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I will ask here, and maybe start new topic. If I don't get answer ofc :smile:.


I need help... with armor mod from picture.

Look at this mod. There is three picture. That mod is for helmet and shield only! I need answer what armor mod is from that pictures? in comment section mod link is not useful.

Please help.




EDIT: ok thanks for info, and sorry for my stupidity

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Is there any thing the player does to create the thing, like cast a spell or activate/equip an object?

Its an altar (like a construction bench) where you create those creatures from materials like bones and flesh.

But now that you mention that AI package, shouldn't that work even without a script?

Also Ive never used AI packages on creatures before, so I hope that the "follow" AI package works on them.

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I will ask here, and maybe start new topic. If I don't get answer ofc :smile:.


I need help... with armor mod from picture.

Look at this mod. There is three picture. That mod is for helmet and shield only! I need answer what armor mod is from that pictures? in comment section mod link is not useful.

Please help.



Questions about which mods are which should go in the Mod Detectives thread, not here. It's pinned and near the top of this forum.


This is for people creating mods, not users of mods.

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Is there any thing the player does to create the thing, like cast a spell or activate/equip an object?

Its an altar (like a construction bench) where you create those creatures from materials like bones and flesh.

But now that you mention that AI package, shouldn't that work even without a script?

Also Ive never used AI packages on creatures before, so I hope that the "follow" AI package works on them.

The script is to start the package, by setting the proper condition. I don't think there's another condition to check for what you need.


So if it's an altar, it should just be an OnActivate. Is there like a condition that is needed to spawn something or just straight up activating it.

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Hey everyone, heres a question from a total modding noob, I've just decided to jump into the modding scene and I've been following this tutorial to start out, I've reached step four and heres my probably really dumb question but when it says play through the first scene to create a clean save, does it mean go through the whole Escape Helgen speil until you exit to skyrim, or just get through to the autosave point before the character creation bit? Also any other quick tips about starting out would be much appreciated, thanks!

Edited by Lybisec47
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Hey everyone, heres a question from a total modding noob, I've just decided to jump into the modding scene and I've been following this tutorial to start out, I've reached step four and heres my probably really dumb question but when it says play through the first scene to create a clean save, does it mean go through the whole Escape Helgen speil until you exit to skyrim, or just get through to the autosave point before the character creation bit? Also any other quick tips about starting out would be much appreciated, thanks!

This is mostly for mod creation questions, but:


A clean save is a save without ANY mods, preferably after Helgen but that's not NEEDED.

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So if it's an altar, it should just be an OnActivate. Is there like a condition that is needed to spawn something or just straight up activating it.

I'm not sure yet how that's going to get handled but I basically want the creature to activate and then have it come forward out of a summon portal.

I think the only condition there needs to be is a check to make sure that the same creature cannot be spawned twice, but once it dies it should be able to get spawned again.


I'm in collaboration with RussianRanger who always did all the scripting for me, but hes very busy in real life and this is why I want to gather as much information as possible so he has an easier job in creating those kind of things.


This is what the altar looks like, it also has a small catacomb in the back and two prison cells:


-The red orb will be the "construction bench" where you craft certain creatures.

-Creature cannot be an actual summoned creature or a follower because that would give issues, so like you suggest an AI package would be a good alternative.

-After I'm done with this interior I will create the creatures, give them the "player" faction and maybe an "ally" relationship to the player as well.

-Only one creature can be spawned at the same time and it is not essential, so once it dies in combat the player will have to go back to the altar to build another one of its kind.

-Once a creature activates it should come out of a summon portal(which should appear over that pile of bones in the middle) and at that point the AI package needs to activate and the creature needs to follow the player at all times, the right faction will ensure that this creature will defend the player as well, just like a normal follower would.

-Since they are all "undead" there should be no communication possible, all the creatures do is just follow you around and fight alongside with you.


So the only things left to figure out is how to make that AI package work, how to make that "summon" portal appear at the altar once you spawn a certain creature, and how to make the construction option for a specific creature be available again once it dies.


Sry its not really a "quick question, quick answer" anymore at this point, lol.

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Let's break this down a little bit....


If the red orb "construction bench" is a furniture workstation similar to the forge (i.e. uses the crafting menu) have the recipe create a custom token item that is put into the player inventory. Part of the recipe condition will be for a global variable to be a certain value.


Script on the player alias of a start game enabled quest would check for the addition of this custom token item (please use an inventory event filter if possible). When added it is removed. Then use the PlaceAtMe function to place the summon portal (see how I did it in my Mage's Night Out mod) at your pile of bones (you'll need to set up an objectreference property for it). Then use PlaceAtMe again to place a copy of your NPC at the same place. If timing is correct, the player will see the portal and not see the NPC pop in. Last thing to do in this script is start a secondary quest.


The secondary quest will locate the NPC based on certain criteria (perhaps specific faction or keyword that you've given it) and fill an alias. Script on this alias will use the OnInit() event to advance a global variable. It would use the OnDeath() event to reset the global variable and to stop the secondary quest. Any AI packaging would be applied to the alias within this secondary quest.


For extra security, a script on the red orb would use the OnActivate event to check and see if the secondary quest is running. If it is running, get the NPC alias and check to see if the NPC is still alive. If they are, deny crafting. If they are not, stop the quest and reset the variable.

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I want to toggle immortal mode in a script for the player character.


How do I do that?

I BELIEVE you can just do:


Inside an event. I've not tested it though. :wink:


SetEssential is not a function or does not exist



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