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From Day Dreams of a Spaced Out old Man comes


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Sadly I have no further desire to forge ahead with this trivial hypothetical pursuit of space travel Star Trek, Star Wars, Guardians of the Galaxy, and such are not inspiring enough to spark up shop talk. I do not follow the conspiracy theme much because it is often too hyped up by artist of sensationalism.


As of this morning I am gong to let it drift off into the unknown if no one is interested in the main theme. I had hoped a story would have emerged, but the donor who threw most of the light on topics gave up and threw an online tantrum. He/she is no more, as we know him/her.


I'll be Day Dreaming poetically, soon, hopefully. On the light side!

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you would like to know what it would be like to be the first Alien from outer space to visit and meet with those prepared for an Alien from Outer Space arrival on Earth; watch the documentary movie titled, "The Visit".


It has several people asking questions as though they were talking to the 1st Alien from Outer Space. Several specialist's who are getting paid to wait for an Alien from Outer Space to arrive.


"The Visit" is a documentory about what those people waiting to greet you, sorry, I mean, greet an Alien from Outer Space, would like to talk to you about, sorry, I mean, an Alien from Outer Space. The documentary lets you see first hand what is waiting to greet you, sorry, I mean an Alien from Outer Space, and what could happen, i.e., if you aren't like me and just like to explore new places and meet new people, who've got no preplanned designs about meeting an Alien from Outer Space.


Nor would they since the people we meet when we are traveling and want to find a good restaurant, nice RV park or resting place, do we seek to get invited to the community leaders offices to be, um. Well, watch the movie to see what none of us other kinds of people really don't think about, I mean, what to think about asking an Outer Space Alien before hand.


The visit has much more focus, almost made me feel like I was the alien they were talking too. And they had a lot more questions than the usual questions when we fill up the tank and pay inside, "Will that be everything?"


The Visit, Written and Directed by Michael Madsen.




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  • 3 weeks later...

Glub, glub, glub.


The page is sinking, the last position above the waters of oblivion nearly had it. I did all I could to give it one more helping hand here and now.


If you haven't got your fill of this pages information, say, text something! Then we can chat and maybe then Thor will plead guilty and seek forgiveness for his out of the blind pained shouting and bleating about every new game machine, video cards, tools and devices, shout his accusations at all of us who were doing our best to remain fiction unknowingly unconcerned if we ever got discovered for our writing of fiction, science fiction, video game role players, story line readers and writers.


If he promises to stick to selling products for Blacktreegaming.com, he might get a reprieve, and then he can have his conspiracy theories turned into an interesting Video Game.


My science fiction needs you to help me be a better writer and make oodles of bottle caps so I can rebuild Sanctuary to its pristine status once again. Buy a house, a new Electric powered car, get a really young lovely girl MBA student to help me sell my books, and live higher on the cartoon comic book clouds then Stan Lee.


If Thor seeks public humiliation and just keeps focusing on the plot and makes up a good story surrounding it with many layers of intriguing suspicions and archaeological research facts and then begin the story at the beginning and end when the mysterious signal, from the Pyramid being dug out by civilians, is studied.


Don't delay, if you have a life, just keep walking and do not look back. I would not want you to lose all those special family trimmings and holiday fun by becoming involved in a chance of a lifetime happening, that might take you away from all that security and the comforts of home.


Other wise, I'll be seeing you, in light of mystery, built upon facts written in fantasies that may have those hidden links in them to, "The Reality Zone".

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I thank all of those who viewed my post-apocalyptic stress sessions.


This thread began on a dream of a better home, a family, and a prosperous life with them and friends. These post were based upon Archaeological text I had read, my feeble attempts at exploring the Internet, and some that other members added on from their web surfing.

My first experiences with Archaeology were in a 101 course at the college I attended. Then my interest in the subject again began when I started to refurbish a house and discovered three different foundations, with three different style of concrete pourings, from three different eras all supporting the upper floor.


The oldest of the foundations I saw is made of raw flat stones with the earliest form of mortar made in a pot heated in a campfire. The second group of the foundation are called building block bricks which have two holes in a 12 inch long rectangular shape stacked on a, more modern, glazed concrete floor nearest to them. Which, imo, suggests someone used the older fashion stone style to heal a fallen down factory or the floor which has the modern glazed floor must extend further out from the house's foundation.


The third group of the foundation wall was concrete poured into a form next to the bricks, forming another newer way of building a foundation.


None of the joined parts, joined as they were, confused me, because I had seen how farm and ranch families had made due, like many people on a budget did, they made due with the materials closest to them, and the most abundantly free material they could find, to repair old buildings. I point out here; I had read about them from the stories written by great grand parents and my grand parents.


When I bought the old house and outbuilding my free time for video gaming was taken up by MORROWIND.


"Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark" was an old book I found. Which was fading from my memory until the Movie arrived in 1981, when I bought the run down house with its old out building 1999 was just around the corner. The closures and reopening of several forums occurred.


I was familiar with many modding group forums for MORROWIND as I struggled to become Internet literate. They eventually led me to this forums creator's previous web sites and to this one now, which I am texting on. I knew the former forums Mr. Scott held titles to in their infancy.


Thank you for all of your attentions.

I suspect the three or four views that have been occurring each day are bots because of, "no replies."


After today the only way this thread will rise again, is, if someone does reply, and, we find mutual interests to discuss.


Otherwise; it will not be known of by anyone who do not already have it in their, "Follow" settings.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

If you want to be my friend, lets get one thing straight between us. I want my man cave to be a luxury cave; not a outer space station, which does little more then show how well food grows in outer space.

I want a man cave floating in outer space above Saturn, just far enough from the woman cave so I have some privacy when she doesn't want me around either/or. :tongue:

The one floating over Earth isn't my kind of man cave. Looks more like a home built by Rich senile old men and women who want to pay their young to solve the Riddle of the Sphinx. I would rather be the Father of another family and have more children, from my genetic grandeur, descendants then China.

Star Ship Enterprise isn't going to happen in my lifetime, so a nicer man cave would be something I could live with.

Video puzzle games to keep my collection space neat and solvent all the time, sports video games to forge a better bad ass body then the Batman, Primal life video game to toughen up, so when I get ready to descend to Saturn I'll be prepared to do the science and be ready to be a beast trainer for all possible forms of life on Saturn, if their aren't any people to start Interouterspacial Commerce with, i.e., if there is life on Saturn; and ... and...

All the eTOYS!

Oooo! Yeah!

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What are you gardening for ,is it so others may see a well cultivated plot , or are things allowed to run wild , so an invisible man is required for pruning , no worries its neither here nor there , its just in the waiting.


Mine is the garden of sound , I hear its ripening with every new season of melody , even in times of discordance when the rain is a little too harsh , I just put on some headphones and tap my foot .


I wonder if the greys do the same , do they hum along to the same tunes and are just shining up their instruments waiting for the chorus line. They puzzle me.They certainly have eyes to see , just wondering bout the ears to hear , have never heard anything about ears , thats odd especially if they shiniing up those instruments . Oh well , tap tap tap. Communication recieved.


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I want to solve, I already know what happens when I finish and have solved the problem. It always seems like an adventure when I am doing the solving of a problem.


Next problem.


I have got to wake all the way and find some food to add to the water inside me.


Thanks for the MUSIC! :D

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I had a lot of dream views before I awakened this morning, at 5:00 AM. All sorts of people pondering life and doing chores were in those views. It was like being somewhere I was familiar with, only not so recently. The last thing I recall before waking up was that I saw a nurse give my dream sleep vision, imagined self, an injection which left a dot on my arm that made me uncomfortable.


Yeah! That's a definite way to end a pleasant dream.


5:00 AM?! What did I forget?


I'm ready for this kind of wakefulness now!


I've downloaded Quantum Break!


And I am going to play it this coming April.

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