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ok I can go with that. Now loading it up to Nexus... I am reading the Nexus instruction but am I correct in understanding you upload a zip file and in that zip file, I should have the modname.esp and the modname.bsa (for Nexus site)??

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ok I can go with that. Now loading it up to Nexus... I am reading the Nexus instruction but am I correct in understanding you upload a zip file and in that zip file, I should have the modname.esp and the modname.bsa (for Nexus site)??

Correct. Do not include a Data folder. Both NMM and MO expect the top level of the 7z / zip / rar file to be what goes into the game's data folder.

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Wish me luck... sending it to my tester now and will see if she can play it. It works perfectly on my modding computer.



Ok UPDATE Next day now...


So my packing did not work, the mod plays fine on my modding computer, but when I archive it and load it into my gaming computer she does not talk...and the meeting quest does not start.


I used the built in Archive maker in CK it says it failed but did produce a BSA (and a BSL) I took the BSA and the esp file zipped together and loaded into my using NMM, no talking, the player home is there, the books that start the quest are there and the follower is there and she comes over to greet you ... but nothing.


So then I tried the manual packing esp, textures\character.. blah blah blah and sounds\ and meshes\... copied those over to another folder I gathered my scripts also (I did proper mod creation naming.. everything I created started with NGIJ...blah blah) and the zipped all of that up and same thing.


So question, is there a different way to pack or something else I should try???? How about debugging?

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Cant assess beth tutorial page because firefox policies settings/my Security suit, and I need a quick one paragraph or page copypasta or explanation on how to use my valid, official, verified, and bought and paid for, game and kit to add text only dialog convo to a preexisting follower .


Said follower made with F. faces mod from nexus...for simple non-conditional text conversation tree with dialog branches...just text conversation.


No bs just the straight info please. I am not going to disable my browsers security, Mal blocker, ad type profiling protection, just to read something that should come with the kit and game purchase anyway.


I would be grateful for the info on this.

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Skyrim Modding Limitations on Oldrim- Wanted to make a topic but I'll just post here first. I'm wondering about the limitations of modding in Skyrim on Oldrim PC. I'm a very persistent crazy person. I plan to hopefully definitely make some weapon and armor mods. I definitely don't want to stop there if I get that far.


I'm wondering how advanced mods can you make for Oldrim. I know next to nothing about this, but I was thinking along the lines of creating 3 dimensional high and low moving waves in the ocean north of Skyrim's map, with crests and troughs, stormy weather, all that good stuff, and possibly a ferry and trading sytem where you can commandeer and sail ships across the ocean, trade goods, and possibly some ties to the civil war questline if warships with canon fire are possible.


I know it's crazy, probably will never happen, but then again the Beyond Skyrim Bruma Mod is nearly just as insane.


I just want to know if it's possible to make this in Skyrim with it's engine in terms of memory and whatnot. I've seen sailing ship mods, enb can do parallax, if you could make a kind of moving geometry mesh for the ocean waves, then maybe? I'm a maniac and would chip away at this like crazy if I could figure it out. Not joking, I'm crazy. This mod is the grand vision and ultimate mod I would ever make for Skyrim, I really like the naval combat in AC 4 Black Flag, and I'm very enamoured about the idea for a similar thing in Elder Scrolls. I only ask cause Elder Scrolls Naval Combat = Sex.


I'm just learning how to make mods now, I plan to start with weapons, which I've already got a few models nearly completed, just no textures, then armor, then hdt armor, then other stuff. But I'm really serious about pursueing modding and games, this is going to be my hobby.

Edited by SavioursKuchenFusion
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I initially started with that, but that would also make mods that adds new dungeons, homes, etc, not work with my own - this is ultimately what I'm trying to achieve. And to my disappointment, adding the markers in front of the door based on their position through PlaceAtMe and SetPosition, lead to the same problem I'm having with MoveTo.


The cause of this issue has to due with the fact that game's coordinate system is different than the real world, and my lacking in trig skills is working against me. I can get the math right for one door. But the object will not be in the same spot for the next door, because of their position/z angle in the cells being different.

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I initially started with that, but that would also make mods that adds new dungeons, homes, etc, not work with my own - this is ultimately what I'm trying to achieve. And to my disappointment, adding the markers in front of the door based on their position through PlaceAtMe and SetPosition, lead to the same problem I'm having with MoveTo.


The cause of this issue has to due with the fact that game's coordinate system is different than the real world, and my lacking in trig skills is working against me. I can get the math right for one door. But the object will not be in the same spot for the next door, because of their position/z angle in the cells being different.

Oh... you mean a door in the base game... yeah. I think you'll have to do it the hard way, then. You could figure it out by placing a marker or something where you want it, then taking the difference of the coordinates between the door and the marker, using those values in the offsets for the function, and then deleting the edited cell record in TESV edit. Unless of course you mean to say that the coordinate system in papyrus is different from the one in cells.


I'm probably not the best person to ask about this. I've never used the offset feature of the MoveTo function.

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