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From Day Dreams of a Spaced Out old Man comes


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SpaceX had another rocket launch and the main rocket returned giving the team 3 successful landings.


My agenda is clear. All I have to do today is stand up and enjoy the wilderness scenery of my property in among the golf course putting green community who don't play golf.






Instead; I think I will play a video game. I'll let the green meadow plants, meadow grass, and small creatures living in it have a full day without me getting out the electric lawn trimmer and weed whacker to knock down their homes.


If there be fairies in among the greenway overgrowth they'll have a day to enjoy the memories of the wilderness the way it used to be.



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It would seem strange to me if the fact arose that your book is owned by you and you alone, and, is to your knowledge the only copy you've ever seen.

I began this topic long ago, because I loaned a book out, and have never seen it since.

I tried to find out who the person I loaned it to loaned it to.

With the Internet I have the World at my fingertips and it seems, as I get older, that it was one one of those chance finds.

You might think finding it might lead to GOLD! FAME AND FORTUNE! It might.

I also would not mind finding another Archaeological discovery from an old book telling a story believed to be an old myth. You know, then get some help digging it up. I would prefer not to have to go through all that the character in the books about the rogue Professor Jones did.

Professor Jones went a hunting after being told by a gov group they heard of an enemy looking for the Lost Ark. In real life it would have taken a lot longer than it did in the movie. In the movie the Lost Ark wasn't lost for long.

The movie about Indiana Jones and that Ark was a good example of the times. If they had really found that Ark I think it would be too bad if it got locked away in some government warehouse. Once that happens the item won't be available until thousands of years passed, so another seeker of buried history, and mysterious devices finds the warehouse under tons of earth and dust.

I'm writing to direct you to the idea, that I think someone missed a few items when the real Archaeologists were digging up famous artifacts. I'm thinking the new era of Archeologists are not as diehard as those who practiced from 1800-1945 Archaeologists were.

The old Archaeologists would seek out the artifacts of old myths. I got the idea they were so tough they would hunt for the artifacts until they were on the brink of starvation, even dehydration. All for the lack of funding, because they knew that a find with such a history would make them famous, assuring them a life in the sweet and wealthy class.

They only needed ONE artifact to prove they were chasing real symbols of the amazing recordings in books, we sometimes take to be, like a child's comic book without pictures, in this day and age.

Me?! I ponder whether or not to make good on a commitment. I want to share with others who are striving so hard to aide you, and me, in having fun and finding a path with video games in mind.

Now lets just say you were to become aware of an old book. You know. One you've read.

You read it, it's still in your family collection, and occasionally it seems like a good book to read again.

Maybe it's an odd coincidence that none of your friends ever mentioned that they've read it?

Maybe you never shared the fact you've read it?

Maybe you've kept it to your library, in your heart, and treasured it just because when you were young it always reminded you of a wonderful experience?

The experience I suggest is that, "One or both of your parents read it to you".

Today you may find my words while seeking interesting stuff to read. What started me thinking about this is because I recalled that I had a book once.

I haven't seen it since I gave it to my Mom. It literally vanished from her possession and her memory.

I remember it. I keep seeking it when I occasion another jumbled pile of books.

I hope to find another copy, or the copy I had again, someday. When I do I'll probably have traced it through to the 1st person my Mom shared it with from the last person that stuck it on a shelf in their collection. When and if I do ever find it; I'll be just as amazed as an Archaeologist would be at finding a real Artifact!

Now if your book were such as that one was, that book you love to read occasionally, it might be such a book as no one else has read in many years.

For you; I'm offering you a possible lead here.

You might discover in your book a few sentences with scribbles or meaningful marks you've never paid much attention to. Clip notes.

Or you attention may be drawn to that old book in your dream sleep.

Strengthened each time you are asleep and dreaming. Maybe it is for the love of those who read the book to you, you seek. Or it could be an uncanny quest in your mind causing you to quest and seek answers to a question.

That book of yours may have strings attached to it, to more than just the reading and fond memories of them that read it to you.

If you've never shared your book with anyone outside your family; wouldn't it be a marvelous experience to find someone who has read the same book as you?

It would seem strange to me if the fact arose that your book is owned by you and you alone, and, is to your knowledge the only copy you've ever seen.

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The swirling lights and the film that blurs my eyes. Oh! God! I am dying. :ohmy:


Oh! Wait! :mellow: That is just another doctors opinion; whose replaced my old doctor. My old doctor used to be a military recruit doctor. Cough. Again. Say Ah, kind of guy.


The new doctor looked at the computer on her desk. Didn't even examine me; with all the modern outer space age devices at her disposal. I noted that she seemed certain that what was declared on the computer was up to date.


I had not seen the last doctor, a male, for 3 years. I saw another guy doctor 3 years before him that used to be a heavy metal band member. Nope! No hit songs, not even a one hit wonder.


I only went in to see the new doctor for the routine General check up and make sure I got acquainted. I barely know her. She definitely looked like she has seen a few close calls.


I'll probably out live her too! :happy:

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Fallout 4 should have another DLC after Nukaworld.


Something like finding a rocketship at a broken down old theme park, a rocket ship big as an Ark, load it up with stock, animals two by two, and sail it to another planet so we can start anew. Name the planet something cool like, "Musk Planet".


Make it an Online multi-player Game, so all of Fallout 4 fans can eat a lot of Cram, and join the landing party when all the ships reach Musk Planet.


Now I am going to go get something to eat. I think I will open a can of beans with a little bacon bite all cured in Maple syrup.

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Why don't the people from Google, Yahoo, Bing, and Facebook titles that appear in the names list post about what they are doing here?


In fact: what are Google, Yahoo, Bing, and Facebook doing in the names list? I placed the mouse arrow over their titles, and nothing happens?


I copied the list up to Bing to show their presence, and only to Bing, because Facebook is Way down the list.


Pagafyr, silant, raleglouglou, shyguyz72, Google, Trigonn, Schwuchow123, Yahoo?, billyro, Bing, Facebook???

Spacey question?

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