is something for FO4 http://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=MarkItemAsFavorite_-_Actor but not for Skyrim.


Any clues?


Thanks in advance :smile:

SKSE has a way to check if an object is on the favorites list but none to make one a favorite as far as I can tell.


Thanks for the quick answer :smile:


And sorry I did not mention that, it's for SSE, and yes after intensive research nothing came out!


Thanks by the way, Cheers!

Edited by dredd3110
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  • 2 weeks later...


I try to create a remote control for a custom horse, but in game the Follow, Wait and maybe the Dismiss are not working correctly (for the Dismiss part the horse got teleported but I don't know if the code above is working, I still have the debug notif displayed).

This is just this script, currrently no quest (this is a horse and I'm not sure how to handle dialogues, maybe by blocking the default horse activation), so no quest alias for the moment.


And for this to works, does the horse need to have AI Packages, something like PlayerFollowerPackage?


So, is anyone have an idea by chance, on how to do that?

Thanks in advance for any input, cheers :D



Scriptname aaf_Horse_PlayerManageScript extends activemagiceffect

Actor Property PlayerRef Auto
Actor Property aaf_Horse_Player_NPC Auto
Faction Property CurrentFollowerFaction Auto
Faction Property DismissedFollowerFaction Auto
ObjectReference Property TPHome_HorsePlayer Auto
Message Property aaf_Horse_PlayerManageMSG Auto
Sound Property AAF_Call_Cavall01SM Auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
If akCaster == PlayerREF

Function BlackStormFollow()
aaf_Horse_Player_NPC.SetActorValue("WaitingForPlayer", 0)
Debug.Notification("BlackStorm: follow")

Function BlackStormWait()
aaf_Horse_Player_NPC.SetActorValue("WaitingForPlayer", 1)
Debug.Notification("BlackStorm: wait")

Function BlackStormSaddle()
aaf_Horse_Player_NPC.OpenInventory(abForceOpen = true)

Function BlackStormDismiss()
aaf_Horse_Player_NPC.SetActorValue("WaitingForPlayer", 1)

;teleport BlackStorm to home
Debug.Notification("BlackStorm: dismiss")

Function BlackStormCall()
aaf_Horse_Player_NPC.MoveTo(PlayerRef, - 300.0 * Math.Sin(PlayerRef.GetAngleZ()), - 300.0 * Math.Cos(PlayerRef.GetAngleZ()))
aaf_Horse_Player_NPC.PathToReference(PlayerRef, 0.5)

Function HorseMenu(Int aiButton = 0)
aiButton = aaf_Horse_PlayerManageMSG.Show()

If aiButton == 1 ; Call

ElseIf aiButton == 2 ; Follow

ElseIf aiButton == 3 ; Wait

ElseIf aiButton == 4 ; Saddle

ElseIf aiButton == 5 ; Dismiss




Edit: Actually mixing both spell with the menu attached on it and a quest done the job, need further test with AI packages.


Edit 2: Ok got it working fine :)

Edited by dredd3110
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  • 4 weeks later...

Just followed this guide Add Extensions to Alternate Start - Live Another Life and I'm ready to test, but my mod is still requiring the esm version that I converted. I don't know how to make this require the normal distribution esp.


Edit: Well I didn't realize that ESMify was a bit flip operation that leaves the filename as-is, whereas Copy to ESM flips the bit and changes the extension. (facepalm)


Completely new question: Is there a way to disable the perk system? Our total conversion will not be making use of perks at all and I'd rather not have something like "Ignore the perk system" on our project page. Enderal accomplished this by editing the directional character menu, but I can't seem to find it anywhere. Any insight is greatly appreciated.

Edited by navybofus
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been looking for the answer to my own question 4 hours now and then I stumbled upon this place, so please... Is there someone to help me?


I'm making a mod that displays a message box and fortifies your stats if you're facing up and the game time is between 6 pm and 6 am.

I'm using papyrus scripts to do that, however facing up is not an event, nor can it trigger one. (To my knowledge)


The result should kind of be like Frostfall, where you look up to start the mod.

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