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Moon base mod


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Perhaps it could be called The Church Of Divine Starlight or something like that and the lunar settlement could have grown around the church until it became a thriving lunar city itself. The Hive Brain could make miracles happen through a number of means, a combination of sedative and hallucinogenic gas or drugged holy wine to give the followers a tranquil feeling and to allow the followers to see a group miracle/hallucination of it's divine ( holographic ) powers, seismic plates under the city could be activated through hydraulic sensors to make the city tremble when the holy/divine prophet is angry. that sort of thing.

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I been checking out some 3d models on the Renderosity Marketplace and TurboSquid for anything that could be used for the mod and there is a whole whack of awesome stuff but to expensive for my blood although there were a few good freebie models that would work out. But I still think SpeedyB64's resource pack would be a great addition to the mod.

you can look at the 3D wherehouse for google sketch up they have a $hi# ton of stuff that could be used for this. there is even a mod that shows you have to convert the models to nifs and all the models on it are free. that i know of anyway

Edited by lordzues40
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I can make models for it to if need be, but I haven't learned how to texture yet and it would have to be rigged to the Fallout: NV character rig.


This one could be used as a Military space suit of some kind


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  • 2 weeks later...
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So I've been doing some reading into Fallout 3 lore and I think I read somewhere that the aliens that crashed in New Mexico back in the 1940's were actually alien Abominations aboard the alien mothership from Fallout 3 and the crashed U.F.O. was one of their Fighter/Scout ships in the hanger bay. I think they were called Roswell Grays because the 2 that died upon impact turned a grayish color and the one that survived and later died a couple of weeks later also turned a grayish color. Anyway when the second mothership got destroyed in Fallout 3 it's possible that the main drive of the mothership was actually a time displacement drive that allowed them to travel back to the past to abduct humans and when the second mothership was destroyed one of the Fighter/Scout ships got sent back to 1940's creating a time paradox/time loop that could have also been responsible for the crashed alien ship in the Mojave as well. Now since the one ship got sent back to the 1940's the Government would have had decades to move the crashed ship from the 1940's to the Groom lake/Area 51 research facility for study so if discovered by the NCR or Enclave Remnants parts for the 1940's ship could be found in the crashed alien ship in the Mojave. That is one way to get to the Moon and perhaps be lore friendly as well, mind you the whole time displacement drive is just a theory since it is never completely explained in great detail as too whether they have been visiting Earth for centuries or just had the ability to time travel.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay brace yourselves this is a biggie!



Moonbase Mod – Pt-1 'Old Nevada Moon'

Courier 6, crossing the wasteland on routine mission. The NCR emergency radio begins bleeping

'urgent coded transmission for courier-six. can only be unscrambled by biometric personal data device, message repeats... '

(( reading pip-boy/data/new message shuts off radio and adds new quest))

Message reads 'NCR/OSI has discovered unprecedented potential threat, far beyond that posed by Caesar's legion. Please make for the OSI office at Camp McCarren at all speed and speak to Dr Snow'

((C-6 entering McCarren Terminal is approached by Dr Snow and assistants))

'You must be the famous Courier Six, thank you for responding. The first thing you need to know is this whole situation is highly classified for reasons that will become clear and it's been decided at the highest levels that we cannot allow this to get out. The situation is possibly the greatest threat to mankind since the last war. Even your Hopeville... adventure.. didn't pose as grave a danger (Looks at C-6) of course we know all about it, we are the government. Tell me, what do you know about the pre-war space program and the lunar base?

[Player response based on science stat:

1-Never heard of it

2- Wasn't it some kind of military research base

3- It was a biological research facility managed by the most advanced computers ever built

Dr Snow responds according to answer]

[Dr Snow] The lunar base didn't only experiment on the most lethal and contagious pathogens but it's computer systems were also considered at the time to be potentially exceedingly dangerous. Because of the nature of the work on the pathogens and the high risk of mutation on the moon the computer had to be able to 'learn' in order to be able to defend against the potential risks. They couldn't simply program the computer because the hazards of the research were evolving, were intended to evolve, so the computer system had to evolve as well. To that end they 'grew' a true 'artificial intelligence', a machine consciousness with self awareness and motivated by the wish to understand. The scientists at the time considered this to be almost as dangerous to the then extensive computer networks on earth as the pathogens were to humans so the A.I. was surrounded by a technology they called black-ice-firewalls which they, quite correctly, calculated the A.I. would need centuries to penetrate in order to communicate with earth. Unfortunately those centuries have elapsed and we have begun detecting signals that can only be communications from the A.I. Which is where things become even stranger because this machine is claiming that there are living human survivors or possibly their descendants, alive, on the moon!'

[player response based on medicine stat]

1- that's impossible

2- they could be ghouls

3- perhaps their research mutated into some anti-agaric bio-tech that has kept them alive

[Dr Snow] Or possibly they had cold-sleep technology that was developed by the military at the time and kept secret. However the communications from this.. machine.. are proving difficult to understand and it's been decided that our policy is to 'play possum' until we understand more and not respond or reply to the messages.

[Player response] difficult to understand how?

[Dr Snow] Difficult because the messages sound more as if they originate from some crackpot religious guru than a military defense computer. They have verifiable identification codes and the protocols are flawless but the content... We really cannot make head nor tail of it. To be blunt the thing sounds as if it's out of it's electronic mind! Which is even more disturbing as regards what it may do next. To this end we have established communication with an organization called The Institute in a place called the Commonwealth on the east coast. They are the the decedents of the people who built the original A.I. and who have records. So far they have been co-appropriative and helpful but we know almost as little about them as we do about this blasted machine they were responsible for making so we cannot trust their motives and therefore their input is suspect.'

[player response]

1- sounds like you've got some big problems, don't worry I know how to keep my mouth shut but good luck 'cos this s#*! is way too weird for me.

2- so how can I help

3- If you want me to trek to the east coast you'd better have a hell of a fee ready

[Dr Snow r-3] No, no, no, we don't want you to go to the east coast... We want you to go to the moon.

[Player response]

1- this is me backing towards the door, make some sudden moves if you want to see me drawing a weapon you f**king loonies!

2- and you think the 250 year old A.I. sounds crazy, how the hell are you going to get me to the moon?

[Dr Snow r-3] Well thats a problem, yes we have some old shuttle technology that we are trying to get running but firstly it will take quite some time and second there is little chance we could do that without the A.I. observing the preparations and no chance of launching without it noticing the thermal bloom.. it is a defense system... so sending a shuttle full of combat troops may.. er.. alarm it and cause it to react. And a possibly demented artificial intelligence that's spent the last 250 years chipping it's way out of it's constraints. That is sat on top of God knows how much brand new bio-weapons and has, it claims, an unknown quantity of human hostages... Is not something we wish to provoke. Nevertheless we must do something, these Institute people now know of it's existence and may begin to communicate without our knowledge any time.

If it receives no response from it's original (JPL) ground control it may try beaming messages to somewhere like the Repcon facilities and the last thing we want is Mr House to be involved. Our best computer people are working round the clock on understanding the A.I's messages, the people and resources necessary for the shuttle option are being quietly sought out and no other options are being ruled out. Which is why we want you to go to this location and check these reports of a flying saucer. If there is anything to discover get control of it, steal it, hijack it or do whatever you think necessary, If you kill the crew you will have to learn to fly it or find someone to fly it and if it's damaged then recruit anyone who can help you get it moving.

In short you are one of the 'outside chances' we are obliged to try. Dr Blanca here will modify your enclave eyebot so as to provide a communications link to OSI headquarters and we will provide any technical support we can. On top of that Col white here will be on hand should you need NCR military support here on earth. Courier Six we need you to find this flying saucer, get control of it and go to the moon. Once there access the threat of this A.I. and report to us. Questions?

[Player response]

1- You do know that couriers are paid by the mile don't you?

2- Hell yes, this sounds a blast!

Agreement concludes the first part. Too wordy I know but there are a lot of ideas to set up here and begins Pt-2 'Fly Me To The Moon'


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The courier will get to the crashed flying saucer from Wild Wasteland and kill the crew. Then persuade Chris Havasham to trek over there and fix it while Daisy Whitman 'trains' you to fly, all of which can be as complex and sub-quest as necessary (such as getting a space suit). Eventually the courier is able to take off and arrive at the lunar base where the real fun begins (end Pt-2 and begins 'Blue Moon').

There are humans moving around the base but they only respond by speaking long strings of numbers and attacking any of them turns the whole base, drones, defenses against the courier (and they are formidable). At which point he can try to overcome them or retire and shout for the NCR reinforcements. But first the A.I disables Ed-E and as a nasty little easter egg calling for help will be the last time his Pip-boy can be used as the A.I. will take control of it (anyone here tried playing without the Pip-boy? It's just about doable if you have it well set up but harder than hardcore) from then on all he can do with the Pip-boy is communicate with the A.I.

If the courier does not act aggressively he can walk (without Ed-E) into the base hampered only by (non-lethal) puzzle doors – which turn out to be tests the A.I. has constructed as soon as it detected visitors – for the purpose of evaluating their intelligence. Further there are areas of the base where control was lost during the emergency and the A.I./Emergents decided were not worth recovering or making safe, in these (unmarked) no-go areas the drones and defense systems are hostile.

The A.I (which calls itself Mnemosyne) will be trying to persuade the courier that things are not as they seem. That in the early years of isolation there was a emergency during which it was forced to connect directly with the base personnel's implants in order to save their lives. Once linked, it claims, they discovered that permanently connected humans massively enhanced Mnemosyne and gave the humans direct control over their biological processes such as aging. All of which represents the next step in evolution. If the courier wishes to verify this, one of the personnel (who since refer to themselves as 'Emergents') will volunteer to break their implant neural link to the core and be able to physically respond to questions. But doing so will end his/her tight control over his biology and cause their physical death and consequent substantial loss of reputation.

In dialog the Emergent will express disappointment with the courier's skepticism and reveals they are in communication with 'The Institute' who it says have no trouble accepting the Mnemosyne's claims and are preparing a facility on earth to receive the shared consciousness (so you've just upped the ante there!)

Further communicating with Mnemosyne next reveals the presence of an interstellar probe leaving the solar system. Launched hundreds of years ago the probe's memory banks and processors could receive and accommodate the consciousnesses of Mnemosyne and all the emergents if the lunar communication systems were improved. This would remove the problem if true and vastly increase the danger of Mnemosyne infiltrating earth systems if false. The courier needs ED-E re-enabled to achieve any of the available options which is when Mnemosyne discovers the thermonuclear device that has been concealed in ED-E and can be remotely detonated by the OSI.

Options at this point:

Destroy Mnemosyne which will kill all the Emergents as well.

-This means; getting to and destroying the node that is disabling ED-E then signaling the inbound NCR shuttle. Then with the troopers, penetrating the main core and blowing the whole thing.

-Ends with the usual hero of the NCR stuff.

Persuade Mnemosyne not to take The Institutes offer but and help them increase the lunar comms and leave the solar system forever.

-This means; Leading the emergents in assaulting a lunar no-go area to enhance systems (which gives Mnemosyne the power to jam the OSI's detonation signal).

-Ends, hero of the NCR plus some optimization tricks from grateful departed emergents.

Persuade Mnemosyne and the NCR that returning the moon to isolation is the best (in the hope humanity will mature beyond it's fear of the unknown)

-This means; Persuade Mnemosyne to increase your computing skills in order to disarm ED-E's bomb then lead a drone force into a lunar no-go area to destroy comms gear and bio labs.

-Ending in some optimization trick from emergents, some ED-E improvements from Mnemosyne and grudging thanks from NCR.

Embrace the Emergents outlook, help Mnemosyne migrate to The Institutes's facility and basically invade earth.

-This means penetrating a lunar no-go area to repair a system or two

-Ends with returning to earth with huge loss of NCR rep but ED-E, VATS and Computers skills maxed out.

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Say that's pretty good, I like the whole idea about " The Institute " being involved since according to the rumors Fallout 4: The Institute is going to take place in Boston. I was also thinking regardless of the choices the Courier should be able to scavenge enough data from the terminals to get a few cybernetic enhancements from the Auto-Doc from Big Mountains sink AI. <--( With a high enough Science check of course. )

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