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New premium member feature - notifications


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It is with great pleasure that I am releasing a new Premium Member only feature for all current and future Premium Members of the Nexus sites. The new feature, labelled "Notifications", is similar to the sort of notifications you might receive on social networking sites such as Facebook.


Located on the top bar when logged in the notification icon will tell you if you have any new notifications by turning red and will tell you how many notifications you have. Clicking the notification icon will produce a pop-up area and display the new notifications for you to browse.



Click to see the notifications in action


At this time you'll receive notifications for three different events:


  • If someone comments on or endorses one of your uploaded files via one of the Nexus sites
  • If one of your tracked files has a new file uploaded to it. You won't be notified of anything other than new file uploads for the files you're tracking
  • If a news article is posted on the site


Your new notifications are cleared once you've viewed them and afterwards the notification window will show the 5 latest items from each list.


While annoying that this feature is limited to only Premium Members it is a resource intensive feature and the servers wouldn't be able to cope with every member having this feature. Unfortunately I don't have my own data centre and server farm to process everyone's notifications! I am however glad that I can give a new feature to the members who help towards the massive server bill the network racks up. If you are interested in donating to the site and becoming a Premium Member take a look at the premium membership information page.


Please report any errors or oddities to me in the Feedback section of the forums for me to take a look at.


I hope the Premium Members like this new feature and I'll look in to adding more notifications for different events over time such as comments on Image Share uploads.

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Fantastic feature. Great way to find out about it too, when it notified me about it's own news article.
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