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Beginners guide to modding


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You are wasting your time trying to fix those purple saves, purple is the BEST color a save can be. The order of a bad or good save is as follows from worst to best: Red-Orange-Green-Purple.


1) Check your load order in TES5Edit and make sure none of your secondary files are being loaded before your Primary files. That is one thing that can cause your kind of CTD's.


2) MANUALLY check your load order for the same problem as above, no program is 100 %. I myself have to fix my load order even after using all 3 programs in my guide.


3) check each and every mods description page and make sure there are no mod conflicts - I know for a fact Alternate Start and Helgen Reborn will clash


If these 3 steps fail to solve the problem then it is DEFINITELY a mod conflict with another mod

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the guide Grom! I'm so happier now that I know the awesome potential that Wyre Bash and TES5Edit have!


For anyone else reading, these 2 programs are undeniably essential to making your game, uh, not crapping out on you. Definitely praise the sun for this man's in-depth guide on how to work these programs. Before this guide, I barely touched them other than LOOT for my load order, now its my bread and butter.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you so much for this guide, I have recently become addicted to mods, and well yeah my game started CTD non stop, i have read tons of info online, but was never savi enough to know how you guys do all of this stuff, until i came across your post, so glad this site has such experienced and helpful members.

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This guide is great, I started modding my game without knowing much about it. Just tended to do what was said in the description of the mod. Then I started to CTD so I found out about TES5Edit and Boss/Loot. Only in this post did I find out about Wrye! Now everything in Wrye AND Boss is green! Love it!

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