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Here is a question for those familiar with voice files:


I have a Character where I give him instructions and he gives the same response every time. However, the Skyrim Creation Kit wants to select an entirely new sound file for each response, even when the response is identical. How do I make it utilize ONE response?


EXAMPLE: "I want you (NPC) to move to my house at (location)."

NPC RESPONSE: "Very well, I will meet you there."


Maybe I am missing something, but I see no way to select a previously recorded soundbite that is used more than once.

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Here is a question for those familiar with voice files:


I have a Character where I give him instructions and he gives the same response every time. However, the Skyrim Creation Kit wants to select an entirely new sound file for each response, even when the response is identical. How do I make it utilize ONE response?


EXAMPLE: "I want you (NPC) to move to my house at (location)."

NPC RESPONSE: "Very well, I will meet you there."


Maybe I am missing something, but I see no way to select a previously recorded soundbite that is used more than once.

You use the shared info feature. I don't do much with dialogue so I can't get any instructions but the key word to search for is shared.

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hey people, hope i am posting in the right place


i need help tweaking stagger, how can i make power attacks never stagger if blocked ?


i am playing with action combat mod which makes all power attacks stagger, all normal attacks stagger too if not blocked, problem is that i decided to not use quick reflexes, game is too easy with it and too hard without since enemies are able to keep me under stagger 24/7


EDIT: solved, slapped down a value of 100 on fStaggerblockbase

Edited by sylaces
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How to change your player's hair color using a FORMLIST and FORM PROPERTY.


- Retrieve the index of your formlist like this: Index=YOURFORMLISTNAME.GetSize()

- Memorize the position of the color you want to change to in your formlist.

- Use a FORM PROPERTY to memorize the exact one you need Grey = YOURFORMLISTNAME.GetAt(2) as ColorForm just like this.

- Then use this line to change your visuals: PlayerRef.GetActorBase().SetHairColor(Grey).

- Then after all that, update game visuals: Game.UpdateHairColor()

Okay can someone explain this to me like I'm 5 cuz I'm not getting it. Am I right in thinking I can use the vanilla HairColorList as my formlist? I'm trying to use the colorform for black hair as a property for SetHairColor. How do I retrieve the index? And in properties would I put something like "Black = HairColorList.GetAt(14) as ColorForm"?


Whatever I do I get a failure with "no viable alternative at =" so obviously I have no idea what I'm doing. :sad:


edit: Nevermind! I got it. Here it is if anyone's interested, haven't seen anyone sharing this particular method. Credit to SkyDye, I looked at their code and made a slight adjustment. So, let's say you want to make it so a spell changes the player's hair color to "true black" (which is way too black but w/e). It'd be something like this...


Scriptname PolymorphSomlinVampire extends ActiveMagicEffect


; PROPERTIES============ /


Formlist Property HairList Auto


ActorBase property player auto



; EVENT======== /


Event OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster)


int index = Hairlist.GetSize()

ColorForm Black = Hairlist.GetAt(14) as Colorform

actorbase pActorbase = game.GetPlayer().GetActorBase()






; ======== /


Hairlist is the formlist I'm referencing, HairColorList. If you check that list, True Black is number 14. This works fine for a hair color change linked to an ability, like let's say you're making a Super Saiyan script and want blond hair to accompany the effect. If you want to change back to the original color you'll have to put in some "get" codes for the player's initial hair color.


Put whatever else you want in there. I recommend a shaderFX like TimeFadeIn01FXS, it's pretty cool for transformations. A visual explosion helps, too. Oh, and another thing I had to figure out was changing skin tone, it's surprisingly hard to find this information considering how simple it is. I had to look at ghastley's Hulk Out mod to figure out it was just this:


Game.SetNthTintMaskColor(0, 0x54577200)



Unfortunately though, for some reason it doesn't work while expired's RaceMenu is enabled. Still trying to figure that out.

Edited by Carlita
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