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My beliefs are some what the same, but i am more open, but i am how would you i have a very logical mind, and hard to be convince that things like magic exist. I do believe ghosts exist, but more in a scientific thought process, especially the things i have witnessed that could not be explained in reality.


There is a scientific way to think about ghosts, but even the scientists opted out of the fact they even exist. I have again witnessed to many strange things in my life that to not believe in ghosts would to be hard not to :pinch: , they seriously need to study the possible existences though, even if they are skeptics..


it just boggles my mind


I'm hoping quantum physics will shed some light on the subject one day though .

Edited by Thor.
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I've never had any paranormal or supernatural experiences worth remembering, personally. But I'm always fascinated to hear about who have. Same goes for stories about cryptids and such - not 100% sure I believe in them, but love hearing the stories.


There's something about ghost stories that I think humans in general find compelling. Every culture in history has stories and legends of spirits, phantoms, ghosts, etc. Maybe it's the adrenaline rush, and that tingling in your spine. But why does that happen? Why do we as a culture have such a reaction to such stories? What is it about them that we find so fascinating? Some say it's just a morbid fixation on death, but I think it's more than that - it's a way of defining the undefinable. It allows us to pretend to understand the one thing in our lives that we understand the least.

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I got a bit of a fright on Saturday. I usually do some light shopping in my village on Saturdays, walking the 2 mile round trip to try to stave off my ever increasing waistline.

At about 12:30 in the afternoon, I was on the way back home, it was a bright, warmish day. The path I was on runs between a school and some houses. The school on my left is surrounded by both a 6 foot steel fence and a hedge, and, on this particular stretch there's no gap.

To reach the houses you have to go up their own paths, probably about 8-10 strides to their front doors. A man was coming toward me, wearing short trousers, flip-flops and a t-shirt, like he thought it was still summer.

We got to about 20 feet apart and, as we approached each other, I glanced down at something on the floor. It turned out to be nothing and I looked up again. We're talking about less than a second here. Naturally, he was gone.


My heart gave a bit of a lurch and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I looked around to see where he was. I walked to where I'd seen him last and examined the fence/hedge to see if there was any way through. There wasn't.


I felt a bit foolish standing there looking around, but I don't know what happened. There simply wasn't enough time for him to go anywhere, plus I'd of heard him if he had tried to climb the fence(which looked just about impossible due to the hedge interweaving it, or if he'd suddenly run up a path to a house, as well as the fact that both of those things would take considerably longer than my quick downward glance.


I'm sure there's a logical explanation, but it left me feeling a bit weird anyway.

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I had an odd experience about a month ago, I was on the PC in bedroom at about 1am (ish) and I saw a figure walk past the door headed for the bathroom. Briefly I assumed it was the other half until it dawned on me she was in the bed behind me, thinking the worse I grabbed a large glass ashtray which I intended to greet the burglars head with only to find no one there only an intense cold, this on a sticky warm night.


I often get the feeling someone is there when they aren't, when that happens the cats also appear to looking at something I can't see.

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It's funny how ghosts can walk through walls and move about as if they are oblivious to our world, yet they still use our floor/ground level, stairs, buildings regardless of what new structures have been erected or earth which has been dug up and concreted - stories like a ghost in old clothes appearing in a newly built hospital.


Derren Brown can shed some light on the subject for you guys:



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I actually think ghost are alternate universes bumping up against ours. Of course I may be wrong but it seemed logical to me at some a.m. hour one night. :smile:


Maybe what we're seeing is the past, people may appear to be walking through a wall when in fact the wall wasn't there in their time, that sort of thing.

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I've got it!


Ghosts are people trapped here when they tried to cross to the other side by.....

da da dee da: http://i.imgur.com/vRlE7ZY.jpg

Or this is the result of the mind when trying to mentally process a strange occurrence...http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/33698212.jpg

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