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Is the creation kit capable of handling nested abilities? One ability being part of another one.


I am making an ability, (sort of racial bonus) and I want it to have different effects based on a switch-like spell. So I made the base ability, and two abilities for each state. But apparently you can only add Magic Effects to abilities, other abilities not. At least I haven't found a way, nor was succesful with google.


Which is a shame, because that way I could've set up a simple Condition to check a global var for each "state" ability.

I could achieve similar result with magic effects, but then the player wouldnt see a new line in his magical effect list, cant easily see what state he is in and what does that do.

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what's this do? does it even do anything? lol


also my actors are now paralyzed forever, the effect never ends, I set the duration to 1 second but it still does not end after 1 second, removing the recover tag makes the disease useless too...

Edited by Kerberus14
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what's this do? does it even do anything? lol


also my actors are now paralyzed forever, the effect never ends, I set the duration to 1 second but it still does not end after 1 second, removing the recover tag makes the disease useless too...

Image link broken.

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I don't understand what you mean by "processing" nor "pass[ing] it through GetForm." All I did was add the form id to a formlist.

OK, then I have no idea why it isn't working for you although it might be yet another issue with the "high-order bit" problem. GetForm won't work correctly on any formID that is 0x80000000 or higher because those values all become negative numbers to Papyrus which GetForm then fails to treat as proper formID values. It's possible you've found another situation where the large formID values aren't processed correctly.
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