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SKI_MeterWidget is not located in the SDK for SkyUI. It also is not in the latest version of SkyUI. I do not know anything more than that. I would ask the SkyUI people about it.

I heard something about it on the Creation Kit Forums on Bethesda Softworks but I don't remember where, I'm afraid.

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Well if it's a specific NPC, you can put a script on them, or an alias for them, checking for the Event:





Good idea. I'll probably do just that.


But yeah, it does seem like there's no real means for instantly detecting the presence of a new NPC in the area. (Such as when I manually pop one in.) I think it will have to suffice to monitor changes to GetNumRefs and then parse the list whenever the number changes. Are there other scenarios where a humanoid NPC might appear out of nowhere, besides randomly encountering one? (Canonically.)


The spell itself isn't for a specific NPC, though. That's what makes this tricky.

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Alright, I need to pin this one down once and for all.


My mod causes certain visual effects on NPCs around the player. I achieve this through the use of a spell & effect. I have made note of the fact that when the player changes locations, any NPC they happen to have left behind (even if it was for just a split second, such as a follower) loses the spell, triggering the OnEffectFinish.


There has to be a well-known method of dealing with this. After all, spells can't just disappear from followers just because the player is entering a cave or whatever.


For the time being, I am just having the spell re-apply itself whenever this happens. Again, there really has to be a better way.


Note!: I will not use aliases for this. This effect has to be able to be applied to any and every NPC, transparently, without having to set up a dozen+ aliases and juggle those.

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I want to add new creatures that the player can "construct" himself, but I don't want them to count as a follower or as a summoned creature.

The idea is that the player can build as many of them as he likes and they should always follow the player around.

(they can not be talked to and their only goal is to defend the player until they die in combat.)


How can I make them follow the player, do I need to add a script to these new creatures for this, if so then can someone please make me a script like that (I'm a complete noob with scripts).


Or could it also work with a quest that tells the creatures to keep following the player?

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I want to add new creatures that the player can "construct" himself, but I don't want them to count as a follower or as a summoned creature.

The idea is that the player can build as many of them as he likes and they should always follow the player around.

(they can not be talked to and their only goal is to defend the player until they die in combat.)


How can I make them follow the player, do I need to add a script to these new creatures for this, if so then can someone please make me a script like that (I'm a complete noob with scripts).


Or could it also work with a quest that tells the creatures to keep following the player?

Just a package. :D


Type Follow, with the Player as the alias. Whenever you want it to start, have a script to set a global to 1. Reference the global in your package, and make sure the value is 1 as a condition.


You'll have to set the global thru a script but I don't know what sort of script you'd need, since I have no idea what event I would use. Is there any thing the player does to create the thing, like cast a spell or activate/equip an object?

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